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Contigency Planning

Posted on Tue Feb 8th, 2011 @ 5:02pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA)

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Main Engineering, Deck 5, USS Arizona

Captain Nathan Cowell entered Main Engineering with an idea in his head. He hadn't considered it before he was leaving the company of those on the bridge, but it made a bit of sense to at least make the inquiry. With so many variables coming up faster than even the best tacticians could plan for them, Nathan figured he would just take things as they came to him. He did, however, need someone with a little know how to make this particular notion either a reality or a bust.

"Stretch!" the Captain yelled from the entry antechamber of Engineering, "Drop what you're doing and come here!"

Lt Rixx looked around, instantly recognizing the sound of the ol' Man, and sighed, 'This guy... what does he want NOW?', and got up out of his chair and meandered out of his office looking for the source of the bellowing, "WHAT?!"

As he rounded the last corner before the main Engineering entry area, he sees the Captain, "You Bellowed?"

"Don't you what me, boy, just bring your ass..." Nathan growled, "I need your brain for a minute. We're sending an away team to the station we found once we get close enough. What I need to know is, is there a way to keep a lock on our people and beam them out while our shields are up in case shit hits the fan and we need the shields?"

"Uh, Cap, you do realize our shields have transport inhibitor technology built into them right? They kind of HAVE to be down, or we have to shut down one of the layers to our shields. Which reduces the ship's protection. We can keep a lock on them, but the fact of the matter is, you cannot move solid matter converted into energy through a device that is intended to block solid matter and energy. I cannot think of any way to keep the shields up and do what you want. This ship is specifically designed to prevent beaming through the shields."

Rixx looked at the Captain like he should already know this, "Unless, we intentionally keep part of the shields down. If you seriously expect shit to hit the fan, we could always break into Multi-Vector and let two pieces run interference for the third, while it beams the away team up. Besides, with the Multi-Layer Shields, we can take one hell of a beating before its an issue. You would be surprised at how resilient the MLSS is Captain, we could go toe to toe with a... hell we could probably take a Valdore Class Warbird, maybe two in Multi-Vector."

"I'd rather not separate the ship if I don't have to... but it's an option I suppose. Any other bright ideas?" Nathan asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"Well, step over here, I have another idea, but its not going to be pretty," Rixx steps over to the MSD and pulls up a several technical read outs, "There is a way, with the rotating of the shields harmonics, we can plot a gap in the shields, but it is literally so Computer intensive, that that there is a real chance the computer could bog down and if I recall my Operations stuff right, the Computer could even be forced to restart, which would be bad as well. Oh, and we would be completely blind for the duration of the transport, no Targeting Scanners, nothing, all sensors would literally need to be used by the transporter to plot the gap. It's so tiny, and so hard to do, I have only heard of it working twice, and I think it was pure luck."

"I don't like luck, Lieutenant... And I wouldn't put anyone's lives on the line because of it. For now, we'll just work with what isn't hope and prayer intensive. If you get any inspirations while we're still at warp, feel free to bring them to me," Nathan said with a sigh.

"Something tells me this isn't the answer you wanted to hear," Rixx looked over the MSD, "But we can fly by the seat of our pants, you never know what may come up. I'll do what I can."

"No, but I'd rather here it now than when it matters. We'll just have to see what happens when it does... Thanks for the info, Stretch," Nathan said before disappearing back the way he'd come in.


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