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It's On!

Posted on Sun Mar 6th, 2011 @ 7:54pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Ocean Club
Timeline: After Recollections v.1

Xylia made her way into the Ocean Club, scanning any and all occupants as she weaved her way toward the bar. Rumor had it the Major was currently here drowning herself in booze, possibly on her way to drinking herself into a coma. She shook her head at the thought. Certainly that wouldn't be the case. Would it? Even Stace knew her limits, right? She definitely hoped so.

Spotting the trademark red hair at the bar, she made her way toward her. There was something going on there, she was sure. No one drank more than a fish without having good reason to do so. What exactly that reason was, she had absolutely no idea, and if she would find out remained to be seen. It was up to the woman in question to tell her, and until that happened... Until that happened, all she could do was offer as much comfort and support as possible.

"Well... well... well... Fancy running into you here." The brunette stated as she settled herself down directly next to Stace. She turned her attention to the bartender and gestured to the drink in the other woman's hand. "I'll have what she's having. I'd say keep them coming until I catch up, but I'm almost sure I would end up on the floor convulsing."

Once her drink was in hand, she took a long drink, savoring the burn as it worked its way down her throat. She gestured for Pip to pour her another, then turned her attention to the woman next to her. "Okay... you're surrounded by gorgeous beaches and other various activities, and yet, I find you sitting here at the bar trying to drink yourself stupid."

Raising her head from the bottom of her glass, Stace directed her attention towards the voice on the stool beside her. "Some people enjoy beaches and other activities... I enjoy a crowded bar and a never ending supply of ambrosia. It's what I do... isn't that right Pipalicious?"

The barkeep sighed as he moved to refill the woman's glass yet again. "If you choose to spend your evenings partying with the Major here Lieutenant you best prepare yourself. The ol' lass sure does know how to have a good time."

"Exactly Pipikins! In fact... how about you break out some of your secret stash," Stace retorted with a wave of her hand. "Speaking of secret stashes... I swear I have this magical shadow following me... so it's best to keep an eye out... got me?"

Xylia glanced at Pip. "So, I've heard. The Major is notorious for knowing how to have a good time." She turned her attention back to Stace and leaned against the bar. "What's this about magical shadow people? You know... when my father started drinking, he swore he saw yellow unicorns with fuchsia spots. Why don't we let Pip take a break and go for a walk? If you still want that secret stash, I'll make sure you get it."

"Leave? To go outside?" Stace questioned with a bizarre look upon her face. In a strange way it was as if the woman was asking her to commit some unthinkable act... and in a way she was. Nevertheless, she supposed that perhaps once outside she could maybe catch a secret glimpse of the mysterious man, if he was indeed still lurking about as she suspected he was. Relenting, Stace nodded her head and stood from her stool but not before reaching across the counter and removing the bottle that Pip was currently holding with his hand. "Sorry old friend. I believe I need this more than you do."

Pip lowered his head and relented. "I'm sure you do."

"Ready then Lieutenant? For our... stroll?" Stace inquired.

Xylia slid from her seat and finished off her second drink before helping the Major to her feet. "I think the fresh air will do you some good." She wasn't about to try and remove the acquired bottle from the Major's hand. She just so happened to like her arm in tact, but she did wish Stace would leave it at the bar. Fat chance of that happening, though.

"I'd ask if you need a glass, but I'm fairly sure I know the answer to that. Let's go on that stroll. You can tell me what the hell has you so bothered." The brunette woman spoke. Helping to support the redheaded woman, Xylia made her way back the way she came, hoping she didn't bite off more than she could chew this time. Most drunks tended to be mean, and this could very well go downhill fast, but if it did, she could handle the situation. Briefly, she wondered how much attention a girl fight in the sand would draw.

Exiting the building in an amazing display of fashion, Stace drew a long well deserved sip from her bottle before turning her immediate gaze on the other woman. There was something about her that seemed disturbing. "Why do you think something is bothering me?"

Xylia kept an arm around Stace's waist just in case. It helped they were about the same height. She turned her attention to the woman next to her with a look that clearly portrayed her inner thoughts. "You're really going to ask me that? You claim that there's some kind of magical shadow following you... and you took Pip's booze right from his hand. No.. I suppose there isn't anything bothering you. Spill."

"For the record I always take the booze. Drinking is my kinda thing... I'm not exactly one to need a traumatizing moment in order to have a few dozen drinks. I rather enjoy the carefree feeling it gives me," Stace announced proudly as she paused long enough to take a quick glance around. "On the other hand, however, I believe someone from the goon squad is spying on me. For what reason I'm not sure yet... but Mr. Mysterio from the bar was definitely sizing me up for something. I suspect he's out here now... somewhere... watching us. Hell, they might even be profiling you as well."

"Should that be the case, I'd have to borrow that bottle of yours. Granted, you wouldn't be getting it back since it would be lodged in someone's skull." Xylia walked with the Major toward the beach and settled her down on a chair there, then parked herself in the one next to it. "Do you think that you're being paranoid? Did Pip see Mr. Mysterio?"

Stace narrowed her brows at the thought of being 'paranoid'. "I think everyone in the bar saw the man. Aside from being mysterious, of course, he was rather handsome. And by handsome... I mean totally creepy handsome. I think he's with the..." she stopped and looked around before leaning over and whispering, "with the section."

The brunette woman cocked her head to the side. "Stace... you've got to elaborate a little more for me. What do you mean by section? Do you want me to put a search out for him? I'm sure he can't have gone far."

"Section 31 of course," Stace muttered. "And as for a search... it wouldn't do no good. He doesn't exist... can't find someone who doesn't exist. Just wait though. He'll turn back up. He has to. It's totally his job." She took another swig from the bottle then and looked around a bit. "This place sure is different. It use to be a lot more... I don't know. Empty I guess."

Xylia took the bottle from Stace's hand and tipped it back, taking a few long swallows of the liquid before handing it back. She winced as the burn rolled down her throat, but she pushed it out of her mind. She leaned back and looked around, taking in her surroundings. "When was the last time you were here?"

"Several years ago... before I married my last husband," the red head retorted as she held the liquor bottle tightly. "There was rumor of an assassination attempt on some ritzy diplomat. We had to come play security detail. I found Pip instead. Not sure if it was a good or a bad thing... but it was what it was. I'm sure you've experience similar interesting matters."

"Nothing quite so interesting, no." Xylia stated. "You know... what you need is fun. We're on shore leave. What do you say we stir up some trouble? We can obviously blame it on the alcohol."

Stace's eyes lit up a moment. "Are we going to beat the shit out of someone? I promised myself no more killing for a while... but beating them up isn't necessarily fatal anymore. What do you say?!"

Xylia laughed. "As much as I like beating the shit out of people, that's not exactly what I had in mind. Here's what I was thinking..." She leaned forward and began to whisper in the Major's ear.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh..." Stace dragged out. "Well... I do have some experience in that department! I suppose I could be up for something like that. I even know an amazing distraction. Shall we?"

"Indeed." Xylia got to her feet and offered her arm to the Major. This was going to the most fun she'd ever had, and getting Stace in on it just made it so much better. "And the beauty of it all... we're not even supposed to be there right now."


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