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Nothing beats the Bottom...

Posted on Tue Apr 26th, 2011 @ 6:06pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA) & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various

=Commodore's Ready Room, USS Arizona=

Commodore Nathan Cowell had finally received confirmation from Lieutenant Marion, who was sitting in at the Main OPS console while Lieutenant Commander Roberts was attending to the duties of First Officer, that the ship had reached a state of repair sufficient enough to allow for both the ship's transition to MVAM as well as the fight that would swiftly follow. Nathan brought up the communications protocol and sent a message to the USS Casey, alerting Commodore Pike that the ship was ready to put their plan into action. A curt reply came through with a timetable, the Casey would depart in ten minutes and the Arizona would follow briefly thereafter. That was all Nathan needed to know...

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

Commodore Cowell walked on to the bridge and wasted no time motivating the masses. He moved expeditiously to his chair and sat down, pressing the all call command that would broadcast his conversation to the entire crew, all sections, all decks.

"All hands, this is Commodore Cowell... report to your designated areas and prepare for Multi-Vector Assault Mode separation. We will be heading for the asteroid belt where the Romulans are hiding out at in ten minutes. The ship will be separated in five. Make it happen... Cowell out!"

Nathan hit the command once more and closed the channel before surveying the crew before him, "You heard me... move out!"

=Secondary Bridge Module=

Aiden exited the turbolift and walked into the dimly lit room. The consoles were all powered down, and the stations chairs all had the 'new' smell to them as no one had yet to sit in them. This room, like it's twin located in the center section of the ship, could be used in the event that the Main Bridge located on Deck One had been deemed compromised or inoperative. It could serve as a shelter or bunker in the event that the ship was boarded. However, it's primary focus was about to be put into use.

"Computer, begin power up procedures for this compartment, authorization Roberts Six Nine Romeo Alpha Three."

The once dim consoles and stations began to light-up, whilst still locked out until the operator logged into them for use. Still, the hum of working computers was comforting compared to the silence. The white noise helped calm the Commander before the battle to come. He walked to the center of the room, circling the center chair console. It was unlike most Command Chairs he had seen, built more for functionality much like the center chairs used on Defiant-Class vessels. It was designed for combat.

Entering onto the smaller bridge unit shortly thereafter, Stace took a few minutes to look around before settling her eyes upon the newly promoted Commander. "Well... looks like it's just you and me... basically." She maneuvered around the small space until she came upon the tactical console. "I hope you're ready for the hell that's about to break loose... mostly on us... because we're going in after the Casey."

The Major was right, there were only two other officers assigned to the Secondary Bridge. While there were more than four stations in the small room, Aiden leaned more towards stationing the more experienced crew members with the Commodore on the top section of the Arizona and the center section with Commander Halsey. "We're still waiting on Ensign Akron and Cadet Holkings..."

As soon as the words left Aiden's mouth, the pair entered and manned their designated consoles. Ensign Akron would be manning the helm, which he was more than capable doing while the Cadet would be sitting off to the side at the Science station. Having the Cadet down here was more or less a learning experience if anything. There wasn't much to do in terms of Scientific study in combat, but since Aiden was going to be micromanaging the operations aspects from his chair, it would be nice to have someone keeping an eye on the sensors and communications.

"We'll be separating soon..." Roberts looked at the other three people in the compartment. The Major was busying herself, while the other two were looking to him for orders. "Look I think this is where I should say something classy, witty even. But that's not really my style. So today's toast will be to... green blood! Let's go get some..." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled, looking to the Major with a look on his face that basically said 'What the hell did I just say?'

Stace shook her head the moment the words escaped his lips. They would be lucky if neither the Ensign or the Cadet threw up on anything. While the Casey was more than capable of taking care of itself, their section of the Arizona was not going to be so lucky. They would be highly susceptible to attack and heavy damage. She supposed that was one of the reasons the crusty one had chosen her to join the Commander. "No worries... I'm sure we'll see plenty of blood... one way or another." She grinned quickly at Aiden. "I think we're all set."

"Just don't horse the emitters on the dorsal side. The patch job we did should hold, but I'd rather not just be slinging torpedoes in this fight.." Aiden knew their role in this offensive wasn't going to be anywhere near easy or without action. They would be sitting in the middle of this shit storm soon enough."

The blue alert klaxons began to sound, and the red lights on the sides of the Bridge shifted to a blue color. Aiden sat down in his chair, waiting for things to unfold.


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