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I am Zephram Cochrane

Posted on Sat Jan 1st, 2011 @ 9:39pm by Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA)

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: USS Saratoga, Personal Quarters
Timeline: 3 Weeks Ago

"Mom, Dad, I know I promised I would spend a few weeks with the family, but I didn't plan on getting orders."

Katarina, better know as Katie to the family, smiled at her son, "Starfleet Intel pulled your brother in again last week. Still trying to pump him for information. He said they seem to think that there is more information you didn't tell them. I wish you would tell us what is going on with them."

"Katie, its classified, you know that. The boy has too much integrity, he has a code of honor and can't break it," The look in Dravic's father's eyes told him that he suspected that Dravic had secrets that would destroy the family.

Every time the topic came up, an unspoken understanding passed between father and son, 'I don't want to know' and 'Your mother would be devastated, just keep your secret, please, son', while the words were never spoken, the two men clearly understood one another. Yet, some days, Dravic suspected his father's words were an attempt to guilt him into doing the right thing, whatever it was, and getting rid of the necessity for there being a secret.

There would never be a day, when Dravic could tell the two people that 'raised' him, that he had faked it all. That his days as an infant, soiling diapers, and spitting up all over them, had been a carefully acted out scheme. What parent would not be devastated to find out that their son, had lied and deceived them for almost 25 years.

Dravic, the Chameloid. Had been going through life, assuming new identities every 30 or 40 years. If there was a culture or community he could not insinuate himself into as an adult, he would change his shape, and size, assuming the form of an infant or other young child, unable to care for itself. Slowly, 'growing up' over an appropriate number of years, learning as he went. He had become quite adept at selling secrets that the adults around him kept. What adult would ever suspect a 6 month old baby of being able to understand them, let alone being able to speak and conduct trade or negotiations.

"Mom, You know I wouldn't do anything to dishonor the family, I love you guys too much."

A tear began to form at the corner of Katie Rixx' eye, "That's my boy. You know we are so proud of everything you have accomplished. I know you would come see us if you could son, but the Arizona is going to need her new Chief Engineer. We understand."

"Son, If you can stop in, even for a day or two, while the ship is still docked at Utopia, we would love to have you."

Dravic nodded his head, "I know dad, and mom, thank you. I really should get going, I still have a few items to pack up, and the shuttle for Earth leaves in about an hour."

"Good Luck son," Reginald Rixx touched the screen affectionately, as if touching his actual son, then the transmission ended.

Dravic turned back to his few personal belongings scattered on the bed, and set to packing them up.

Utopia Planetia - Present Day

Dravic looks at the Arizona through the viewport a few feet away from the entrance to the gangway, leading up to the docking port, when an all too familiar voice shakes him out of his silent admiration of the ship he would be in charge of keeping operational.

"Well, Well, Well, Mr Rixx, I see you've managed to finagle two promotions... Rank and Position. Seems Starfleet Command thinks you can be trusted."

Rixx stops and drops his bag, the voice of the Starfleet Intelligence Agent, he knew only as Mordecai, was as unmistakable as the vibrations of the warp core were to an engineer. Rixx turns and faces the man who was responsible for his nearly 6 months of incarceration in substandard accommodations, as well as numerous torture sessions, all intended to convince Dravic to confess to being a spy.

Now face to face, Rixx and Mordecai stood unblinking, neither man wanting to be the first to blink, and lose. Rixx smiled, and Mordecai finally blinked, and looked down at his feet before trying to speak.

"Still losing the tests of will Mordecai," Rixx made the comment as much a question as it was a statement of fact.

"Still lying to your family, friends, and the Federation about who you are, and where your loyalties truly lay?"

Dravic balled his fists, and flexed his hands several times before relaxing and crossing his arms over his chest, "I have a job to do Mordecai, what do you want?"

"First, the respect for my rank. You know full well I am a Captain, I don't think I need to open my jacket so you can see my rank."

"I don't respect rank. I respect people, for their actions. You, will never have my respect, I will piss on the torpedo casing when you die."

"I should have you brought up on charges for disrespect."

"Try it, I know the regulations, after dealing with you, my Commanding Officer would have to charge me, and from what I have gathered, he would tell you go take a long walk out a short airlock, so do us all a favor, and piss off, or get pissed on."

Mordecai looked at Dravic with disgust, "You wouldn't dare."

Famous last words, especially where Dravic Rixx was involved. Rixx reached for the nearly invisible zipper in his Mustard colored uniform, and moved to unzip his fly.

Mordecai took a step back, "This will not be the last time you see me Rixx."

I hope not. "I know, I gotta be at your funeral."

Rixx grabs his bag, slings it over his shoulder and smiles to himself, as he walks up the gangway, and presents the Padd containing his orders to the Petty Officer on duty.

After Reviewing the Padd, the Petty Officer smiles at the Officer, "CHENG! Welcome aboard."

"Cheng, Petty Officer?"

"Chief Engineer, Sir, Old Earth colloquialism for the man with the plan down in the Engineering decks. Skipper seems big on the historical stuff, always grumbling about this or that, seems like every time I look what he is talking about up, it's a reference to things that happened befor Ol' Zephy C took that flight."

Rixx shakes his head, "Son, It sounds like you have entirely too much time on your hands. And I really hate it when someone calls me that."

The Petty Officer looked confused, "Sir?"

Taking the Padd back from the Petty Officer, "I am going to tell you a little secret, but you can't tell anyone. They will think your insane, I am Zephram Cochrane," Rixx walks away, entering the ship laughing hysterically.

The Petty Officer watches the new Chief Engineer enter the ship, "Great, and I have to work for that lunatic."


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