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Restacking the Deck

Posted on Thu May 12th, 2011 @ 4:48pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Serran

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Commodore's Ready Room, Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Not Just a Check-up'

Commodore Nathan Cowell had been, for the better part of the day, preoccupied by the mountains of paperwork that surrounded the personnel shuffle that was taking place aboard the ship. Indeed, it had been nothing for him to turn a department upside down and inside out to make things work. One such department had been Intelligence. Even though there had been officers of higher rank and experience in the department, Nathan had chosen Ensign Schenk for the job because he saw potential in him. The expectations he was placing on the man may or may not force him to fail under the weight of a sudden shift in expectations, but if he succeeded, he would gain experience for the future that one couldn't simply buy.

The next department the Commodore had decided to focus on was Medical, namely who was going to do what. While Lieutenant Valdor was a competent physician, he had noticed that she took a kind of 'back seat' stance on administration. While it might work in a hospital or infirmary on a starbase, Nathan needed proactive people, and he'd seen it in Lieutenant Serran. Perhaps it was time to give him a shot...

"Lieutenant Serran, report to my Ready Room as soon as you're able," Nathan said after slapping his combadge.

It hadn't take too long after Commodore Cowell's page for Serran to make his way to the bridge. The Vulcan had concluded a round of checkups with some patients then passed off the task to Ensign Wildman. Now Serran stood before the Commodore's Ready Room door, pressed the announcer chime, then entered when he was called in. The Vulcan had brought along a med kit as well. Though he hadn't asked about the nature of Cowell's summons, Serran was none-the-less prepared should the Arizona's commanding officer need medical attention.

"Commodore Cowell," Serran greeted as he placed himself before the CO's desk. "How may I be of service?"

"This ain't about service, son. Sit down," Nathan began pointing to the chair, "How's things going in sickbay. I know while I was down there you were all pretty swarmed. Any significant break in the tide of wounded?"

"There is some progress being made, Commodore," Serran stated as he took the offered seat. "We have released four crew members to recuperate in their quarters and are on the verge of clearing two more for active duty, pending three more hours of observation. The assistance of yourself and others in aiding our department in performing our duties has greatly expedited the recovery process for many."

"Glad I could help," Nathan nodded, "Speaking of your department, I've been looking over the performance of that section, and I'm going to do a little house cleaning, so to speak. You've been with us for a while now, as has Lieutenant Valdor. Believe it or not, I think the staff looks to you a little more for the guidance and direction they need than they do her for whatever reason. I think I need to monopolize on that, since morale has taken a hit on all sides. Until you leave or I find someone better, I'm appointing you to the Chief Medical Officer position. Like it or not, you're the best man for the job right now, given the situation, and I need to make sure we have our best people in the right places. Think you can handle it?"

Serran raised an eyebrow at the mention of Cowell's intention to move him into the CMO position. The Vulcan had nothing but the utmost respect for Lieutenant Valdor's skills as a physician. And, knowing her long-lived nature - being an El-Aurian - Serran was quite positive her maturity in the matter would cause no friction. And from what Commodore Cowell just intimated, it seems most of the crew would not have issue with it either.

"I can, Commodore and I accept." Serran stated with typical Vulcan composure. "There is an issue that I was going to report to Doctor Valdor but, given this most recent turn of events, I shall report it to you. I was approached by Counselor Kirsgaard about a concern she had in regards to the counseling department."

And the Vulcan proceeded to give Commodore Cowell the details of the lack of personnel available for the current crew following the recent crises.

"Are you aware of any personnel that may be spared from the USS Casey to alleviate the load on our counseling department," the doctor asked when he had finished relaying the story.

"I can certainly pass the word along, Lieutenant. I'm not sure how much better equipped they are in that particular area since, well... they're even smaller than us, compliment wise. Let me get with Amanda and I'll give you a heads up on that when I know something. If the counselors are getting too overworked, exercise your right to relieve them of duty. As much as people need comforting right now, a burnt out counselor is no good to anyone," Nathan said firmly.

"Understood, Commodore," Serran said. "If you require nothing further of me, sir, I shall return to my duties."

"That's all I have, Lieutenant. Make things happen down there," Nathan said in a dismissive tone before watching the Vulcan exit his office.


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