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Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2011 @ 4:39pm by Lieutenant JG Thomas Beliard

"Personal log, Thomas Beliard, Lieutenant junior grade, Assistant Chief science officer.It's been about 3 years since i last walked the decks of a star ship. I forgot how much I missed the feeling. These newer ships just don't have the same hum through the hull of the engine, but i can always go to engineering for that. It' really is nice to be aboard a ship again. my sister never understood why I loved it. We were both born on the Oklahoma. I loved it there, she didn't. It was home to me. But not for her. Now, after 3 years at UP, I'm on a ship again. I get to look out the viewports and see space as it breezes by at warp speed. I get to see new planets, and study them. I get to expand my horizons. Hopefully I can prove my worth as an officer in Starfleet and not just as a scientist. i guess the future will tell... End personal log."


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