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Personnel Shuffle

Posted on Wed Mar 16th, 2011 @ 3:36pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Captain's Ready Room, Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Shortly After 'Divine Retribution; Part 2'

Captain Nathan Cowell's short trip to sickbay following his battle royal with his Assistant Chief of Security had confirmed that his ribs were bruised, but not broken. And, with the masterful application of various regenerative tools and therapies the aches, pains, and various bruises soon faded away and the Captain had been left in good condition. He had then retreated to the confines of his office to catch up, grudgingly, on the paperwork he'd neglected during shore leave. Among the myriad things he'd neglected, a stack of personnel transfer orders and reassignment requests stood out. Since he couldn't readily pass off the workload to Sweeney, Nathan decided to glance over it all himself.

The first items of business were the crew that had opted to transfer off the ship. The Assistant Chief of Engineering, Miomar Barr, was the first name that came up. Nathan tried to recall the man's face but really couldn't; a sign that he hadn't spent much time dealing with the man. He did, however, affix his thumb to the order, as it didn't do him any good to hold someone back should they decide they needed to go elsewhere.

The second name, that of their only Counselor Walter Suder, was a surprise. He did indeed remember the man, though their first meeting wasn't one that stood out in Nathan's mind as the most pleasant. He did, however, perform admirably with the Brakken people and as such had made a positive impression in the Captain's mind. A little further along the transfer request Nathan found that he wasn't satisfied with his work on Brakken and desired the chance to continue it aboard the medical ship that was heading back that way. A noble gesture, indeed, and one that Nathan had no qualms about approving.

After the off-going requests had been attended to, the business of departmental management could begin. The first request was from the Borg, Three of Seven. It seemed the little drone had noticed the vacancy in Engineering. His previous postings had all been as engineers, which made him just as suitable a candidate as any other. Again, Nathan affixed his thumb to the order and made it official. He would let the drone come to him if he had any issues with his new posting.

Second on the list of departmental concerns were the majority of the Science Department. With S'anra no longer holding any appreciable role in the department, the office of Chief and Assistant Chief were somewhat up for grabs. The most logical choice was to move Beliard to the Department Head slot and elevate Barrett to the Assistant slot given that she had been a Department Head once before. He made the necessary changes and sent the required roster updates to the two officers affected.

Once all that was cleared up, it was simply a matter of shuffling through reports and finalizing requisitions for supplies; all the joyfully mundane things that Nathan dearly loved to do... About as much as he loved getting kicked in his testicles...


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