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Recollections v.1

Posted on Fri Mar 4th, 2011 @ 10:48pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Various
Timeline: Various

[Security Offices]

With the Brakken system situation finally contained and the Arizona's crew once again back together Stace S. DeVries decided now would be the best time to conduct a performance evaluation of her department. While there was no denying her men and women got their respective jobs done and for the most part without incident the Major wasn't completely satisfied with everyone's work. The entire department, herself included, had a long ways to go before they operated at the level the marine demanded of them.

She thought for a moment that perhaps she was being too hard on them - despite the fact they were unaware of her inner ponderings. No crew was the same and she couldn't continue to compare them - even if it was done unintentionally. She had to find a way to totally let go of the past. She wondered if she could.

Looking up from the PaDD she was holding, Stace exhaled slowly and sat the instrument on the top of her desk. The office space was currently empty and despite her being due for bridge duty the red head had absolutely no motivation to partake in it. Instead she preferred to enjoy the peaceful solitude. She could do with some time to herself.

Pacifica. The Arizona was en route as she sat. It was a planet of hidden jewels. A place where someone like her could re-invent herself. Yet, it was a planet of memories. Of old ghosts.

"Computer... display personnel file Vandergrift, Anastasia Shantoa," she commanded suddenly - not really knowing why.

The computer bleeped to life at her voice. "The file in question is currently unavailable."

Of course. The restrictions. "Computer, unblock personnel file Vandergrift, Anastasia Shantoa. Authorization DeVries-71D-Foxtrot-6."

"Authorization confirmed. Displaying personnel file now," the computer chirped.

It was bizarre for the woman to see the entirety of her service record as she had grown accustomed to the more 'polished' version. Skimming through the various areas that were normally omitted Stace found herself trying to recall some of the mentioned events. Had it truly been so long ago?

Hell... even her personnel image was amazingly different.. Just who was she? Who had she become? At what moment in time had she completely buried Anastasia S. Vandergrift? More importantly did she mission her more... direct self. By becoming Stace S. DeVries had she lost her path? Had she become more concerned with her relationships? Her unrelenting urge to bring people together? What happened to the career driven marine? The woman who would do anything for the job? Was she a disservice to her family name?

"Computer... what is the current status of Vandergrift, Thomas Matthew?" she questioned sadly as she sank back into her chair.

"Commander Thomas M. Vandergrift is currently listed as missing in action pending a formal inquiry regarding the invasion mission of 2377."

Almost ten years. Ten years and nothing. The Vandergrifts were a tough bunch... there was no doubt about that... but sometimes toughness didn't save your ass. She had to face reality. Her family was dropping like flies. Dirty dirty flies.

She needed a drink. "Computer, how long till we reach Pacifica?"

"At current speed, the Arizona will reach it's destination within the hour."

Shit. Had she really just lost the last two some hours? And why the hell hadn't anyone come looking for her? Standing up from her desk, the woman powered down her console and took to stretching her arms above her head. Oh yes. The next hour couldn't come fast enough.

[Ocean Club]

Scotch. Whiskey. Whiskey. Scotch. It had been hours since the woman had stopped counting the bottles. Now, perched upon the bar counter, perfect amber in her hand, her eyes fell intently on the man to her immediate right. He was a fascinating individual, best she could tell considering, who seemed not too overly concerned with her alcoholic splurge. In a strange way he reminded her of someone she use to know but couldn't place. Hell, she couldn't even remember his name.

Lifting the shot glass to her lips, she savored the cool burn the liquor had to offer as it slid down her throat and nodded her head in the direction of the barkeep for yet another round.

"Working towards you're personal best are we Colonel?" the wrinkled man snickered as he topped off the glass once again.

Stace rolled her eyes as she snatched the beverage from his fingertips. "It's Major now... and if you must know... I think tonight just might be the night to break allll former records."

"Life must be going rather swell for you," he retorted with his usual sarcasm - something Stace overlooked out of habit.

Instead, the man at her right, turned his gaze to meet her cloudy one. "So, I suppose that means you've been here quite a bit."

"You could say that," Stace admitted as she swished the liquor around - careful not to spill any of her precious cargo. "We all have to have hobbies... and talents... and mine seem to be here."

At this the man smiled faintly... a smile that again reminded her of someone she knew. "So it seems."

"Indeed..." Stace mumbled as she drained the glass and slammed it back onto the bar. "What did you say your name was again?"

He stood slowly and this time motioned to the barkeep for her. "I didn't."

"Um..." she blinked as she accepted the drink. Why couldn't she focus? She could have sworn this man had told her his name. Was he leaving? "Going somewhere?"

A nod. "I'm afraid so... important business and all... but perhaps we'll meet again. Do take care of yourself..."

Whispering. She could swear she heard whispering. Was she dreaming? Had she poisoned herself with all the delicious drinking? Was she imagining the figure? The shiny figure who stood out like a sore thumb. What was going on?

"Pip... hit me with another... it's going to be a long night..."


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