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Mortal Coil

Posted on Wed Mar 2nd, 2011 @ 11:26am by Lieutenant Kiyraesyn Valdor
Edited on Wed Mar 2nd, 2011 @ 12:19pm

"Chief Medical Officer's Log, Stardate: Unimportant.

I'm not sure where to begin. I never truly am. All I can say this evening is how glad I am that the Braken mission is over, and that I am finally able to return to the safe haven which are my quarters and wife. I regret my chronic absences, but I know she understands. Eridani is perhaps the most patient and compassionate person I have ever known, certainly the most loving.

The virus we encountered, I recall a similar contagion which was introduced to a small population and subsequently spread throughout nearly a third of the gamma quadrant more than a hundred and fifty years ago. Although it was specifically engineered and unique to Romulus, it is similar to the Phage, except in that it eats the host from the inside out, something akin to the old earth disease leprosy, only in reverse, and alike the human immunodeficiency virus-HIV-but with a much more virulent modulating inhibitor, which makes both treatment and cure unlikely. The lives lost to this virus have been far too many, but I am glad we were able to lend ourselves to assist where we could.

I am also glad to have some time off to recuperate after all of this. I know Eridani is most pleased with the opportunity to venture off-ship together as a couple, so that we may reconnect. I dread the idea that I have begun to display a certain type of in which I stray from her, distancing myself from her and sequestering myself in my work duties, and then when it's all over, I come back to her and must find a way to make it up to her...until the cycle starts all over again.

I'm not proud of this behaviour, but I'm afraid it's not something I can do much about. I only hope that her patience is as unconditional as her love. I don't know what I would do, or even who I would be without her. Eden Beach bound are we, and I look forward to it immensely.

End log."


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