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Captain's Log; Stardate 63586.8

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2011 @ 4:32pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Captain's Log, Stardate 63586.8...

Much as I am loathe to do these, I think now is as good a time as any to lay out what has been happening in the month since I took command of this vessel. First and foremost, I hate Tuesdays... let's just get that out of the damn way right now. My ship has suffered for lack of foresight by the upper echelons when it comes to manning. Half my command staff and indeed a good percentage of my ship were waiting for me on a planet that was, for all intents and purposes, supposed to be quarantined. How's that for a confidence booster in the readiness of your crew? So... Cut to our arrival to the Braken system... we have a transport that was his by pirates, a planet just oozing illness from every pore, and one Tactical Cruiser to save them all... I feel like a damn Hobbit with an infernal ring... I'm just not sure I'm overly keen on this whole Mount Doom business...

So, now we fast forward to this morning. I've called a staff meeting and I've left a good portion of my crew on the surface of the planet to figure out the virus while we wrangle pirates. I'm left with half a contingent of Security, I'm missing some Operations people, several pilots, almost all of my Science department, and about half the Medical department. Being that Intelligence is only sending one man down, I think we can manage there but otherwise, we're treading on thin ice if things get sticky. Perhaps when this is all said and done, I'll see about sending some of the departments to the others for some cross training so we won't be so short handed in the even I have to split the crew again. Food for thought I reckon...

So... this is where we find ourselves... [audible sigh] I need a damn nap...

[End of Log]


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