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Intel Interview

Posted on Sun May 15th, 2011 @ 7:57am by 1st Lieutenant Lukas DeVries
Edited on on Sun May 15th, 2011 @ 7:58am

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Intel Office
Timeline: Following "The New Chief"

After going through extensive volumes of information on the Intelligence Section, Ensign Schenk decided that it was time to meet some of his officers. He just hoped that his status of Ensign wouldn't cause people to look down upon him, or his obvious lack of experience; what he lacked in experience, though, he made up for in inquisitiveness. Going over the list of people he wanted to talk to, he decided on the Colonel's son.

Clearing his throat, he tapped his combadge. "Ensign Schenk to Lieutenant DeVries. Please report to Intelligence. Thank you."

It took nearly twenty minutes before the young marine made his way into the room that once belonged to Lieutenant Commander Halsey. Wondering if he had missed an important meeting or that perhaps something else had arisen, Lukas entered rather hastily and gave the area a sharp glance over before settling his eyes on the Ensign. "Schenk I presume? Sorry it took so long. Sweeney, Chet and I were toying around in the holodeck. I'm sure you can only imagine how hard it was to escape that. Heard you wanted to see me?"

"That would be me, Lieutenant DeVries. Please, have a seat." He indicated one of the free seats in front of his desk. "Call me Marc - I like to be informal if I can. I understand about Chet...I had a search mission with him. A rather...unusual...character. Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself and experience? I like to get to know my people."

Lukas raised an interested brow at the man and his request before shrugging slightly and taking the closest seat. "Alright then. Let's see... I was originally born in an alternate universe... not quite like the mirror universe but close enough I guess. The Federation still existed but everyone was pretty much at war with everyone else. It was a real shit hole. About five some years ago my parents' doubles came from this universe to that one... helped us kick some ass for a while and in the end my twin sister and I returned here with them. I puttered around on their ship the Lancelot for a while before being recruited by my mother's former handler into Section 31. I've been there the last four years... and now I'm back here. Was there anything in specific you were curious about?"

"Section 31. I'd only heard rumors about them when I was a Cadet in the Academy. Tell me about your experience in the Intelligence field under them. Well...what you've been declassified to reveal without threat of disappearance." Marc found it interesting about the alternate universe, but planned on making more inquiries in that area later. For the moment, he wanted to know what the man was capable of and how he could be use him in the department.

The brunette haired man frowned a bit at the inquiry. "Truth be told I've not been declassified to reveal anything... in fact if one were to be technical about the entire matter I'm still an agent under their jurisdiction. Of course, a fugitive agent... but still. However, what I can tell you is this... I've been involved in wars crossing three realities... I'm pretty damn good with a weapon... even better with my mind. I work hard, I play hard. I'm stubborn, I don't take no for an answer and I rarely let someone get in the way of me doing what I got to do. I would like to think we share some of those qualities... am I right?"

The Ensign studied the younger man for a long moment before responding. "While that may be true, Lieutenant, I'm going to go by the maxim of seeing is believing. Don't think that you're the only one who I'm going to be having this conversation with. What is your main area of specialization? Myself, I favor cryptography, but it looks like I'm going to have to get into the entire spectrum of Intelligence."

"Counter-intelligence... espionage..." Lukas retorted with a look of thought across his face. "Most of the time I just go where I'm told and do what has to be done. If I don't have the knowledge or skill myself I make do with what I have, learn and move on. I suppose that's all one can do."

Marc made a few notes on his PADD and nodded. "Thank you, Lieutenant. If I have any other questions, I'll get back to you. Right now, I have a few more interview to go and then Intelligence will be up to par. That will be all." He turned his attention back to his console and decide to interview the two Bynar Chief Petty Officers next. It was going to be a busy day.


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