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Posted on Thu Apr 7th, 2011 @ 5:10pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: Following "Investigating"

After leaving the remains of the Temperance in the Cargo Bay, Ensign Shenk went back to Security and compiled the available information that the small team had gathered. Looking at it, he had to admit that it wasn't much; he wondered how the Captain would take it. "You can't make a mud pie without mud," he muttered to himself, a colloquialism that his Grandma used to say . The problem was that there was very little mud to work with. Wondering if the Captain would find that amusing or throw him in the brig, he decided not to mention it to the man at all. He sighed and looked up. "Computer, please locate Captain Cowell."

The computer chirped a few times before informing him, "Captain Cowell is in his Ready Room."

Gathering his PADD, Ensign Shenk left Security and headed for the Bridge. Pausing and making sure that he didn't have any grease stains or anything from the wreckage, he straightened his posture and approached the Ready Room and touched the console to announce his presence.

The chirping of the door chime drew out a grumble from the old man as he tossed his PADD down on the desk. He was in the midst of compiling a report of his own to Starfleet Command, one that he wasn't looking overly forward to writing. Nothing about having to write back to Earth telling them that a ship had been destroyed would have put any Captain in a good mood, and with Nathan being an overly sour individual in the first place...

The chime rang against which prompted the Captain to bellow, "Yes yes, bring your sorry ass inside!"

The door interpreted the bellowing as a means of allowing access and the door parted for the Ensign, who most likely had been party to his yelling since he had used his 'big boy' voice which tended to travel rather far. Nathan took notice that it was the Ensign he'd met during his lunch a few hours ago and motioned for him to come inside and sit.

"What's up, kid?" he said, controlling the ire that had been festering, independent of his intrusion.

Hearing the thunder in the Captain's voice, Marc nearly panicked and fled the Bridge, but he took a deep breath and entered the Ready Room to face the irate old man. He looked at the PADD in his hand and had a sudden epiphany of how it must feel in the hands of a humanoid. Swallowing his irrational thoughts, he came to attention. "Captain, I've just finished my initial analysis of the Temperance, Sir." he waited to be told to give the Captain the PADD, a demand for information, or a curt dismissal.

"And?" was all that Nathan bothered to say in the way of a prompt for more information.

Marc took a breath and glanced at his PADD. "Preliminary scans indicate that the Temperance was hit by multiple vessels. However, due to the perceived warp core breach, all traces of residual energy were wiped clean, Sir. S'anra took some samples to Science to do more in depth analysis. Lieutenant 3 of 7 determined that it is impossible to tell whether the detonation of the core was a direct or indirect result of the attack."

Nathan nodded. He had figured as much looking at the debris field. With there being no survivors, and the core of the ship overloading wiping clean the residual radiation that might have otherwise have been there had a matter/anti-matter explosion not taken place. What would more than likely give them any clue to what was going on would be another attack...

"Nothing about that seems to be at all out of place, given the circumstances. I suppose we'll just have to..." Nathan began before the room dimmed and began to illuminate dark crimson. The change in lighting was quickly followed up by the piercing klaxon of the Red Alert status. Nathan shot up to his feet and headed out the door onto the bridge.

"Report!" the Captain bellowed as he made for his chair.

Ensign Shenk immediately bolted to the console, the PADD forgotten on the table. Checking the distress call, he looked over at the Captain. "It's the MT Hawl, a civilian cargo vessel, Sir!" A terrifying thought went through his mind that the Arizona was about to be attacked and he prepared himself as best as he could.

"Helm, I want us on an intercept course, now!" Nathan ordered, turning to the Ensign, "Raise shields and charge the weapon systems. I don't want to go in there with out pants down."

Nathan returned to his forward facing position, "Mister Roberts, I want active scans of the entire area while we're en route. Once we're there, I want you to try and find any survivors. If we hurry, maybe they won't get enough time to kill them all..."

As the Captain was speaking with Lieutenant Roberts, Lt. Idrani engaged the warp engines and the USS Arizona was back in high warp once more...

OOC: Maj DeVries and Lt. Roberts have been given specific follow up instructions regarding this post. Please allow them to reply to it first. Thanks!

-The Curmudgeon


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