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Spring Cleaning

Posted on Sun Apr 10th, 2011 @ 2:14pm by Ensign Jennifer Russo & Crewman Apprentice Sekera

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various: Engineering, Science Labs
Timeline: current

Lieutenant Roberts had ordered Morgan to spearhead the upgrading of the sensor pallets prior to the Arizona's next mission. Morgan's concerns about their next Area of Operations, would require further tweaks. He didn't like to have to be in the middle of crisis and find himself unprepared for something that could've easily been addressed before hand. Lieutenant Roberts assured him that he'd bring up his concerns to the Captain however, he hopped it'd be sooner rather than later. For now, he had some other work to get to.


Morgan finished his initial assignment with the Operations department by clearing out two unused Science labs to be used as extra storage space. Though not as glamorous as flying a shuttle or being on the bridge, he still found the physical work refreshing.

Now the next step was to meet with Russo and Sekera to notify them that they now have two new storage spaces to fill with more...whatever.


Morgan activated his comm =A="...Officer Russo, this is Price, I've finished my part of the spring cleaning! We now have two former Science labs ready to be converted to storage space..."=A=

Jenn was a little startled at first by her comm-badge going off, she was going through pages of procedures regarding her current training. She sighed, happy to have an excuse to stop. "Okay thank you Petty Officer Price," she said. "Please notify the quartermaster, Sekera will be in charge of that." Jenn tried to think of anything she was supposed to do in regards to these changes, but couldn't. What she did know is that she was wanting to escape, "did you have any other assignments at the moment?" she asked.

"Outside of getting the new sensor suites installed, my dance card is pretty open!" Marcus replied "'s your studies going?"

The young Bolian entered the newly converted area as though out of breath. He was beyond stressed with all the movement and general chaos that was going on in his own little world these days. He had just finished reserving and flagging cargo to be placed two decks down in what was once crew quarters, before being informed that the science lab conversions were complete where he found the Mr. Morgan.

"Sorry.. I'm... late...Sir!" He huffed.

Marcus held up a hand slightly so that he could finish his conversation.
"No problem, I'll leave you to it then, crewman Sekera just got here! "

"They're going well.." she answered. "I don't need to bother you then enjoy the sensors," she said. Jenn was curious as to why the Petty Officer was so concerned with her studies. It also annoyed her a bit when he offered to assist with them, despite knowing it was him being polite. Jenn continued her work while the channel was open, checking her schedule on the computer.

"...good luck then, Price out!"

Marcus turned to the Bolian Quartermaster and smiled "..don't worry, I just finished clearing out these rooms and just wanted to let you know that they are free and clear to do as you please with them!" Marcus smiled, slapping the Bolian on the back, "...I'm off to engineering, gotta see someone about some sensors being installed..enjoy!"
Marcus said cheerfully as he sauntered off to complete the more daunting of assignments.



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