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A little girl chat...

Posted on Wed Feb 9th, 2011 @ 4:56pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Petty Officer 2nd Class Todd Sweeney & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Marion & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Bridge - USS Arizona
Timeline: Sometime after 'Advanced Planning'

Having watched both Captain Cowell and Commander Halsey depart the bridge to handle other matters, Major Stace S. DeVries was left to ponder their current situation whilst occupying the big chair. Though she had confessed only moments ago to Captain Crusty that she loved it the truth was she loathed it. Far too many bad memories were associated with what that chair represented.

"So... what's the plan?" a voice questioned loudly - nearly scaring her to death.

"Damn you!" Stace seethed as she stared down the slightly shorter form of Petty Officer Todd L. Sweeney. "What have I said about sneaking up on me?"

Todd blinked rapidly and took a step back. "Um... well... nothing really... you usually hear me coming from a mile away."

"Er... right," Stace muttered as she turned away from him and made her way towards the tactical console. "Was there something you wanted?"

The Petty Officer shook his head. "You seemed disturbed... I was wondering if you were plotting about the station."

Oh yeah... the station. "Why? Want to come along?"

Todd blinked again but this time did not shy away from her. "I'm a Yeoman remember?"

"You weren't always, remember?" Stace countered as she pulled up what available schematics they had for Sutekh Station.

The man lowered his head. "I suppose I grew accustomed to bitch work."

"Then we're decided. You're with me on this. Go get your ass in order," Stace commanded with a wave of her hand.

"Yes ma'am!" he cheered on his way to the turbolift. "You won't regret this!"

Stace nodded. "I know. I haven't forgotten Epsilon Base."

He grinned wider as the doors slid shut and left Stace to her console.

"I take it that creepy fellow is something of a friend of yours," Lieutenant Marion surmised from her station at Mission Ops.

The Major raised an eyebrow at the newcomer's voice to the conversation. "Sweeney? Well... Flint always did refer to his as a strange little man. Make no mistakes though... beneath all that whiny exterior... is a soldier!"

Marion had to stifle a laugh, "If you say so... the Captain thinks he's a sniveling toad with more snivel than spine. He's not exactly a bad judge of character so I tend to take his word on this particular subject. So what is the plan, Major? Bringing Mister Sweeney certainly makes a person curious..."

"I need someone I can trust," Stace admitted with a glance in the younger woman's direction. "I'm not exactly predicting this mission to go smoothly and there's going to come a time when I need something done, no questions asked. I'm sure you heard us mention Epsilon Base?"

"Yes, and I'm not familiar with that place... should I be?" the woman answered honestly.

Stace shook her head. "Not really... it's on a more classified level... not many people outside of intel know about it. My son was stationed there... marine security detail. Not too long after the base was attacked by some rather shady individuals. I went renegade to go after them. Damn near got myself killed... probably would have if that bastard Sweeney hadn't saved me. Sad isn't it? Nevertheless... he proved his worth that day... and I just may need it again."

"Huh..." Marion said in a contemplative manner, "I'd never have pegged him for the hero type... Guess that bitch persona is just a cover, even if it's a damn good one."

Stace shook her head. "Now... let's not go too far. That bitchy persona is all him... rest assured. He's just grown comfortable... and I certainly can't have that!"

Marion did laugh at that comment, "I'll agree with you on that front. Gives people something to do when we're bored anyway."

"Speaking of boring... heard a rumor that you were Crusty's kid," Stace blurted out as she gave in to the chair. "Care to explain that one?"

"Adopted, actually," Marion said with a shrug, "He and I met way back when I was still a Crewman and we just... hit it off. I think it was because any time I'd be in the transporter room and he'd say something stupid, I'd call him on it. Most people look at him and think he's some kind of mean spirited old bastard. I don't know how many times I've told people that's just his defense mechanism because of some of the things he's been through in his life. I'm not saying some of the things he says aren't a little overboard, but he isn't the hateful prick some people label him as."

The Major leaned back in the chair and considered the other woman's words. "Well... I don't think he's that bad... I've seen far worse, that's for sure. However, I suppose we can keep those tiny details to ourselves."

"Of course," Marion smirked and turned back to her console just in time for the Captain to reappear on the bridge. He took notice of the look on Marion's face and frowned as he approached his chair.

"Enough of the girl chat... and un-ass my chair if you please..." Nathan said as he headed toward Stace.

The red head mocked hurt. "And I was just getting cozy too."

"I'm sure there'll be plenty of opportunities for you to get comfortable later," the Captain said as he took his place in the vacated chair, "Right now, we have other things to worry about."

"Helm, how long until we reach the system?" Nathan asked.

"Two hours at current speed," came the curt reply.

"And that speed is?" Nathan inquired.

"Warp Seven," again a curt reply.

"Then go to Warp Nine and get the lead out of this thing," the Captain said, sinking back in his chair, "And how long will it take us at that speed?"

"Less than an hour," a third curt reply.

"Good..." Nathan said, turning to Major DeVries, "You've got less than an hour to get ready... assemble your team."

"Way ahead of you old man," Stace replied as she made her way towards the turbolift. "Let's just hope you can handle my results."

"Just get them first, then we can talk about liking things..." Nathan called out before the woman disappeared into the lift.


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