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The low down...

Posted on Sun Apr 3rd, 2011 @ 6:01pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA)

Mission: Renegades
Location: Captain's Ready Room, Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Several hours after 'Pit Stop'

Captain Nathan Cowell had received some interesting intelligence from his visit to the Command Staff of Deep Space 10. He'd returned to the ship and ordered his Security Chief and his new Second Officer to meet him in his Ready Room. Neither of them had been on the bridge when he'd returned, which wasn't shocking. Security had received a nice boost in numbers while the Operations section was busy with an influx of cargo. The First Officer had departed the ship to attend to the personnel issues before their departure, which freed Nathan up momentarily to start formulating plans.

"You beckoned oh crusty one?" Stace remarked as she entered into the old man's office space and took the all too familiar seat near the door. "Heard ol' Jackie boy stepped off the ship for a bit... would this call be because of that?"

Aiden entered the Ready Room moments behind the Major, having shared a turbolift with her on the way up. He had taken a momentary detour to hand off some last minute requisitions to the Operations Officer on the Bridge, as well as cram in a quick report on how the resupply operations were going way up here.

"She always gets the good seat.." Aiden muttered, already calculating for a quick getaway from the Boss before slumping into the one closer to the desk.

"Our little XO is handling our crew intake and offload, I'm sure he'll be back before we leave. This is actually more about what we're about to get ourselves into around here. First off, though, how are the movements of people and goods going on your end?" Nathan asked.

For once a prepared Roberts' handed a PADD across the desk to the Captain, detailing the status of all of the ships outstanding supply needs - which was to his satisfaction becoming a smaller list even as they spoke.

"The majority of what we need is onboard and being stowed as we speak. Some of the larger parts Engineering asked for are being replicated, and Science just put in a last minute list. I'm pretty sure we'll be a maximum capacity within the next four hours Boss. As for people, we really didn't have to displace too many folks. As you know we had some gaps in the roster as is, so if anything it was shuffling people closer together. Some folks had to double up in the lower ranks, but all in all a smooth transition. I'd say we're winning in the Operations end of things."

Stace straightened a bit and clasped her hands together in her lap. "Everything is running smooth on my end as well. As you are aware we picked up a couple extra bodies and they have reported in and are being settled as we speak. I've tasked Lieutenant Lischka in preparing some holodeck scenarios in hopes of getting everyone trained up for a number of probable events... and I believe we'll be in tip top shape come our arrival to the corridor."

"Excellent," the Captain said before handing out a large tactical PADD to each of them, "This is what we're going to be running across while we're out there. As I'm sure each of you knows, there have been a godly amount of raids on vessels in the sector between Deep Space 10 and the first Nebula we'll encounter on our trip. There are some comprehensive reports that we never got forwarded, others are just as vague as any. So far, however, no one particular power on either said or in the mercenary business has made a monopoly out of these raids. Yet."

Nathan directed the two PADDs he'd given out to display an area of increased traffic, "This through-way here is where we're going to focus much of our attention, both long range scanning wise and actual presence. There have been some anomalous readings coming out of this area for a few weeks now, but no one has been close enough before they dissipate. The prevailing theory right now is that someone is using a Theleron weapon or something akin to that. I know for a fact, that shit doesn't linger for a long time after it begins to decay, so we'll have to be on top of our game in the surveillance area. Also, if we happen to get a distress call, I'm going to need you to do a comprehensive investigation. It doesn't do us any good not to know as much as possible while we're on the prowl."

"Lieutenant Roberts and I have recently gone over most of the older reports concerning these events and have come to several possible conclusions... however, I believe until we ourselves are within the actual area of space anything else would be straight guessing. My new security officer is apparently an investigator of sorts so I could task him with working with intel on that side of it," Stace explained.

Aiden pondered to himself, recalling the exact nature of their last conversation in his office. He had a bad feeling about this region of space, and now with the mention of Thelaron weapons, he was definitely concerned. "I'd suggest we vary our course as often as possible. Keep it random for anyone who may be watching us. I'm sure the word is probably out that Starfleet has a big gun ship in the area, and stations like this a hub for chatter. I'm sure we are being watched closely the moment we leave port. Any possibility of leaving a trailing support craft running silent, keeping tabs?" It was a hunch, as he read through the reports, skimming for minor details.

"If you can find a pilot willing to man it, I'm sure we can make that happen," Nathan nodded, "Any other suggestions?"

Aiden nodded, "I can think one off the top of my head..."

"Oh?" Nathan asked with a raised eyebrow, "That being?"

"Price, Sir. He just wondered into my department. Good guy, reliable." Aiden took pride in his folks, they made him look good.

"Talk it over with him then. If he's up for it, send him," Cowell turned to Stace, "And provide him with a tactically trained person as well, just in case things get dangerous."

The Major raised a brow curiously at the idea. The thought of a trailing vessel that would still be 'viewable' to anyone who chose to look was puzzling to her. Nevertheless, she nodded in agreement. "I do believe I could assign Lieutenant Goodman to the task. That is if Price is a go for mission."

"Good, then let's start with this and see where it takes us. How long until you have everything settled stock wise, Roberts?" Nathan inquired.

"Four hours...ish." Aiden replied.

"Then we'll start out tomorrow morning for the Corridor. Get your departments ready and pass the word along," the Captain said, leaning back in his chair.

Aiden stood and left without a word for once, eager to read over the reports in hand.

"Sounds good... I'll let you know if I come across anything else," Stace smirked as she headed for the door herself.

"Thanks, both of you," Nathan said as the two departed.


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