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Checking In

Posted on Fri Jan 7th, 2011 @ 4:21pm by 1st Lieutenant Mike North & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries
Edited on on Sat Jan 8th, 2011 @ 8:36am

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: USS Arizona
Timeline: Four hours prior to briefing

First Lieutenant Michael 'Mike' North made his way up the gangplank, dressed in combat books, denim pants and a faded t-shirt for the Rally Point bar in San Francisco. He looked a bit scuzzy; he had about a weeks worth of facial hair, his hair had grown out and no longer conformed to marine grooming standards, and tiny bits of camo paint still clung to the corners of his nose and some of the crevices of his ears. He wore a marine rucksack, modified with extra pouches, on his back and had a duffel in one hand and a hard black plastic weapons case in the other. Mike was tired, it had been about thirty hours since he'd last slept; if it wasn't one thing it was another. They'd pulled him straight off the shuttle returning from his op and informed him of his transfer. he'd had just enough time to take a quick shower (much shorter than he deserved) and pack a few of his belongings, the rest would follow in a personal effects shipment. Since then, he'd spent his free time writting his AAR and filing the other assorted paperwork required to turn over the clean-up from his operation to someone else. Atleast he'd been able to get a half-way decent meal aboard the shuttle.

He was looking forward to racking out hard in his quarters, but he knew there was a laundry list of things he had to do first. He muttered something about it under his breath as he set down the duffel and presented his indentification to the sentry at the hatch.

"Did you say something sir?"

".....No. Just run my credentials and let me on board."

"Yes sir. If you have weapons, they need to be checked with security." the man said, glancing at his weapon case.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get right on that." he said, scratching his short beard.
"Are we done here?"

"Yes sir. Carry on."

Mike muttered something again and headed off, working his way to the security office. He keyed the door and entered.

"Hey maj, I'm First Lieutenant North. Or Mike. I got a couple of things I gotta stash in your armsroom." the unkempt man said, setting down his duffel and holding out a hand.

Looking up from the PaDD she had been reading over, Stace S. DeVries locked her gaze upon the man before her. Newcomers. She was beginning to wonder when any of them would show up. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant," she retorted as she reached out her own hand and took his. "Not many people come by to stash hot goods... but the more the merrier I say. Feel free to dump off what you got and inventory yourself in the logs so that no one else walks off with your toys."

He took her hand in a strong, firm grip.

"Well, most cap'ns don't like their crewmembers wanderin' around with longarms during duty hours. I got a hand receipt for you to sign saying that I've turned the weapons over to you, and I've got a memorandum allowing me free and unrestricted carry of a sidearm." he said as he set down the case and opened it.

"If you wanna check serial numbers against the items before you sign, go for it.

A modified phaser carbine, a Type-2F hand phaser, and a non-standard, supressed kinetic pistol sat in protective foam inside the case. Mike reached under the hem of his shirt and pulled out a Type-1F phaser he used for concealed carry.

"I'm gonna be usin' the Type-2 for a duty weapon, but I assume you need the serial number for your tracker, right?" he said as he picked up the weapons and headed for the armory door.

"Not really," Stace said apathetically as she waved away the weapon he had offered up. When he had finished stowing his weapons and returned to the office area she leaned back in her chair. "Get everything put away?"

"Yeah. I gotta go find my department head. I'm sure I'll be back though her again before too long....." he said and turned back towards the door.
"Try not to miss me too much." he said and walked out.


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