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Crossing Paths

Posted on Mon Mar 7th, 2011 @ 9:24am by Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA) & Ensign Jennifer Russo

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Deck 5 - Senior Crew Quarters
Timeline: Before 'The Arrival'

Aiden walked down the corridor with the sound loud squishing following him as he moved. He dried off after the pool like he always did, but somehow his shoes always seemed to still be wet. He drew stares, laughs, and friendly nods as he passed crewmembers on the way to his quarters, which were conveniently located on the same deck. His night was planned, but he was still hungry wanted to follow up with some of people before relaxing.

Jenn happened to be walking past as she saw her department head standing outside of his quarters. She could tell that he had been wet recently, and his shoes must have been making the noise she heard. Which was only confirmed as he moved into the door. "Lieutenant Roberts you okay?" she asked, leaning on the bulkhead near his door.

Aiden stopped and turned on his heel, causing a louder squeak from his shoes. He was still wearing his workout gear, a gray Starfleet issue sweat suit with operations yellow trimming. He recognized the young lady as the only warrant officer on board the ship. They had met briefly upon him boarding the ship a few days ago, however he never had a moment to actually speak in detail with the young woman. Like many of his female companions on board, she was rather striking, but Aiden contained himself for the moment. After all, this was another one under his direct supervision.

"Miss Russo," Aiden started as he keyed in his access code for his quarters. "I'm fine.. just coming from the pool. Come in for a moment.."

Jenn was a little nervous about this request, but was curious. She looked at him for a second, and then shrugged a little. "Sure," she said. She didn't think there could be any harm resulting of it. She walked to where the COO was staying, and smiled a little. "Did you have a nice swim sir?" she asked.

"It was definitely refreshing to say the least..." He said while running the towel through his hair once again before tossing it on the couch across the room. His quarters were still in a bit of disarray, with cargo containers strewn about. Some of the containers were empty, others opened and the contents sifted through, and lastly some were still sitting where they were from the moment they were beamed aboard.

A loud bark echoed from the bedroom, and Chance, the large chocolate Labrador retriever, raced into the living room to greet their guest. He sniffed at the young lady's feet for a moment, before sitting down and giving a look that almost screamed 'Please pay attention to me'.

"Something to drink?" He said as he walked over to the replicator.

Jenn looked at the dog a little nervously, surprised originally by the bark. She petted the dogs head a little and then looked up at Aiden. "I'll have whatever you are sir," she said.

"Two orange juices, no pulp..." Aiden said. While he wasn't on duty, he knew that she was. He decided to skip the alcoholic beverage, just this once. "Have a seat, and ignore the mess. I haven't had a to get settled yet... And you!" Roberts stopped on his way to the cluttered dining room table to point at the dog. "Don't act like no one makes over you..." He stick his tongue out playfully at the animal, before shoving padds to side to make room for the two beverages.

"I haven't had a chance to sit down and talk with you since I got on board. I know you're kinda new in position, and I'm just curious as to how things are going..." The lieutenant sat down, trying to remember once again to keep his hormones in check. Starfleet Academy was recruiting rather striking young ladies in recent years, but once again he reminded himself that he promised himself that he would be more... professional.

"Well sir," she said. "It's a little overwhelming at times, but I'm adjusting. I was surprised to get this assignment but I'm happy to be given the chance, being that this is my first assignment from Warrant Officer Candidate School." She said, happily. Most people assumed that she was older, and she figured that he had no idea that she was only 21.

"Thank you," she said, taking a sip of the orange juice.

"Truth be told you are the ship's only Warrant Officer. Not to add any more weight on your shoulders but I need you need to be on the top of your game. We have a lot of new faces on board, especially in terms on non-commissioned folks. Yea, you're new too, but people are going to be looking to you for an example to follow." Aiden stopped, not wanting to preach or lecture. However, he didn't really feel guilty for laying it on thick in his mind, after all she was under his command. When his folks didn't look good, ultimately he didn't look good - one of the few cases where 'the shit runs back up the hill'.

"But I'm sure you'll do fine. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel that you can reach out to me at anytime..." This time Aiden stopped himself short of accidentally using one of his favorite pick up lines.

Jenn just nodded, as she looked at the Lieutenant. "Of course sir," she said, politely. Jenn looked her boss intently, and wasn't sure what was going through his mind. Well, she thought she knew what was going through his mind, she just hoped that he was really more mature than that. She took a sip of her orange juice, and tried her best not to fidget around, she wasn't really sure what to say and it made her a bit nervous.

"So now that I'm done lecturing.." He said with a witty laugh. "I need a shower and while I enjoy the" Roberts got a flashback of the Captain's confrontation the last time he attempted to seduce one of his officers, let alone think about.

Jenn giggled a little, and this surprised her. "Well sir, you have fun with yourself," she said, intending the joke. "Thanks for the Orange Juice," she said, standing up. "Just don't go blind, okay?" she added, with a devilish smirk.

Aiden raised his eyebrows as he watched Russo walk out of his quarters, before muttering. "Yea.. I'm going to hell.."


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