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Mind and Body

Posted on Sat Mar 5th, 2011 @ 5:19am by Lieutenant JG Susan Barret & Lieutenant Kiyraesyn Valdor & Lieutenant Serran

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Backpost: Prior to Reorganizing

Susan was quiet during the short trip to sickbay. Entering the front doors, they were met by a crewman who was helping to sort the patients as they came in. It didn't take much to figure out who they were, so she waved them on through.

"The Doctor is waiting for you in exam room three. You can go on in."

Valdor turned to greet her patient as she entered.

"Have a seat, please." She said politely.

Chief Sadler helped Susan onto the bio-bed before turning to the Doctor.
"I'll give you two some privacy. If you need me I'll be outside in the waiting room."

"What can I do for you today, Lieutenant Barret?" Kiyraesyn enquired.

Muttering something in Klingon, Susan answered the question.
"I'm fine really. It's just fatigue, I haven't been sleeping much lately. A good night's sleep is all I need, I'm sure you've got more important patients to deal with."

"Your blood's iron content appears to be unusually depleted," the CMO explained as she traced over Susan's body with a medical tricorder, "I'm going to give you a mild stimulant and we'll see if that doesn't help you out even a tiny bit. Is that alright ?" Kiyraesyn moved to pickup a hypospray and inserted a small glass vile into the injection chamber.

"You're the Doctor, I may be wearing blue but medical's not my area."
Susan shrugged in response, not wanting to spend more time in sickbay than necessary.

"Well, I make it a point to explain my treatment and give you the chance to opt out. Everyone has a choice." Kiyraesyn went ahead and pressed the hypospray gently against Barret's neck, allowing the pressure to diffuse the stimulant across her pores and into her bloodstream. "You should be feeling better shortly, if not immediately."

The trim figure of Lieutenant(jg) Kirsgaard had arrived in sickbay not too long ago and, after a quick inquiry to one of the nurses, made her way to where a pair of women were situated. The counsellor arrived just in time to see Doctor Valdor apply a hypospray to a woman's neck. The swede had been around medical facilities most of her professional life but, still, couldn't stop shuddering at the sound a hypo makes when dispensing medicine.

"Hello Doctor Valdor, Lieutenant," the counsellor greeted, the slight lilt of a Swedish accent in her words. "I'm Lieutenant Caesonia Kirsgaard, one of the counsellors under Lieutenant Suder. Can I be of assistance?"

"As I told the Doctor, I'm just tired. Nothing more, nothing less. I let my mind wander while in the messhall and the Chief over-reacted."

Susan could already feel the effects of the medicine as she answered the Counselor's question.

It's possible the Chief may have over-reacted but Kirsgaard also knew that the Chief was an experienced starfleeter who wouldn't arbitrarily send someone off to sickbay without reason.

"What was it your mind had wandered off about...I'm sorry, I never did get your name," Caesonia probed.

"Susan Barret, I'm a recent transfer to the science department."
Before Susan could answer more the Doctor stepped forward to talk to the counselor

As Kiyraesyn watched over Kirsgaard and Barret, she began to feel uneasy. She took a step toward Caesonia and lowered her voice.

"Is Sadler still outside?" She enquired.

"Yes, I think so." Kirsgaard replied. "Do you want me to call him for you?"

"Please do." Valdor turned back to Susan and studied her carefully as she talked to her. "Can you tell me a little about what your duty shifts have entailed over the past few weeks, Lieutenant ? More specifically, have you been on any of the away missions ?"

"I just arrived on board a few days ago, I transferred from DS14 on the other side of the wormhole. The journey took about a week to reach the Arizona. On the station we were trying to get back to this reality."

Kiyraesyn attended Susan's words and story with great fervor, listening intently.

Susan propped herself up on her elbows as she briefly explained what had occurred.
"Through methods I still don't fully understand we found the entire station shifted into another reality. My last away mission was while we were in that alternate reality."

Having been summoned by the counselor, Sadler re-entered the exam room.
"You wanted to see me Doctor?"

Kirsgaard had also re-entered the room and stood to the left and slightly behind Chief Sadler. The area was starting to get a little crowded so the counselor tried to remain a little low-key for the moment. It seemed Doctor Valdor had something in mind she wanted to pursue so the lieutenant remained quiet for now and observed.

Valdor took Sadler by the arm gently and led him out of earshot.

"What happened out there when she shifted into that other reality?" Kiyraesyn asked. "I need to know everything in order to diagnose her properly. Right now, I suspect her insomnia might be a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder, but I have to know what she's been through. You were with her when all this happened, correct ?"

"The station's shift was unexpected, none of us were prepared for it. The science department took point in attempting to figure out what had occured and how, which should lead to finding a way to return to this reality."

Sadler paused in his explanation as he remembered a piece of information that might give the Doctor the info she needed.
"I do know the Lt. participated in an away mission prior to our return. I don't know the specifics but a security officer did die during the mission. I don't know any specifics beyond that I'm afraid. You'll have to ask Barret to find out anything more."

"Very good, thank you, Chief. You can return to your duties, I'll keep you posted." Then, Valdor returned to join Susan once more. "Susan, I understand you were involved in an away mission prior to this most recent one. Your lack of sleep and low iron levels indicate increased overall bodily stress which may suggest that you are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The Chief told me someone died. Can you tell me a little more about that? It will help me to make a more definitive diagnosis, as well as prognosis."

"It was shortly after the transition." Susan began slowly, trying to decide how much detail to go into. "We were sent to study a nearby planet that showed signs of habitation. After a few hours of covert observations, it was decided to assemble an away team for more detailed study. We altered our appearance so as to blend in with the natives. After some discussion, it was decided to attend a rally that was occurring nearby. For reasons still not fully understood, we aroused their suspicions and were captured. Lieutenants McKenzie and Dukat were the only ones who managed to avoid capture."

"I see."

"Not long after we were captured, they hauled us in front of their leader. That was when things went from bad to worse..."

Susan's words trailed off as she mentally relived what occured next.
*"Weak? I'll show you weak!" With a roar, Brian sprang at the matron.*

"Look out Ensign!"
Susan yelled out a warning, which came too late. As the Matron stepped over and beheaded the body, Susan let out a piercing scream that reverberated throughout sickbay before settling into hysterical sobbing.

Kiyraesyn placed a reassuring hand on Susan's shoulder, embracing her and almost absorbing the pain.

The Chief Medical Officer tilted Susan's chin upward slightly.

"I'm sorry..." Valdor started. "I'm afraid PTSD is something I'm unable to best offer is that you seek out a Counselor for guidance. Until then, I can only provide you with aids to help you sleep. Ms. Kirsgaard is a fine woman, I'm sure she will do her best to provide you as much time as you need to counsel with her." She beckoned for the counsellor to approach them once again.

Kirsgaard stepped forward at that point, gracefully nodding her head in the direction of the CMO; a little thank you for her expertise. The counselor then turned to face Susan.

"If you'd like, Lieutenant, we can talk in some more comfortable surroundings," Caesonia offered. "Will you join me in my office?"

As Susan took in her surroundings with a tear stained face, she was glad she didn't have a breakdown in a more public setting.
"That sounds good. Thanks Doc."


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