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A Shift in Time

Posted on Fri Mar 4th, 2011 @ 2:14pm by Lieutenant Serran

Assistant Chief Medical Officer's Personal Log
Stardate: 63675.9

I am, once again, concerned with my adjustment to a new situation. Though I am quite aware of what my career in Starfleet could entail, I must admit the recent changes were...unexpected. My change of assignment and position from the USS Bozeman to Deep Space 14 was an expected one. I had a sufficient amount of time to prepare myself and my family for the changes the new duty assignment would entail. The arrival of my family and I at Deep Space 14 was period three years in the making and we were...satisfied with the results of the transfer. However, we were never fully situated in our new environment when I was abruptly reassigned to the USS Arizona.

The reasons given to me were sufficient, at the time. The Arizona was understaffed at the time of its maiden launch and was in need of experienced personnel following its first mission. Starfleet felt my extensive service with the USS Bozeman would be of an asset to the crew of the Arizona, a fact I cannot dispute. My shift from Chief Medical Officer on Deep Space 14 to Assistant Chief Medical Officer on the Arizona was, and is, a non-factor as I have no premeditated designs on commanding a medical department or facility. I will perform my duties as always and as Starfleet sees fit.

I do, however, have some...apprehensions - for lack of a better term - on serving on a fleet vessel without my wife and child aboard. That luxury had been afforded me serving on Deep Space 14. I was not as fortunate with my service time on the USS Bozeman. My first official cruise with the Bozeman, in which we were trapped in an anomaly for 90 years, ultimately resulted in the loss of my family life. My first wife, T'Sen and my daughter, T'Sola, had aged and moved on with their lives as they had believed me dead. I cannot fault them for their logic but the physical and emotional toll it had on me at the time were tremendous.

I credit my current wife, Suliah, for greatly assisting in my healing process. And our son, N'Reth, has allowed me to reclaim - at some level - the life I had so abruptly lost before. And though I am aware my thought processes are illogical on some level - and I do admit that the incident with the Bozeman has left me somewhat more emotional than before - my duties here with the Arizona are being performed with no small sense of...trepidation, that history could repeat once more.

End of log.


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