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Diplomacy!? Yes!!

Posted on Sun Apr 10th, 2011 @ 6:47pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Antoine Théroit

Mission: Renegades
Location: Diplomatic Offices, USS Arizona
Timeline: BACKPOST: Before 'A Voice in the Dark'

Stepping out of the turbolift and rounding the sharp corner Major Stace S. DeVries swiftly entered through the doors that led to the home away from home of their newest diplomat. Having studied his personnel file en route to her present location the woman had noted the young man, one Lieutenant Antoine Theroit, seemed rather skilled in the particular area that she was hoping to speak to him about. Looking about the room her hazel eyes soon settled on a slightly taller form near the far off desk - no doubt the man she was looking for.

"Lieutenant Throit I presume?" she questioned loudly.

Antoine Theroit looked from his terminal to the redheaded Major standing in front of him. He offered her a delicate smile and rose to his feet. He offered his hand, "Welcome Major. Please, have a seat. Can I get you anything from the replicator?" He was excited to have the company.

"Tonic water, twist of lime," she answered with a smile of her own. "I was wondering if you were familiar with the area of space we are currently heading?"

"Raiders, pirates and bears, oh my." Theroit laughed. He walked over to the replicator and ordered the Major's tonic water with lime. He looked over his shoulders, "I know the Romulans are in that area of space as well."

The woman nodded as she took the glass from him. "The Cardassians are a concern as well. I have a feeling things are going to get a bit out of control and I was wondering if I could offer my assistance as I have studied this area top to bottom."

"Please by all means Major. Give me the scoop on your tactical analysis on the region." He sat down and tended his mug of coffee that he had been drinking for quite sometime. It was just lukewarm now and losing its impf.

Sipping off the glass, Stace told him all about the findings her and Lieutenant Roberts had discussed. The Romulans, the Cardassians, the mysterious raiders, the missing ships and cargo. "So... as you can imagine... we're hard pressed to find the culprit. However, I believe your talent will be in great use once we do. Whoever is behind this will not go down without a fight... and as much as I'd love to crack some skulls... information is far more important."

"Does our Intelligence Department have any information background on any of the culprits involved? Rep sheets?"

The Major shook her head and frowned a bit. "Unfortunately that department is a bit on the glitchy side right now... good news... I have an intelligence background. I think it's safe to say at this point that I know more about things then they do. If I had to make a guess, I'd go with with Romulans... but knowing the Cardassians the way I do... I have to keep them in the running. Have you had much experience dealing with these two races?"

"I only have experience in my dealings with the Romulans. I was on Romulus for a year."

Stace smirked a bit at the mention of good ol' Romulus. "I rather enjoyed the place when I was there... how about you? Fancy yourself a fan?"

"The food had a toll on my stomach," Theroit laughed, "nothing like momma made in Louisiana."

She gave his words a thoughtful pause. It was times like these she envied others. "No, I suppose it wasn't. Nevertheless, I'll be counting on your level head during this time. I can count on that right?" she grinned.

"Of course Major. My door is, uhm, always open to you."

Stace smirked wickedly. "Good to know. Well you just carry on then. Don't let me keep you from doing... whatever it is you were doing."

"Nothing? HA!" Antoine smirked in the same fashion as his colleague.

The woman could appreciate a good sense of humor. It was rare to come by these days. "Jolly good then Sir! The minute I can use you trust that I'll give you a ring! Anything else before I skedaddle?"

He rose an eyebrow about her comment about a rig. Then he got it. "Oh." He laughed nodding his head. "Nothing comes to mind. Feel free to visit. The door is always open."

"Glad to hear it! I do like to make unexpected visits! Until then!" Stace retorted with another smirk before exiting back into the corridor. Lieutenant Cajun? She thought she liked.


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