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The Aftermath

Posted on Wed Mar 16th, 2011 @ 3:05pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Various
Timeline: Following 'As the World Falls Down'

[Ocean Club]

Following her discussion with Section 31's representative Stace S. DeVries found herself back at her home away from home - a familiar glass of soothing amber in her hand. By her side, or as close as one could get considering the rather large bar counter, Pip hovered almost protectively over the somber woman. In all the years he had never seen her in such a state. The Major was sober.

"Want to talk about it?" he asked as he eyed the untouched bottle of whiskey in front of her. She had even gone so far as to dress... more normal. In a way he was almost terrified.

She shook her head. As much as she appreciated the barkeep the last thing she wanted to do was spill her guts to him in front of a party room full of drunks. In fact, if she were to be completely honest, she didn't think she would ever tell anyone about the news she received. Instead she had to decide what she would do with it.

"You're a good friend Pip," Stace confided as she returned the still full glass back to the bar counter. "But I think it would be best if I just head on back to the ship."

Pip frowned and reached his hand out to touch her's upon the glass. "You didn't even have one. It's not like you."

"Just not in the mood anymore," she explained tiredly. "You take care of yourself."

He nodded sadly - the thought of her not robbing him blind putting him in a sour mood. "Suppose I'll see you on the next run."

"That would be nice," she smiled as she stood from her seat and turned towards the direction of the door. For some reason she couldn't shake the feeling she would never see Pip nor his delicious whiskey again.

"DeVries to Arizona... one to beam up."


Re-materializing on the transporter pad Stace began her descent down and out the exit when the young man arming the console suddenly called out to her. Turning abruptly the Major vaguely recalled him from the night before. Petty Officer... someone.

"Is there a problem Enlisted Red Shirt?" she inquired with a sigh.

He fidgeted for a moment before taking a deep breath. "I sort of... broke your trust."

"What did you say?" the Major snapped as the fog started to slip away.

Coming around his station to intercept her back tracking he briefly wondered if she would vaporize him with or without torture involved. He was hoping neither. "You... you told me not to speak of last night... but... look... I'm sorry! The Captain came by and I sorta... I was a coward!"

"You told him about me?" she asked slowly.

The Petty Officer nodded. "Well... in not so many words. He was really upset... and grouchy. I'm so sorry!"

"You should be," Stace retorted as she turned on her heels and marched back into the corridor.

On her way towards the nearest turbolift Stace contemplated the new news. She hated being sold out. Under any circumstance. However, she was also aware that loyalty was a tricky thing. Could she really blame the man for buckling under the duress of the crusty one? It was just so hard to find good help these days. It also meant the old man had nearly a whole day ahead of her to plot some type of revenge. She could hardly wait.

Eventually taking the final steps to her front door the Major stopped just short of entering. She wasn't quite sure what it was... but something inside her was telling her there was a problem within her quarters. Immediately her suspicion turned to that of the Captain. However, on the flip side to that coin, there was also her beef with Mr. Mysterio. Perhaps she could just blame them both equally and be done with it. Sounded good to her... and thus the door opened.

It was the smell that first alerted her senses that her gut feeling had indeed been correct... and from that smell alone she needed no further exploring to determine from where the stench had come. So. This is how it was going to be was it? It was ironic in a way to say that the woman almost preferred the aroma of pure festering bile over some of the other things she had been subjected to inhale in the past. However, it certainly did not make the situation any more pleasant.

There was only one thing to do at this point. "DeVries to Sweeney."

"Yes Major?" the pitchy voice wailed almost at once.

Taking her first step inside she made a quick observation to make sure the rest of her belongings were still in tact... grateful to realize it was only the huge amount of shit that was the problem. "I'm in a bit of a stink down here. I need you, that jerkface in the transporter room... the one with the lying face... and Helga here stat. Oh... and you better replicate some hazmat suits. I think you'll be needing them. DeVries out."

As for her? She had other things in mind.


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