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DS 10 - The New Assignment

Posted on Tue Mar 29th, 2011 @ 7:43am by

Ensign Shenk checked his PaDD as he walked down the hall to the cramped quarters that had been assigned as his 'office' - it was more like a glorified broom closet that had never been complete. Blinking, he saw that he was being assigned to the U.S.S. Arizona and punched the proper query into his PaDD on the StarFleet vessel and their known missions. He smiled as he mused over "unknown" missions - his job in Security Investigations had tended to make him wonder exactly how much was going on that wasn't authorized. '
Perusing the statistics for the ship, Marc was impressed; it was when he came across the name of Major Anastasia DeVries that he felt a chill crawl up his spine. Even after having just spent four years onboard the U.S.S. Victory, he had heard the name. She was a tough-as-nails-no-BS Security Chief who had served under Lieutenant Colonel Geoff Sahr as a Assistant Squad Leader. She was also listed as having been instrumental in saving a number of crew members in the middle of a ship wide panic, but the record ended there. The rest of her service record was exemplary. He made a note to himself to see exactly how she was when he officially took his place aboard the U.S.S. Arizona.
Ending the search record on the U.S.S. Arizona, he was impressed with the majority of the crew and decided that he may like his new posting. He hoped to put his hard earned and learned skills to good use, especially considering that the U.S.S. Arizona was headed to DS 10. Going back to his quarters, he packed a few meager belongings leaving out only what he would need for the next few days, then went to complete his work for the rest of his shift after making a few requisitions for what he thought he would need.


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