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Posted on Sat Apr 2nd, 2011 @ 6:24pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Renegades
Location: Security Offices, USS Arizona
Timeline: After 'The New Ensign'

After getting himself settled in and introducing himself to his bunkmate, Marc acquired a PaDD and got himself familiarized with the layout of the ship more than he had had a chance to upon Deep Space 10. "Computer, please locate Lieutenant Lischka" He waited until the feminine computer voice informed him that Lieutenant Lischka was currently in Security. Making sure that his uniform was fresh and that he, himself was fresh, he headed to the Security office.

Xylia sat behind her desk looking over the plans for the holodeck program she planned for the members of her team. The Major wanted them all to bring their 'A' game on this mission, and it was her job to see to it that that happened. No pressure. She must have gone over things nearly a dozen or so times, always finding something that could be better to the point of sheer frustration. What she needed was a distraction, even if it only meant a few minutes of not looking at what lie upon her desk. Naked mud wrestling midgets would do the trick, though the Captain would definitely not agree.

She leaned back in her chair and looked up as the new guy made his way back into Security. "If you're looking for the Major, you're out of luck. She's no longer here. Best to try the bridge."

Marc caught his breath as he took in the gorgeous woman sitting at the desk and swallowed. "Actually, I was looking for Lieutenant Lischka. I'm Ensign Marc Shenk, the new Security Investigation Officer. Major DeVries suggested that I introduce myself to you. As I told the Major, I'm fluent in Romulan and Klingon, I'm an expert in hand-to-hand combat, and she did mention that you did holodeck programming. I've done a little of that myself in regards to training. Is there anything I can help you with until I'm needed in my official capacity, Lieutenant?"

"Take a breath..." Xylia eyed the man standing in front of her desk. Never in all her years in Starfleet had she met someone so eager. It was definitely different. "First... Ensign Marc Shenk... let me say welcome to the Arizona." She pushed herself to her feet and moved around to the other side to lean against the surface of her desk. "You'll definitely be a welcome member of Security. As far as holodeck programming goes, I've got this particular one under control. I don't let anyone tinker around with things that have my name on them. Nothing personal."

"None taken, Lieutenant Lischka. I'd rather assist in getting something accomplished for the greater good of the ship than sit around and let dust accumulate on me." He studied her as she moved, noting the toned muscled that led him to believe that she kept herself in fighting form. As a member of Security, that was a must and he took another moment to admire her natural beauty before pulling himself together. It wouldn't do well to be chastised for ogling a senior crew member his first day on the job. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm available." He paused, then realized that his comment may not sound right at all. "Err...for Security purposes, that is." He coughed, his face flushed just a little as he thought about the 'other activities' the Major had told him that she engaged in.

The woman canted her head, listening to him as he spoke. "I'll keep that in mind, Ensign. Perhaps I'll let you take the program for a test run before I unveil it for the rest of Security." She noted his flushed appearance. There was no way to know what he was thinking about, but she was pretty sure she could guess, and that just wasn't going to fly. While he was definitely nice to look at, she would rather play dress up with the Romulans and the Borg then suffer Captain Cowell's wrath. Once was enough for her to learn her lesson.

He cleared his throat and nodded, knowing that departmental relationships were a no-no and focused on a mental image of a naked Ferengi female. Repressing his inner revulsion, he nodded. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I just wanted to let you know, as I let Major DeVries know, that I am more than ready to serve. If there is anything else, I believe that I have at least one or two more people that I need to introduce myself to." With that, he saluted her and waited until he was dismissed.

"You're dismissed." She watched his back as he retreated the way he had come in. After standing there for a few more moments, she turned and moved back over to her desk to settle down again. That wasn't quite what she had in mind when thinking of distractions, but it worked. Now she couldn't wait to get back to work.


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