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The Morning After

Posted on Sat Mar 5th, 2011 @ 2:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA) & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Lieutenant Roberts' Quarters
Timeline: Before The Arrival to Pacifica

Aiden rolled over, feeling the cool air on his bare shoulder blade. He could feel the edge of the bed nearby, and he grasped in the pitch black for his comforter or cover sheet, which ever he would find first would do. His hands felt around randomly like a poor attempt at a sensor sweep, missing areas in his search. His hand stopped, however, when he felt the faint feeling of heat nearby. Confused, his fingers inched their way closer to the source, until he felt bare skin. His eyes opened now, and his other hand brushed the inside corner of his eyes cleaning out the 'sand' in his eyes. He slowly retracted his wandering hand.

"Computer...time..." He said in a low voice.

"0441 Hours." The female voice replied in kind. The tone and volume of the voice were low, almost hushed so not to disturb anyone. He wished that someone would have programmed it to be that quiet when it came time to wake up for a shift.

Aiden first peered around in the dark, his eyes still adjusting to being opened and the dim light. He saw his comm badge on the night stand where he normally left it in case of emergencies throughout the night, but he couldn't see any farther than two feet in front of him. He then slowly turned his head in a curious manner, knowing full well who was in bed with him. Her identity wasn't what had him confused. It was her presence that had him baffled.

It was odd to have someone in bed with him past a certain hour. Not in the respect of sharing one during a lustful evening, but typically those evenings ended shortly after the festivities were over. It was downright rare that his companions stayed the night - ever. It wasn't as though he had a sign over the bed, dining room table, or couch that said 'Once the rockin' stops; you better start walkin'..", but it was slightly uncharted waters for him for sometime. In addition, he wasn't fond of those who tended to hog the covers.

"Computer... adjust temperature up three degrees..."

Xylia rolled over in bed, kicking the covers off of herself. She suddenly felt hot and didn't care that she was currently naked in someone elses bed. And she knew exactly whose bed she happened to be in as well. Her intentions were to get up and leave after the nights 'festivities' were over, but she was beyond exhausted. Somewhere between climbing out of the bed and trying to remember where her clothes were, she changed her mind and settled back down to sleep for a couple of hours before finally leaving.

She felt the slightest of movements next to her and became still, holding her breath to see if Aiden was shifting in his sleep, or if he was actually awake. When she heard him speak, she knew the answer to that. This was when things could get terribly awkward, but she wasn't about to let that happen.

After wiping the sleep from her eyes, she lifted herself up on her elbows and turned her attention toward him in the darkness. It was impossible to see him on the bed next to her. Even her room wasn't quite this dark, but every person enjoyed their personal space differently. Xylia lowered herself back onto the bed and brushed some hair out of her face before speaking. It was almost impossible to understand the words coming out of her mouth. The slight German accent she normally had was quite thick from sleep.

"I imagine this doesn't happen to you often..."

Startled slightly by her words, but he felt it somewhat coming by her subtle movements on the other side of the bed. "What...a night at the craps tables in the holodeck with actual alcohol... followed by a tussle in the sheets with a remarkably sexy young lady like few and far between actually..." He played off the situation, certainly not going to concede his previous thoughts to anyone. He closed his eyes again, and let his head fall to the pillow beneath his head.

Aiden mumbled into the pillow, and what came out was barely audible as though the universal translator was needed to figure out just what he said. "You keep stealing the covers and you won't be invited back... no matter how hot that accent is..."

Xylia brushed some hair out of her face and made an attempt to stare at the ceiling through the darkness. Rumors were rumors, but she was beginning to find a little bit of truth behind them. She turned her attention over to him once more and raised up on her elbow again. "For the record, I'm normally not a cover hog. Maybe I didn't even take them. Who knows? We were both sleeping." She sat up and scooted toward the end of the bed, feeling around until her feet touched the floor.

Aiden felt a shift in the weight of the bed, and raised his head again in the direction of Xylia. He reached out an arm and pulled her back to the bed, this time close to him as he now laid on his side. "And where do you think you're going...I don't think you were dismissed yet.." Aiden said playfully for almost five in the morning. Truth be told he wasn't much for company into the early hours, but for Xylia he might make that exception.

Giving a startled squeal, Xylia allowed herself to be pulled back onto the bed and toward him. Now that she was closer to him, she could see him a little better than she could moments before. "Well.. I just thought that since I stole the covers I should probably head back to my own quarters. You seemed a little upset about it, but, I am sorry that I did."

Aiden was hoping for more of a fight than that, especially since he had vague images and memories of someone bragging about their close quarters combat skills over shots of tequila last night. "You can stay if you like... I replicate a mean waffle or two if you're well behaved in a bit..." He couldn't believe the statement came from his mouth after his own ears heard it. These were definitely uncharted waters for the Lieutenant, offering breakfast and what not.

"Well behaved, huh?" She eyed him. "And what if I don't want to be well behaved? What if I decide I want to pin your arms above your head and have my way with you the way I see fit?"

For once Aiden couldn't argue with that logic even if he heard it from a stone faced Vulcan. "Who am I to disagree with that idea..."

Xylia grinned and pinned his arms above his head, before nipping at his bottom lip. "That's what I thought."


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