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Rounding 'Em Up

Posted on Mon Apr 11th, 2011 @ 3:00pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Three of Seven & Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani
Edited on on Mon Apr 11th, 2011 @ 3:03pm

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: Following: 'Something Worth Exploring'

Xylia walked out of Security after her meeting with the Major. She had very little time to get everyone rounded up, but with a little persistence, she would get the job done. Her first mission... get herself a pilot, then she would head to sickbay to alert the drone his presence would be requested as well. Glancing at the PADD in hand, she located the name of the person she would need to speak to. One... Xishaal Idrani. With luck, everything would go over rather smoothly so they could be on their way within the hour.

"Computer, locate Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani."

[Shuttle bay]

After getting the computers curt response, Xylia continued on her way to her desired destination. She wasn't lazy by any means, but it would have been nice to be transported to her location to save time. Glancing down at the PADD once more, she looked at the picture on file, then to the woman in the flesh, canting her head. There was absolutely no way she would miss this woman in a crowd. Crossing over to her, she cleared her throat. "Lieutenant Idrani, I'm Lieutenant Lischka of Security. I was told you would have a pilot for me."

Xishaal stood with a group of would be pilots, when they suddenly paused their conversation upon seeing the Assistant Chief of Security call for her by name. Turning around, she looked at the woman and smiled "Ahh..Lieutenant Lee-shh-ka, of scored a 72 percent on your shuttle pilot course If I'm not mistaken.." Xishaal turned her head towards the assembled students "Tch, tch! better than this new group of students here but unfortunately, not good enough however!"

Xishaal regarded them coldly, "...all of you are dismissed! I do not even hear about you coming close to one of my shuttles until you've logged another 200 hours in the simulator!"

The assembled men and women knew better than to show any sign of displeasure in front of Lieutenant Idrani and quickly made themselves scarce. Xishaal watched them leave and walked over to one of the shuttles, bading Lischka to follow. "...Lieutenant, unfortunately I have some good news and some not so good news regarding your request...which would you prefer to hear first?"

Bad news... not exactly what she wanted to hear within moments of going on a mission such as this. Xylia mulled over her options before speaking, the accent thickening ever so slightly. "Let's take the bad news first, then we'll go for the good." She straightened up and awaited for the news to be given.

"...Ok, the not so good news is that there aren't enough pilots who passed my very strict standards, to be allowed to be considered a shuttle pilot. There are only two dedicated shuttle pilots on board in my department and your Major Devries, is the only other officer who's passed the Multi-Vector Mode Flight Operations qualification course." Xishaal shrugged her shoulders "...However, there is one other person who meets all of your criteria, and I believe you've met him before. Unfortunately, he is no longer in my department."

"Not to worry, not to worry Lee-shh-Ka, I have taken care of everything for you! Since the Captain has tasked me with finding you a suitable pilot! Lieutenant Roberts won't mind if you have his newest Operations officer fly one of my shuttles for your mission!"

A man was backing out of shuttle number two carrying a tool kit and a PADD underneath his arms, walking over to them he smiled warmly "...Lieutenant Lischka, I hear you're in need of a pilot?"

Xylia listened to Idrani as she spoke, nodding her head, but then the mention of a suitable pilot that met the criteria was definitely a good thing. "Lieutenant Roberts shouldn't have a problem with one of his people taking a little time off to go on this mission, especially since it comes from the orders of our dear Captain." She turned her attention to the male voice addressing her. "Ah, Mr. Price... I do believe we have met before. I am in need of a good pilot, and Lieutenant Idrani thinks you fit the bill. Suit up, and be ready to depart in fifteen minutes." She turned back to the other woman. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I've got one more stop to make, then we'll be on our way."

Morgan shrugged his shoulders "...No problem Lieutenant, I am actually ready go now! Lieutenant Idrani asked me here to work out a few kinks with number two.." he said while patting the side of the shuttle's exterior.

"..Mr. Price was one of my best shuttle operators, his switch to Operations will prove to be most useful." Xishaal smiled proudly "...Good day to you then Lee-shh-ka!"

Xishaal and Morgan waited for a moment as Lieutenant Lischka sauntered off to complete her tasks before they themselves re-entered shuttle 2.

Once her meeting with Lieutenant Idrani and Petty Officer Price was taken care of, Xylia made her way toward Engineering where she knew Three of Seven would be. Hopefully the drone would be on board. She hadn't been to this part of the ship since boarding, but there was always a first time for everything.

[Main Engineering]

Like with her first encounter, she looked down at her PADD, then among the faces present until she spotted the one she was looking for. Making her way toward Three, the human woman cleared her throat. "Lieutenant Three of Seven, I am Lieutenant Xylia Lischka of Security... your presence has been requested on an away mission. We are going to inspect the remains of the last ship attacked."

The small drone briefly paused its labors to afford the woman addressing him a moment's acknowledgment. "I am aware of the assignment. I will comply," Three answered in its usual abbreviated manner of speech. Completing the task which had previously occupied it, the drone stood away from the console and turned toward the woman. There was nothing that the drone would require. All necessary tools would be onboard the shuttle craft's standard equipment locker. An environmental suit was unnecessary, even assuming one could be replicated in the drone's size, which gave Three a definite benefit. Perhaps an assignment such as this one was a demonstration of the flaw inherent to the mortal coil bound to flesh.

"We will be departing in approximately ten minutes. If you have anything you need to finish up before we leave, now would be a good time to get that done." Xylia stated. "I will see you momentarily." She wasn't trying to be rude by any means, but the woman turned on her heel once more and walked out of Engineering. She would apologize to Three later if it seemed to be a problem, but she still had a few things she needed to do before she could make the trip to the partially destroyed ship.

"Ten minutes," the Borg echoed, to demonstrate that he had acknowledged the timeliness of their mission start parameters. It seemed an unnecessary delay, but it was time for Three to start a level-3 diagnostic on the starboard induction manifold. That would be complete before the away team would likely return, given travel and time on station.

[Shuttle Bay]

Xylia walked into the shuttle bay and set her gear down near the shuttle, then began to pull on the space suit that would keep her alive. Hopefully they wouldn't run into any trouble while they were over there, but if they did, she would be prepared for it. Her biggest worry, though she would never express it aloud, was that whoever was behind this mess would come back to finish the ship off. While they were on it. Then again, the Arizona would be nearby, and as heavily armed as it was, doing something like that would be suicide. She took a bit of comfort in knowing that.

"Are we ready?"

Morgan closed the shuttle's equipment locker, and turned around "..Lieutenant, I've finished my pre-flight checklist, we're carrying the standard equipment package and I've upgraded the shuttles sensor suite and have replicated an EVA suit for..Mr. ToS.." Marcus walked over to the command chair and began his final checks "...As soon as he arrives, we can depart Lieutenant."

"Very good. There's no telling what we're going to run in to once we're over there, so caution will be key." She settled herself down and waited for the last member of their little away team to join them.

The moment that the Borg stepped aboard the shuttlecraft was precisely nine minutes, fifty-nine seconds from the time that Lieutenant Lischka had said they would depart. "Caution is irrelevant. Starfleet training is adequate to prepare an individual for the possibilities we will most likely encounter, as well as a number of statistically less likely scenarios," the drone noted quite seriously as it came aboard the shuttle and took a seat in the back. The environmental suit small enough for only one individual on their team caught the drone's notice, but only in so much as its replication had been a wasteful expenditure of resources. Upon their return from the mission, Three would have it recycled.

Which was not to say that Three did not appreciate the gesture for the demonstration that someone had thought of it, merely that it was an unnecessary item for the trip.

Within moments of Three entering the craft and securing the door, they were off.


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