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Poking Noses

Posted on Thu Mar 24th, 2011 @ 3:39pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Renegades
Location: Chief of Security's Office - Arizona
Timeline: Current

Entering her office, warm muffin at the ready, Stace S. DeVries turned her attention towards the short stack of PaDDs that lined the nearest corner of her desk. With the Arizona on it's way to the mysterious Gavarian Corridor the Major had requested any and all information about the events taking place within the area. With no official Federation presence it was safe to assume the hot spot was buzzing with all types of illegal activities. Activities that were right up her alley.

Crossing the distance to her chair Stace took a huge bite of her snack before lifting the top PaDD and taking a seat. Just as she suspected the corridor was a convict's dream come true. Report after report made mention of various 'shady' operations taking place however none could positively identify the culprits.

Pulling up the star chart for the areas in question Stace couldn't help but notice the extreme proximity to the Cardassion Union as well. Surveys long have shown - and agreed - that very rarely did either race care much for the other. Of course that didn't solve anything... only served to give her more suspects. It was a brutal never ending cycle.

She considered contacting Commander Halsey in intel to assist her in her 'project' but opted instead for resident 'play boy' Lieutenant Roberts. Though the man was an operations officer and didn't necessarily have an intelligence background she had read his service record thoroughly. It was the fact that the Lieutenant had previously served on Starbase 98, a station once commanded by her husband. A station renowned for it's intelligence teams. It was enough to warrant that Mr. Roberts had more than likely worked amongst those teams... and that equaled experience in her books.

"Computer, compile all recently read reports concerning the raids within the Gavarian Corridor and forward them to Lieutenant Roberts in Ops for cross referencing."

Several seconds passed before the computed bleeped to life. "All records have been compiled and sent."

"Good, good," she retorted as she stood from her desk and made her way to the replicator. "Tonic water, twist of lemon."

The beverage materialized quickly and the Major took a refreshing draw off the glass - happy to 'wash' what was left of her muffin down. Satisfied for the moment Stace turned her attention now to the other offices. Empty. Eerily empty. Just where were the other members of her department? Was she the only one dedicated to the job? There was only one way to find out.

"DeVries to Lischka... finish up whatever you're doing and round our people up. I'm planning a briefing before the day is over!" she relayed over the comm before exiting the room.

Seems she wasn't the only one wanting to hold meetings.


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