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The New Ensign

Posted on Sat Apr 2nd, 2011 @ 4:48pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: Following 'Pit Stop'

Ensign Shenk had gathered the last of what he would be taking aboard the U.S.S. Arizona with him and waited until the majestic vessel had docked at Deep Space 10. Having made his final reports to his head of Security there, he received final permission and orders to exit Deep Space 10 and board the U.S.S. Arizona. He looked forward to talking to the Major after reading about her history and when the vessel docked and people started doing the StarFleet Shuffle, as he called it, he boarded the vessel and requested directions to see her in person and made his way to where she was.

"Ensign Marcus Shenk, Security Investigations Officer, reporting, Major DeVries," he said, coming to full height and attention.

Looking up from the PaDD she was currently skimming through, Stace S. DeVries raised her head from the text at the sound of a rather unfamiliar voice. Taking a quick look over the individual to whom the voice belonged she surmised that what she was looking at was indeed the new member of her department - not that the introduction hadn't helped that along any. "At ease Ensign. Glad to see you made it onboard. I assume you had no problems upon the station?"

Marc crossed his arms behind his back and went into formal 'at ease' mode as she ordered him to. "Thank you, Major DeVries. No, Major, everything was satisfactory aboard Deep Space 10. I took the time to brush up on my Romulan and, I admit, to do a bit of research on the Arizona." He stood for a moment, looking sheepish. "With respect, Major, I also did a bit of background research on you. My last assignment, which was also my first assignment, was onboard the U.S.S. Victory. I'm honored to be serving under you."

The Victory. It was hard for Stace to categorize how she felt at the mentioning of her former post. It had been a ship of both triumphs and sorrows. Even now, thirteen years later, she still felt a pang of regret. "Well... I'm glad to have you," she replied with a small smile. "As for the Romulans... glad to hear you did some refreshing. We're in for a real shit storm here. I have no doubt the Victory prepared you for some excitement. Do you have any questions?"

"I only hope that the capacity in which I've served previously serves the Arizona, Major DeVries. Is there any official capacity needs that I can fulfill in particular at this time?" He went on to ask a few questions about the duty roster, how she preferred to run Security, and what extras that he might expect as a Security Officer aboard the Arizona. He had already found that one person did not run a department the same way as another and wanted the scoop from the horse's mouth. He swallowed and coughed, clearing his throat as the redheaded Security Major in front on him looked nothing like a horse.

Stace took a look around the room before motioning the man towards an empty desk near the corner. "If you'd like you can use that space as your own. To your right is Petty Officer Ruiz's desk and to your left is Lieutenant Goodman's. They're on duty at the moment but I'm sure you'll meet them soon. In regards to any current work... I'm afraid we're on a bit of a standby until we reach the corridor and see what's shaking. I'm told it won't be too much longer now. So, I suppose you could use this bit of free time to become better acquainted with the ship. Have you been to your quarters yet?"

"No, Major DeVries. I wanted to report to you first and foremost." He takes note of the desk and the names of the other officers. "In the event that I'm unable to contact you, Petty Officer Ruiz or Lieutenant Goodman, who should I report to? Is there an Assistant or Deputy Chief who handles things when you're not present?" He waited for her response, thinking that the space he was just assigned was a lot more spacious than the broom closet he occupied on Deep Space 10.

Stace pointed towards the desk closest to the door. "That would be Lieutenant Lischka. I had previously entertained the idea of some extra training in order to prepare us for our upcoming journey... I suspect she might be planning a holodeck exercise. Nevertheless, she is usually here when she's not... engaging in other activities."

Marc nodded and smiled when he thought of holodecks and other activities. "If there is anything that I can do, feel free to call on me. I'm fluent in Romulan and Klingon, and I'm good at gathering and sorting intelligence if I'm needed in Intelligence. I would also be happy to volunteer my time training others in hand-to-hand, or helping where there might be a need." He knew that without a doubt that the Major had full access to his training records, but wanted to clarify and volunteer before he became what was known as a "Chinese volunteer".

"I will definitely keep that under advisement," Stace affirmed with a nod of her head. "In the meantime feel free to go settle in your quarters and we'll re-convene when we have some business to sort. Once again, welcome aboard."

The Major watched as the man issued a quick smile and exited through the doors behind her. For once it was beginning to look a little brighter on her side of the fence.


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