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The Ghost

Posted on Tue Apr 26th, 2011 @ 6:43pm by Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA)

Mission: Renegades
Timeline: BACKPOST: Various time frames after Rixx was last seen

Dravic stood in his office, placing the final touches on what would eventually be found hidden deep in the bowels of the computer:

"... I don't know, I cannot explain why I must go, but it has become increasingly obvious to me, that this ship, is no place for me. It is just another one of my many delusions that I was accepted as a member of this crew in the first place. I am a shape shifter, I have always been the one suspected of vile acts, and I suspect that this crew will go on believing this as well. I am sure that you will all have long since forgotten me by the time that this log entry is discovered. I will not be missed, of that one thing I am absolutely positive. For the last time as Starfleet Lieutenant Dravik Rixx, I am signing off."

With that Rixx closed the terminal in his office, and picked up a PaDD, ensuring that the macro was ready, he changed his appearance to that of the Captain, and then referenced the detailed medical files he found on the Captain, and altered his own internals to match, at least the ones that mattered, he needed the voiceprint analysis to be perfect.

"Computer, Verify Voice Print, Cowell, Nathan, Captain," Rixx included the Captain's Starfleet Identification number as well, "De-Activate all record keeping for the actions of Lt. Dravik Rixx, ensure that Mr. Rixx is untrackable onboard Arizona until I revoke this authority."

The Computer Chirped, "Command Authorization Required in addition to voiceprint analysis."

Rixx grimaced, he had only heard the Captain use one command level code, and he was not even sure it would work, but he repeated the code he had heard the old man use.

"Authorization Accepted."

Rixx smiled, and touched the PaDD, as he adjusted his appearance yet again, to that of a young human male, in his late teens, wearing the rank devices of a PO3, "Computer, Activate Site to Site Transport, Rixx 712."

[Some Hours Later]
The Ship rocked as the Romulan's attacked the ship, Rixx had so far, managed to falsify his own death records in the ships computer, using the holodeck to record a false personal Log entry, that was apparently to have been recorded in his own quarters, as well as a personal Log under the Captains own name, indicating how he regretted to inform Starfleet that the Chief Engineer had been killed, and was apparently vaporized in a plasma leak on deck 13.

That was probably the one thing he hated the most about what he had done here, was to fabricate a major emergency situation so that he could hide his own departure.

As he stood in the unoccupied quarters on deck 3, he grimaced, he knew that the next part would need to be timed perfectly, as the sensor data he had patched into was displayed, he saw that the Romulan ships were beginning to retreat, using his knowledge of Romulan cloaking from his own past lives among them, he was able to program a beam out to one of the Romulan ships, however as he depressed the button that would set the timer, he shifted into the form of an infant, a Romulan infant at that.

[Romulan Ship]
The bridge was something of a chaotic mess, as the ship was retreating from the Arizona, however it was more of a shock to the Romulan Commander, when mere feet in front of him, the diminutive form of an infant child appeared in standard Federation transporter shimmer, immediately his reaction is to kill the child as some sort of vile Federation deception, however upon closer inspection the child appears to be Romulan, slightly taken aback, the Commander looks around and orders someone to take the small child to the medical bay for the time being.

"We were fully cloaked," comes the voice of the Romulan Executive, "There is no way that a Federation knew how to beam onto this ship and off the Federation ship, I hear they have been able to beam out these days with their shields up, but not with us cloaked, there is obviously a Romulan Spy on that Federation ship, Commander, and a female one at that, who did not wish her deception to become evident in the appearance of her newborn child."

The Romulan Commander was unsure of how to respond, his own history told him that no all things are as they appear. This situation would surely warrant further information.


Ok, Rixx is off the ship now, fully, taking on another lifetime, in his long line of lifetimes... Feel free to during shoreleave, find tidbits indicating what might have happened...


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