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New Beginnings

Posted on Sat Jan 1st, 2011 @ 3:31pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Various
Timeline: Three Days Prior to Present

[Brigadier General Brett J. Michaels' office]
[Starbase 11]
[Three days earlier]

Unbelievable. It was the first word that came to his mind the moment Brett J. Michaels had heard the news. Though in all honesty he supposed he should have expected something like this eventually. Fates help him. What was he to do with this girl?

"You're upset."

Running an arthritic hand down his worn face Brett leaned back into his chair and allowed his eyes to glance over the woman sitting in front of his desk.

"Upset? Is that what you think?" he questioned as he felt what was left of his dark hair turning gray. "More like furious."

For her own part Anastasia S. DeVries did appear sympathizing - not that it meant she was. "I know I messed up but..."

"But what?" Brett snipped. "You scared the shit out of your family and managed to tank your career... again."

Stace sighed and lowered her head. "Look... I didn't mean to worry any of you... you know that... but there isn't much I can do about saving my so called career now."

"You could start by telling the truth about what happened to the Mischief," he suggested. "Because any one who knows you knows your report is bull."

The red head muttered under her breath as she shuffled in her chair. Why oh why couldn't the man just leave well enough alone? "I stand by my report. Can't we leave it at that?"

"I wouldn't advise it... but since when do you listen to me?" Brett questioned tiredly. "I swear child... you are going to be the death of me. In one way or another."

[Starbase 11]

The lively environment never cease to amaze Stace as she strolled along the long walk way that led to and from the starbase's central hub of activity. Briefly acknowledging each shopkeep and their private stores the woman only paused outside the entrance of Stockman's. Deciding not to actually go inside she merely stood there absorbing the sounds - remembering the good times.

"Seems like only yesterday huh?" a voice interrupted from behind.

Stace closed her eyes and felt a small smile cross her lips. "Which part? Us tearing the joint up or you sneaking up on me?"

"Either or," Riane D. Dvorak offered as she moved into view. "The old man mentioned you were back. Figured I might find you down this way."

Damn that man. Always sending his minions. "Me at the bar? Shocking I know," Stace admitted. "But for once I'm quite sober."

"Even more shocking," Riane concluded. "Still, here you are."

She nodded. Somehow, by genius design, Stockman's had integrated itself within her family's DNA. It had been years since Thomas M. Vandergrift had brought his wayward cousin here - but a part of her never left. In a strange round about way Starbase 11 had become her only true home.

"Not for long though," Stace retorted. "Already got my new orders. Set to leave tomorrow."

Riane blinked. "What? So soon? You just got back. Besides, I thought there was some type of investigation going on."

"The investigation was closed right after it was opened. Seems I have Kiara to thank for that," Stace shrugged. "Nevertheless I'm on a time table."

The raven haired woman sighed as she considered her words. Some times it was just so hard to be Stace's friend. "How do the kids feel about that?"

"I'm not sure," Stace frowned. "I haven't seen them yet."

Face palm. Seriously? Now she wanted a drink. "No wonder the old man looks like he's aged ten years."

Stace rolled her eyes and began her walk again. "Cut me some slack would you? It's been a rough few weeks."

"I'd say," Riane mumbled as she rushed to keep the pace the taller woman had set. "But you know you have people you can trust."

And she did. Actions and feelings aside Stace S. DeVries never took her friends for granted. They had saved her ass more times than she would care to admit.

"I'll be in touch as soon as I can," Stace grinned.

Riane nodded. "That's what worries me."

Halting her footsteps once more Stace turned to face the other woman. "Fates be with you and the Telestro."

"And with you as well," Riane returned. "Tell the kids I said hello."

"Kick Danzinger upside the head for me."

Riane looked almost giddy. "It would be my pleasure!"

And laughter ensued.

[DeVries' Quarters]
[Starbase 11]

By the time Stace had left Riane and made it 'home' she wasn't expecting much of a welcoming party - of course deep down she should have known better.

"You're late," Kristin A. DeVries greeted as the door slid open.

The living room was vaguely lit as Stace made her way inside and towards the couch where her oldest child sat. "I wasn't aware I needed to be earlier."

"Well it would have been nice," the brunette frowned. "Reece and Anja fell asleep a couple hours ago."

Oh how she hated those emotional blackmails. "I got caught up. The old man... you know..."

Kristin knew exactly what she meant. "Daz was hoping to see you too."

Stace raised an eyebrow. "Daz?"

It was a loaded question. It always was when it came to the young man.

"He... we... wanted to speak to you," Kristin announced louder than she had intended. Why was she suddenly so nervous? She'd been practicing this for months. Perhaps it was because Daz wasn't there to distract her mother.

Replicating a hot chocolate and flopping down in the faded black leather chair, Stace eyed her daughter intensely. "Oh yeah? About what exactly?"

"Well... we're going to get married," Kristin blurted out before holding her breath in anticipation of the possible backlash.

Married? Her child? "You're too young."

"Too young? I'm nearly twenty three years old!" Kristin argued - her face slowly starting to resemble the color of a tomato."

Stace sipped the beverage carefully as her brain crunched the numbers. It was true Kristin was technically old enough to do what she wanted but... "Okay... I'm too young. Is that better?"

"No!" the brunette whined. "You're suppose to be happy for us."

Stace frowned. "Don't get me wrong... I am happy for you and Daz... it's just..."

"Just what?" Kristin prodded.

The older woman sighed again. "I've got new orders. I leave tomorrow."

New orders. So that's what the problem was. "Oh..."

"Yeah," Stace remarked as she finished the last of her drink and moved to sit the mug upon the coffee table.

Kristin took a deep breath. "Reece and Anja right?"

The red head slouched in her seat. "I can't take them with me..."

"So you want me to keep them longer," the young woman finished.

Stace raised her eyes to meet the girl on the couch. "What else am I to do? Here they have a home and are protected. I'm not saying you and Daz can't be together but I still need you to watch out for your siblings. You're both stationed here... it works."

"Not for me!" Kristin pleaded. "I want to have my own life. I can't have that with them."

Silence took over then. It was a pivotal moment between two tidal forces - the outcome looking bleak.

"Very well," Stace relented. "I will make other arrangements for them."

Kristin's eyes bulged out "What?"

Pushing herself back to her feet, Stace stretched her arms lazily over her head and moved towards the doorway that led into her makeshift 'office'. "I said, I'm giving you what you want. Do you wish to object now?"

"Er... no... but... I mean... what are you going to do?" Kristin fumbled - the idea of her mother giving up so easily still messing with her mind.

Stace shrugged indifferently. "I'll figure it out. Don't you worry your pretty little head. Now, run along and tell Mr. Arturo I'd like a word with him shortly."

"Um... mom..."

"Shush now. Do as mother says."

[Main Operations]
[Starbase 11]

Lieutenant Daz T. Arturo was by no means a scaredy cat but on rare occasions he certainly felt as if he could give the legendary Cowardly Lion a run for his money. This occasion was no exception for only moments ago he received word that his would be fiancee's mother was on route to see him... and those 'conversations' never ended well.

"Don't worry! I'm sure she means you no harm."

Glancing over, Daz eyed Tresor carefully. Though he had no bad encounters with the Ullian proprietor he never had grown accustomed to the man's telepathic senses. "Uh huh... um... why are you here?"

"Of course... I understand," Tresor soothed as he made his way to the Lieutenant's station. "It seems I'm having some malfunction in a few of my holo-chambers again. I thought you had sorted this all out last time."

Daz sighed. He hated being the 'repairman'. "I did have it sorted. Apparently there's a new issue."

"Apparently!" the Ullian agreed. "I expect it fixed soon! I have customers booked for this evening.... and you know how I feel about refunds!"

The Lieutenant nodded. "I'll get to it as soon as I can... now... if you don't mind..."

"Fine fine..." Tresor muttered with a feigned look of hurt. "Though I suppose it's for the best... Mrs. Sinister is fast approaching."

Jerking around abruptly, Daz focused his attention on the corridor Tresor exited in search of the figure the man announced was just within sight... and there she was. "Oh no..."


Daz felt the sweat starting to run off his forehead like bullets. Was there no console in which he could hide behind?! Was there no one left to save him?! "Um..."

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Stace greeted as she approached the Lieutenant.

For his own part, he felt almost as if her statement was true. The Ghost of Hellacious Bitching. "No no! Just... just been real busy is all."

"Uh huh... is that so?" she questioned sing-songly. "And here I was thinking it might have something to do with my daughter. How silly!"

Daz laughed brokenly. "Yeah... silly indeed!"

"Don't worry... I told her it was okay," Stace announced looking almost proud of herself.

The Lieutenant blinked hard. "Er... what?"

"Welcome to the family."

[On route to Bridge]
[USS Arizona]
[Present time]

Though the trip from Starbase 11 to Deep Space 6 and eventually to the Arizona had gone fairly smooth, Stace S. DeVries had some apprehension about the Prometheus class. Mainly that she thought it was... weird. Nevertheless, it was to be her home away from home for however long StarFleet determined fit and that meant she had to get to know what the girl was capable of - and more importantly just who was calling the shots around here.

Therefore, it only seemed logical that her first stop should be the bridge - maybe to meet and greet with the command staff - mostly to check out the weapons. What could she say? Weapons were a great commodity to have. The more the better in her eyes.

Passing freely amongst the corridors she found most of them to be rather empty and thought perhaps it had something to do with the limited amount of crew that had arrived. Not that she minded really... less people to get in her way and for some reason she did seem to be in a rather big hurry.

Entering the bridge was like winning a trip to Risa - everything was ohhhh so shiny. Looking around though the bridge seemed almost as empty as the corridor she just left except...

"Say it isn't so!!"

From his own position opposite the turbolift door, Petty Officer Todd L. Sweeney felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of the voice that just entered. There was no way in hell it could be possible... and so he turned.


Snickering, Stace could not believe her beautiful eyes! How ever did she get so lucky!? "Now now Mr. Sweeney! No need for all that excitement! I too am just as overjoyed as you are!"

"Sorry Colonel... er... Lieutenant Colonel... er..." Todd blurted rapidly as he squinted to catch sight of her pips. "Major... Major?!"

Stace nodded as she crossed the small area between them and gave him a strong slap on the arm. "Yes! It seems that it's Major yet again. How many times as it been now?"

"I lost track I'm afraid," the man retorted honestly.

She sighed. "Yes... I'm sure you have..."

"So... are you just here for a random visit that in no way means you're actually staying?" the Petty Officer continued hopefully.

The Major shook her head sadly. "Afraid not. Seems I've been reassigned here. Guess we'll have plenty of time to catch up!"

"I just can't wait," Todd muttered as he forced himself to hold back the tears.


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