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To Boldly Go

Posted on Sun Mar 6th, 2011 @ 9:47pm by S'anra

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: ...Most of the Arizona

S'anra opened the door to her quarters and looked out. Empty. Everyone was on shore leave. Not everyone, she supposed, someone was keeping the ship in orbit. So more accurately, enough people were on shore leave, that the corridor, was empty. She left her quarters, having traded her usual leather suit and jacket for clothes from the replicator. A sleeveless Starfleet uniform undershirt and a fairly non-descript full-length skirt. Plus the commbadge, of course.

She had looked to some degree how the ship was laid out on the computer, at least with the piecemeal amount of information on the ship that the computer thought should be entrusted to a Romulan guest, but she didn't have any particular destination in mind.

She'd been in Federation space before, countless times. Back and forth across the border, various outlying worlds in and around the Triangle. She'd also been on military vessels before, ones far larger than the Arizona. However, a Federation military vessel... that was a different animal. And she was curious. In the time she'd been on the ship, she'd only seen the bridge, transporter room, science lab, and her quarters, which all in all didn't account for very much of the it.

Of course, a Romulan poking around the bowels of said vessel didn't look particularly innocent, which was why the lack of people to notice she was doing so, was a matter of convenience. It briefly occurred to her that poking around specifically while people were not aboard looked even less innocent, but if there isn't anyone around to notice, the problem is non-existent. Plus, familiarity with the ship's layout might come in handy at some point.

She stepped into the turbolift, which waited patiently for instructions. Ship has fifteen decks, the bridge is guaranteed to have people. "Deck 15," she stated. Start at the bottom and go up. Avoid the engine rooms too. As soon as the doors opened, she noted that the clean, wide-opening Starfleet style didn't persist into the bowels of the ship. It felt almost Romulan, in its utility.

She cautiously stepped out of the turbolift. The computer hadn't seemed to indicate anything important here, but she still felt a bit like a child. Going places for the sake of going places, just to see what things look like. She mused about whether or not Jack might have done the same thing when he came aboard.

Most of the decks were fairly non-descript. There were a variety of doors which refused to part for her. She assumed they must lead to either engineering sections or weaponry. Perhaps one of them even had her own weapons behind them. The disruptor meant nothing to her, it was a tool that came in use at times, as with most of the few possessions she kept along. The dagger, on the other hand, was hers. Given to her when she was young. She had nearly lost it a dozen times since she started freelancing, always seemed to make it back to her though. Hopefully they'd give it back to her when she left.

She hit the mess hall after a while. Usually the off-duty center of activity, it was completely devoid of life. Anyone off-duty took their time down on the planet. She ordered a water from a replicator, and stepped up to the full-height windows looking out at the planet. An almost pure blue globe, with splotches of islands scattered across. Beautiful, even to a scientist such as herself.

That curious spark struck a chord again. She wasn't working on any research at the moment. Her experiences on the border taught her all these Federation worlds weren't necessarily the enemy war machine they were described as when she was young. A quick visit couldn't hurt. She wasn't, however, going to step foot on an alien world unprotected. Simple curiosity did not override years of fending for herself. She checked her pocket again for the scalpel she had pocketed from her science kit, and headed to the transporter room.


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