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As the World Falls Down

Posted on Fri Mar 11th, 2011 @ 12:10pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Beach - Pacifica
Timeline: Following 'Karma Will Be a Bitch!'

The morning sky was a brilliant shade of crystal blue as Stace rubbed the alcohol induced sleep from her eyes. Just when and how she had ended up on one of the most beautiful beaches she had ever seen was an interesting mystery but considering she seemed intact she chalked it up to her own stupidity. Now, making herself comfortable upon the soft yet harsh sand she contemplated the night before as she watched the sun slowly begin to rise.

It had started off innocently enough - just a few drinks amongst friends. Then the arrival of the mysterious stranger and then sudden appearance of Lieutenant Lischka. Things went all to hell after that. Part of her wondered if the Captain was searching for her now.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Jumping to her feet out of shock, Stace turned around quickly to come face to face with the very subject of her agony. "You! What the hell kind of stalker are you?"

"Stalker? You must have me confused with someone else. I was merely passing by and saw you sitting alone. Thought I would see if you were alright," the man explained calmly.

Stace narrowed her eyes and took this opportunity to study him more closely. He was without a doubt the same man from the bar last night. So why was he playing dumb?

"Perhaps you thought that after all that alcohol I would be unable to remember certain things... I'm afraid this is where I disappoint you. I know who you are... the question is why do you continue to act as if I do not?" she countered - a faint tinge of anger seeping in.

Admittingly on his behalf the man had the possibility to be a great actor. His attempt to look bewildered was a good one but Stace was built to see right through it.

"I suggest you start talking because quite frankly it's too early in my vacation to start whoopin your ass."

A displeased frown crossed the man's handsome features. He had not been expecting this. "Look... perhaps it would be in our best interests to just part ways without causing any... damage... to each other."

"Excuse me?" she blinked as she took a step in his direction. "You stalk me and now want me to forget I ever saw you?"

"Yes," the man nodded simply. "Things have changed. I must go."

She hated being dismissed. Even more so from someone she didn't know. "Afraid I can't let that happen. You're here for a reason and apparently I'm it. No one is leaving til I get some answers."

"You're in over your head Major," the man warned. "The eyes never stop watching."

Stace struggled with the sudden bells and whistles that began to go off within her own head. The eyes never stop watching. It was a phrase she herself had once uttered many many moons ago. In days that were best left unremembered... in files now colored black.

"Why all the sneaking about?" she finally asked. "If you are indeed with the section then you are aware that stalking me will reward you with nothing."

The man agreed. There was not a single individual among their organization that had not heard the stories. In a way she had become a legend. "It was not my idea."

Of course it wasn't. The whole situation screamed of Luther Sloan. It was amazing how much influence a dead man could have. "Just tell me why you're here."

"You know I can't," the man reminded. "I just didn't take into consideration you would suspect me as anything more than a vacationer."

Stace exhaled slowly. "Look... I'd rather not have to do this but..."

"Do wha..." he started to ask as the woman suddenly advanced on him. As a trained agent he was taught not to show fear - taught how to handle himself. But he drew the line on crazy former agents. "Okay, okay!"

Halting in her footsteps the Major brushed back loose strands of flame red from her eyes. She hadn't exactly planned for that to work but she'd take it.

"With the return of the Epsilon agents and you accessing blocked files the organization believed you were in contact with them and possibly plotting something. I was sent to see if you were meeting with someone," the man rushed - nearly stumbling over his own words.

Stace froze - the color slowly draining from her face. For a moment she felt as if her heart had stopped beating. The section was known for it's trickery - that much was certain - but this? Would they truly go this far? And with her?

"You're lying," she counter with a flat tone. "There were no survivors at Epsilon. I was there."

It was now the man's turn to freeze - his own color draining. She had not known? What a huge error they had made. What would the organization say now? He had to do something!

The entire time the man stood before her in nervous silence Stace felt something inside her begin to change. Like a switch going off in her head. Feelings of cold calculated malice began to overwhelm her. Her blood felt hot and heavy - her eyes hardening. She could read the man almost instantly - knew he was speaking a truth she was not to know.

"When?" she demanded.

The man swallowed hard. The woman who spoke to him was not the same woman from moments ago. This woman was far more dangerous. "I'm... I'm not sure what you mean..."

"When did you realize they were still alive? How long have you known?" she nearly shouted - her fists clenching and unclenching.

He held his own hands up in defense. The last thing he needed was for her to blame him directly. "I was only told prior to this assignment. I'm not that high up on the food chain."

"What do you know? Everything!" she barked.

He nodded. There was no turning back now. "Someone infiltrated the organization a couple months ago... stole some classified documents. We had suspicions but no concrete leads. A few weeks ago, however, we got our answers. The thief sent us a message. That thief was your son."

That thief was your son. The words stung her worse than any pain imaginable. Her son. The young man who she had torn a quadrant apart to find. The young man who she risked so many careers for. The young man she chose to save instead of her husband. And now? "Your life hangs by a thread. If you rather it not... I suggest you tell me where you think he is."

"We don't know," the man admitted. "We were hoping you did."

Stace struggled to keep her rage in check. In a mere matter of minutes her entire life had been flipped completely upside down - and at the center of it was an organization she should have burnt to the ground years ago when she had the chance. "Well I don't. But let me tell you something. I will find out. And when I do... I'll be coming for all of you... and there's not a place in this universe that will hide you. I promise that much."

"I understand," the man replied somberly as he turned away from her. He understood too well. "Until we meet again then..."

But Stace S. DeVries was already gone.


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