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Eden Beach Bound

Posted on Tue Mar 8th, 2011 @ 11:09am by Lieutenant Kiyraesyn Valdor & Eridani Valdor

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Eden Beach Hotel, Iy'Dewra'ni, Pacifica
Timeline: An hour after "Afterthoughts"

Kiyraesyn and Eridani stepped off of the transport, lodging cases in hand, each filled to the brim with civilian clothes. At last, a proper holiday to spend together on one of the most exotic and sublime planets in existence. No interruptions, no medical emergencies, no big decisions beyond the choice of where to reside during their stay.

Eridani breathed in the mildly salty air, taking in the beauty around her. Blues, greens, flowers blossoming all about the area. White sandy beach lay mere metres from her feet. She kicked off her shoes and tore off across the shore toward the ocean, which in and of itself might have been the singular most impressive thing to see. Not too far inland was a rock pool and basin flowing with water from the ocean, presumably. Eridani continued toward the main shore to greet the water. Calm, tranquil, serene it was, and the colour of molten topaz. Warm, too, Eridani notised as she tiptoed gingerly through the mild tide to inspect the temperature. Soon, she plunged in, already having donned a black skintight bathing suit with white stripes up each side. Her slender, fit figure graced the piece perfectly. Comfortable, yet flattering, just as it should be.

Meanwhile, Kiyraesyn simply admired the sight of her wife and companion frolicking in the Pacifican sun. She closed her eyes and basked for just a few moments in the sunlight, soaking up its brilliance.

"This is perfection," she whispered aloud to no one in particular.

"That's what they say," said the voice of a stranger, startling Kiyraesyn from her reverie. Her eyes snapped open and she turned to see who it was that had torn her from it. She realised that, though the creature possessed a pair of lips, it spoke to her telepathically. Responding to her reaction, it reassured her that it had not meant any disrespect in disturbing her. "I merely wish to welcome you and your companion."

Kiyraesyn regained her composure. She took in the shape and look of the Selkie who now stood before her, beckoning to have her belongings taken away to the hotel.

"Thank you." She said politely. "It has been more than a century since my last visit to your world. I'm afraid I had forgotten how gracious and hospitable your people are, as well as physically quite unique."

"That is kind, Ai'te'ra. Most kind. My name is Tiianor and I am to be your Ii'se, your host and guide." He tilted his head downward, as if to present both himself and his world to his guest. "Ai'te'ra is the word we use to describe those in our charge."

"I think I remember a little from your language. May I try a phrase ?"

"Of course." Tiianor replied in a pleasant tone.

"Ii Ley'a Kiyraesyn hi' El-Auria. Ke'ne'tii vor't'a' me als vor't'a sind ii'la'set." Kiyraesyn smiled, laughing at herself. "Was that even close ?"

Tiianor smiled as well.

"T'a rii, Ae'te'ra. Vor't'a is'te'ley'sin sic ni' fre'na. Your speaking of my language is nearly perfect." He beckoned her toward the hotel to show her all that Eden Beach, as well as Iy'Dewra'ni, had to offer. As they walked, Tiianor became more and more curious about Kiyraesyn's relationship to Eridani. "Your mate is not a male ?" enquired the blue-green Pacifican in an inquisitive tone.

"No, she is not."

"El-Auria, where is that ?"

"It is a system many thousands of lightyears from Federation space," Kiyraesyn explained. They traced along the edge of the crystalline waters, continuing to exchange tidbits of cultural knowledge.

"And do all of your people encouple with members of their own gender there ?"

"Not all, no, but many. You see, El-Aurians live for a very long time...I myself am quite old, and many of us spend our lives exploring different facets of intimacy with others. We possess a longevity which allows us to explore beyond the limited scope of many other races."

"I see." Tiianor appeared to be quite perceptive, as well as receptive to Kiyraesyn's words. He truly seemed to want to understand more about Kiyraesyn and her people, just in the same way that Kiyraesyn was eager to learn about his. It made their conversations deep and intriguing. "We here on Pacifica do not mate for pleasure, only to have children...for the replenishing of our population, but we do not always have just one mate. We may have several, as long as we do so to conceive. I will soon seek my first companion."

Then, Eridani joined them.

"Hello!" She greeted Tiianor cheerfully. "You have an immeasurably beautiful island here. How is it called again ? Iy'Dwey'ani ?"

Tiianor laughed heartily at Eridani's mispronunciation.

"My apologies, Ae'te'ra, but you must have mispoke, for I thought you said 'Iy'dwey'ani', which means "slow-minded one". The correct way to say it is 'Iy-dewra-ni'. Do you hear the difference ?"

The three of them shared this moment of laughter at Eridani's expense, but she was certainly not offended by Tiianor's pleasantry. In fact, she found him quite interesting.

"It's much like my own name, Er-i-dani." She noted.

"Yes, similar." Tiianor agreed, smiling at the observation.

Kiyraesyn spent a few moments catching Eridani up on all that she had missed of her conversations with him while she had been away splashing about in the ocean. Wrapped in a towel and soaked from head to toe, Eridani began to pat herself dry.

"Why ever should you want to do that ?" Tiianor asked her, almost horrified. "I am afraid I shall never quite understand this little ritual of drying one's self off. Won't your skin begin to flake off and peel away ?"

"You must be a young Selkie," Kiyraesyn stated confidently, "because you still have those facial spots and wide gills."

"Yes, I am only thirty-seven. I came out of the inner island only two years ago. It will be another two or three before my spots completely fade away. How did you know that ?" Asked Tiianor.

"You will find, dear Tiianor, that we El-Aurians are a quick-witted and extremely observant race." Eridani boasted with a wink, now fully dried off.

"As are we, Ae'te'ra. As are we." Tiianor retorted slyly. "I am certain you would like to be alone now, as the sun will be setting, and I should return to my other duties. Enjoy your evening, and if there is anything you require, please utilise the alerts panel in your room. Iy'no'a, Ae'te'ren."

"Iy'no'a," said the couple in unison, beaming at their host.

Eridani and Kiyraesyn exchanged an appreciative glance before parting ways with Tiianor for the remainder of their evening, which was to be spend in each other's intrusion-free company. At last.


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