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Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2011 @ 3:45pm by Lieutenant JG Miomar Barr

Miomar dressed while running down a list of things he wanted to personally check in Engineering. He also tried to anticipate what the Chief was going to want him to do, and what could be assigned to others in Engineering.
He was still trying to get a handle on Chief Drixx; he had never encountered a shapeshifter before and didn't know how to take someone who could be anyone or any animal. Shaking his head, he finished dressing and headed for Engineering.
As he waited on the lift, his mind went back to the events in the lounge. To see Major DeVries in such an inebriated state when the entire ship was in a buzz wasn't a good thing. It had to be bad thing to get the Chief of Security so drunk.
He temporarily put it to the back of his mind and thought about the other Security woman, Lieutenant Lischka. She was a looker and he had to wonder when Star Fleet started recruiting eye candy. He hoped to get a chance to talk to her again, but he had other things to think about as the lift opened and he stepped into Engineering.


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