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Surf's Up

Posted on Fri Mar 4th, 2011 @ 8:57pm by Lieutenant Serran

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

"Doctor Serran," Ensign Lynnea Wildman called out as she neared the vulcan. "Here's the latest batch of supplies for sickbay."

The young head nurse extended a hand that held a PADD with the requisite information on it. Serran accepted the PADD, scrutinizing the list contained within it. He cross-referenced what he saw on the list with what he'd cached away in his mind from a request list Doctor Valdor had submitted to Pacifica prior to the Arizona's arrival to the planet. So far everything matched perfectly and, in some cases, the resupply depot on Pacifica had added a small amount of extra stock on some items that had been requested. Serran briefly considered contacting the depot and pointing out the error but, upon further consideration, felt the extra items were supplies that the Arizona could definitely benefit from.

"The list is satisfactory, Ensign Wildman," Serran confirmed handing back the PADD. "Please have cargo bay one transport the supply container to sickbay at their earliest convenience."

"Yes, Doctor Serran," Wildman accepted the PADD, but paused a moment as if there was more she wanted to say. Serran noticed, folded his hands behind his back and raised an eyebrow.

"Is there an issue, Ensign," Serran asked.

"Umm..." Wildman paused, then forged ahead. "I was merely curious, Doctor. And please, don't feel obligated to answer my question if you don't want to."

Serran said nothing, simply waited patiently for the nurse to continue.

"I've never worked with a vulcan doctor before and I was wondering..." pause, "...since the ship is on leave and all..." pause, "...will you. Do you. Are you going to be heading down to the planet in the...attire the Captain told everyone to wear for your shoreleave?"

The vulcan could tell the subject nurse Wildman had broached was an uncomfortable one for her. Granted, Vulcans weren't exactly the first group of beings who would 'jump at the chance' to partake in frivolous things like shoreleave but, being a physician, Serran was well aware of the benefits such times as shoreleave could afford members of a starfleet crew working in deep space. The nurse was curious and was probably worried she was breaking some Vulcan taboo by broaching the subject.

"Though the choice of attire ordered by the captain is not one I would readily choose under...normal circumstances, I will comply with the order," Serran stated. "And I will, of course, be at the resort as ordered as well. Though his methods are...unusual, I do understand the intent behind them."

"So you're goin' down there, in swim trunks, and you're gonna have fun like he said?"

"Yes," Serran said, paused, then continued. "And no. I do not, in your sense of the word, have fun. But I will take the opportunity to, as you humans like to say, recharge my batteries. It has been some time since I have been exposed to natural sunlight, as I have had little opportunity to be planet-side for any truly beneficial period of time. Aside from some amount of socialization, meditation and reflection will be my main goal for this shoreleave."

"Oooohh. Don't let the captain hear the words 'meditation' and 'reflection'," Wildman cautioned. "He might do something drastic, and probably not to your liking, if he finds out."

Serran nodded slowly, ruminating. "I had considered that possibility. However, as unorthodox a command style as his might be, I cannot allow that to dictate how I choose to ultimately follow the intent of his command in regards to shoreleave."

"Okaaaay. Good luck with that, Doctor," Ensign Wildman grinned.

"I assume you will comply as the captain has instructed," Serran said.

"Oh you better believe it, Doctor. It's mai-tai's and surfing for me as soon as we're done storing these medical supplies," the nurse suddenly got excited at the thought and grinned. "You should try it, Doc! It'll be, I mean...interesting."

"Mai-tai's, I assume, are alcoholic beverages which, I assure you, I have no desire in imbibing." Here the vulcan paused as if considering something. "However, I have heard of this thing you humans call surfing. Attempting such an activity, though inherently dangerous, could prove an interesting challenge in both physical prowess and mental concentration."

Wildman wasn't sure at first, looking at the vulcan askance. Then sudden realization dawned and her jaw slowly fell open in wonderment.

"Are you seriously saying you'd try surfing?" Ensign Wildman asked, incredulous.

"I believe that is exactly what I just said," Serran lifted an eyebrow, wondering why the nurse seemed so shocked. He was, after all, a physician as well as a vulcan. Though he subscribed to many of the habits vulcans had cultivated over thousands of years of existence, Serran also believed in physical activity being essential in the development and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle in any being.

"Oh you are SO coming surfing with me," Wildman practically squealed in delight. Being an expert in the art, the thought of showing a vulcan the finer points of surfing made her giddy all over. "I'll show you everything you need to know. This'll be great!"

"At the risk of allowing you to become too overzealous in your proclamations, Ensign," Serran pointed out mildly. "We do still have tasks to finish performing here. If you would be so kind as to let cargo bay one know they can transport our supplies here..."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm on it," the nurse was practically bouncing out of her skin. "We need to hurry so we can have as much surfing time as possible."

Serran was contemplating mildly berating the nurse for not concentrating on the task at hand but, in the end, didn't believe that quelling her enthusiasm in this case would accomplish anything. There was work to be done, after all.


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