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Posted on Fri Mar 18th, 2011 @ 8:53am by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Chief of Security's Office - Arizona
Timeline: Following 'The Aftermath'

Having left her 'mess' in the trusted hands of Todd Sweeney and his elected minions, the Major opted to return to her office to handle a number lf things she deemed very important prior to the Arizona's impending departure from Pacifica. The first on her list was to acquire some above standard junior officers who could be counted on in difficult situations - ie. when she needed an accomplice in a prank. The second was to make nice with her Romulan crewmates... and considering she was probably one of the few individuals to respect and like a good share of their people she was hoping for a decent outcome.

Third on her agenda was getting her department in tip-top shape. With the Arizona's initial shakedown done and their first shoreleave out of the way she decided it was time to buckle down on her underlings. The situation on the planet had woken up a side of her she had let stay dormant for far too long. She half wondered if she were more Stace or more Anastasia at the moment. She supposed she'd settle for either. It wasn't like she had much of a choice. Fourth was dealing with her son and the cracked out organization called Section 31. That wasn't going to be easy... even for her... but she was determined to accomplish something.

Then there was the last thing on her list. Thanking the Captain and his friends for her gift. The part of her that was Anastasia wanted to just chalk it up as a done deal but the part that was Stace fought for redemption. She wasn't quite sure how it would go. Perhaps she would flip a coin. A double headed one.

Turning her attention to her computer screen she entered the necessary commands to initiate communications with Starbase 11. The familiar visage of Csiti N. Petz almost immediately came into view.

"Oh! Um... hello Major," she greeted quickly - the look of being caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar plastered all over her face.

Stace was suspicious right away. The Commander was never 'sorta' nice to her. "What happened?"

Right to the point.

"I'll go get the General!"

And right to the exit.

She waited several minutes - growing more and more impatient - until the weathered mug of her makeshift father appeared. It was hard for her to admit but it was as if he had aged years in the time she had been gone. Just what had caused this amount of stress? Did she even want to know?

"Stace... by the grace of the fates..." the old man greeted with a sense of happiness. "I was beginning to wonder when you would call."

Still perplexed by the actions of the Commander, Stace shrugged his warm welcome off indifferently. She was mildly annoyed and that needed to be rectified pronto. "Something's wrong... and I want to know what it is." She took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair... half wishing she had indeed gone ahead and stolen Pip's secret stash of forbidden toxicity. "And don't beat around the bush... because Csiti has already burnt that sucker down."

"Very well," Brett J. Michaels relented with a slow stroke of his short peppered goatee. "I'm afraid Kristin has gone ahead and gotten married."

Stace blinked and felt herself jump up a bit. "What?!"

"Daz and her have also requested transfer to a science orientated vessel in order for her to continue with her recent studies," the man continued without a break for air.


"They have also been in contact with Kiara about Anja going to live with Michael and her in San Francisco in their absence."

Stace drew in her breath sharply. "Wha..."

"And... to top it all off... Kristin as also managed to help Reece track down Laura's family," the old man concluded with a deep frown.

That was it. She had had more than enough! "Just what the hell is going on there?! You're telling me that in the short amount of time I've been away my entire family has gone completely insane?!"

"I didn't expect it either... I really didn't," Brett admitted with a tired look on his brow. "I have no idea what has caused this sudden change in them. I've been trying to smooth the situation over... but it's not going well I'm afraid."

It was all too much. "Look... I don't care how you have to do it... but no one leaves that starbase. Especially not any of my damn kids."

"You know I can't keep them here," the man explained. "Not if Kristin and Daz are able to secure orders from Earth. My strings have been stretched too thin."

Damn. She had forgotten all about the blows the old man had taken for her during the Epsilon crisis. He was right in the fact that there were too few left in upper command that would be in a position to help him pull the necessary strings to keep one of her demented children at bay. There was no mistaking it. Kristin was every bit her father and mother. If she wanted it bad enough she'd find a way.

"Do what you can," she nearly pleaded. "There's some stuff going on here... and I can't be worried about them. Do you understand? You must find a way. And once you've done that... I need you to find Chet and get him to me."

Brett raised his eyebrow curiously. "Chet? What in heavens name could you possibly want with him?"

"A lot of things," she retorted. "Don't ask questions I can't answer okay? Just make it happen for me. Trust when I say I'm trying to intercept this shit before it goes too far. I won't make the same errors twice."

"Very well."

Stace exhaled a sigh of relief. The loving bastard would be her hero once more. "Thanks. I got to run for now... but I'll be in touch soon. You have my word."

There was a brief nod from the General as the screen slowly faded to black and left the Major suddenly rising from her desk. Seemed things were never finished where she was concerned. However, this was definitely not the time to dwell. Instead... she had other things to stress her out. Her agenda. Next up? Romulan tea parties.


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