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Departmental Quarters

Posted on Sat Apr 9th, 2011 @ 10:07am by Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA) & Lieutenant Three of Seven

Mission: Renegades
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: BACKPOST: Shortly Before "Pit Stop"

Paperwork. The Bane of any man or woman who wants to get into the thick of things and get their hands dirty.

The Old Man had mentioned a few items, and Rixx decided that he was going to requisition a Yeoman from Deep Space 10, including a few citations for how the Yeoman to do his paperwork for him would make his job easier, and the Material Condition of the ship would improve, overall making the Arizona a more combat ready vessel. As he finished the letter, he transferred it to an official channel, and transmitted it to the Station.

Satisfied that he would be able to handle the more important items, like approval of parts and other Engineering Items, he walked out into the main Engineering Bay, and looked around, Senior Chief D'Rell Corvak had the Engineering Department all standing by and in ranks, "Ay-ten-shun".

The Crew stood tall and still, and Rixx approached the Senior Chief, and nodded, "Thank You, Senior."

"At Ease Everyone," Rixx looked around, "Folks, there are some changes to be had here in Engineering, for example, Lt Three of Seven, will be your New Assistant Department head, and will be leading Beta Shift, where is Lt Three?"

"Here, sir," the drone intoned, announcing its presence from the back of the formation. The Borg was dressed in the plain, solid color engineering utility coveralls, now well worn for the fact that Three had arrived to the formation after more that eighteen straight hours of work in the lower portions of the ship. All of which had been completed while the drone dedicated a small portion of its thought process toward the compilation of the insignificant details related to the 'role-playing game' which some of the other engineers had introduced him to. When asking the ship's computer for references as to the game, a recommendation had struck Three's eye related to an archaic form of 2-D entertainment known as a 'comic'; specifically one titled '8-Bit Theater'. The drone intended to investigate this potential aid in understanding the game later in the holodeck.

For now the Borg stood in a poorly efficient attempt at unit cohesion that nonetheless imparted a sense of unity and collaboration which the former drone could appreciate. Had they been Borg, all the logical purposes of this formation - the review of subordinates and the passing of information - could have been done in nanoseconds through a cranial implant linking the drone to the hive consciousness. As it was, Three supposed that this 'pass and review' was about as close as individuals could come. Which was a pity, as the time spent in ranks seemed to represent a rather prodigal approach to resource management.

"Good, I just wanted to ensure that everyone realizes that Lt Three, is now your Assistant Department Head," looking around, Rixx produced a small flask from his uniform, and handed it to the drone, "Try this, pass it around, if you guys like what you got, let me know."

Dravic smiled, "Other than that, Senior Chief has a few things to put out, and Have a nice day."

The drone just stared at the flask in it's hands, obviously uncertain just what it was supposed to do with the object. Finally, as the Borg watched the Chief Engineer walk off, Three elected to simply skip to the next step in Rixx's order. He passed it around.

This assignment was certainly going to be... different, Three thought to itself with a shrug.


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