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Mental Health

Posted on Sat Mar 5th, 2011 @ 6:43am by Lieutenant Sophia Goodman

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Pacifica
Timeline: Just before arrivasl of USS Arizona

Sophie sat on the porch of her rented bungalow and read her tablet. It was a great mystery novel, even if translated from the Romulan. It was apparent that the author had a real flair for mixing genres of different species to good effect.

The sun was setting in the distance, and the beach lights had just kicked on. Behind her and to right, she could hear Mr. burns, her cat, scratching at the door wanting to be in her presence. Or out. It was good bet which.

Idly she wondered when her new assignment would arrive. This had to be the best and oddwsr layover she had ever indulged in since her student days with Interstellar Recovery Concepts. But with the closing down of Deep Space 14, and the timing anfd location of her new assignment, it made an odd sort of sense. She could chase the Arizona all over the quadrent, while it was involved in its mission, needlessly complicating matters. Or she could find out where they wanted her to meet them, which was here.

The Aborigine wondered what exact assignment she might be given. She knew the Security Department head position was filled. It was a shame, but she hadn't been counting on it anyway. While she had loved running the Security Department of DS 14, Goodman was very much aware that it had been a lucky fluke. Besides, the opportunity would arise again.

Fortunately, she had indulged the "workaholic" tendencies which galloped throughtout her family, and she had kept up her drills and training. So she could hopefully stay within security. But who knew? It was all in the hands of fate. Actually she was just happy to be on the deck of a ship again. She had seen too much of space stations.

Her nearby padd beeped. That inidcated incoming mails. And she was attentive to those. Never could tell when one might be important. And timing could be everything. She reached out and tapped the screen accessing the menu. Sophie pulled up her mail box, and there were her incoming orders.

They might as well have been wrapped in decorative paper and ribbon as she opened up the message. It was from the captain of the Arizona, and he was informing her to meet him tomorrow morning. But he wnated her to meet him on Pacifica, not on the ship. Oh well, captain's perogative.

She sent a message acknowledging the mail, and began to wonder what would result from this turn of events.


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