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Commodore's Log; Stardate 63801.6

Posted on Tue Apr 19th, 2011 @ 5:03pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Commodore's Log; Stardate 63801.6

We have recently been set upon by several Romulan vessels here in the Gavarian Corridor. It would appear that they are the ones responsible for the recent rash of ship attacks throughout this part of space. Thanks to this area of space being unclaimed territory, there is no Treaty, no Neutral Zone separating us from them. There is no recourse for the attack politically, just as much as there will be no recourse for the Romulan government when we manage to find those bastards...

[Audible sigh]

Sadly, their assault on this ship has taken from us twenty-two people... most of them were young, all of them had full lives and careers ahead of them. As much as I hate to say it, the ones that were found alive will most likely not make it through the next twelve hours... even less if their injuries are grave enough. While I have every confidence in my medical team, I do not have any confidence in their rescue being timely enough. It took hours to find them all, hours those people didn't have to spare.

[Audible slamming noise]

I really hate this job sometimes... I've written so many letters to families that I can't even begin to remember them all anymore. I use to pride myself on not forgetting the fallen who served with me... for me... but I'm getting too old now. Best I can do is break out the PADD I keep them all in, try to remember them... But I just don't know this crew like I knew some of the others. Too many people have changed over since I took command. So many new faces, so many stories I'll never hear now...

[Long silence]

I've ordered our diplomat to make contact with anyone he can to find out who these bastards might belong to. Even if I'll never get the chance to go after them, I at least want to know who I need to contact when those bastards are dead and gone under the heel of my boot. No consolation for the dead, I suppose, but it will boost morale. That's nothing to snub your nose about... Perhaps when this is all over, I'll gather everyone up and we'll all go drinking or something... Maybe that will dull the pain just long enough for me to get over this...

[Log abruptly ends]


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