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And another one beams aboard...

Posted on Sun May 15th, 2011 @ 8:45am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Captain Bastion Castillo & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Marion

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Various
Timeline: Sometime after 'Remembering Those For Whom History May Yet Forget'

=Commodore Cowell's Quarters, Deck 2, USS Arizona=

Following the funeral services, Commodore Nathan Cowell had forgone the traditional meet and greet with the crew, indeed he circumvented all contact with anyone, opting to make the most expeditious retreat to his quarters he could have possibly made. He has opted for sleep, something he hadn't recalled indulging in for nearly two straight days, perhaps longer. Even after he'd rested, he lounged around in bed reading a book for a while, trying desperately to forget some of the harsher moments of the past three some days. While it didn't have the intended effect, Nathan at least felt good enough and centered enough to finally crawl his antiquated ass out of bed and head back to the bridge.

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

Commodore Cowell walked on to the bridge and was pleasantly surprised to find it in a much better state of repair than the compartment had been in before. There were still consoles that had yet to be repaired, a few ceiling fixtures that had yet to be replaced, but if Nathan hadn't known the place had been royally trashed not a day prior, he'd have thought it was just some routine maintenance. Yet another in a long string of testaments to the crew and their abilities. Nathan eased into his chair and leaned back, comforted by the knowledge that his ship was starting to become whole again. Forward of his position sat Ens. Akron, a sling still cradling his wounded arm. He seemed upbeat, or at least his posture suggested as much since he hadn't bothered to turn around. Sitting directly beside him, a sight he was happy to see, was the form of his adopted daughter, Lieutenant Marion. He posture wasn't quite so good, but considering the hit she'd taken to the pelvis and legs, she was doing remarkably well in her own right.

"Report," the Commodore demanded.

"Engineering reports another two or so hours before Warp power is restored. Sickbay reports that all but the critically injured patients have been released and have all reported for duty. We received word that we will be getting a visit from another vessel, the USS Xelisa, any time now. It would appear we are taking on a few of their crew before the ship returns to Earth for a major refit," Lieutenant Marion answered.

Nathan grunted and closed his eyes, "Wake me when they get here."

"Aye sir," Liz giggled before returning to her work.

=An hour later, Bridge, USS Xelisa=

Bastion sat in his chair on the bridge tapping the armchair impatiently, the flight over from his last encounter with Commander Siv'ran had been much longer then expected. He should have made rendezvous with the Arizona days ago but the bad condition of the ship's warp drive had slowed that down significantly.

"Sir we're about to initiate transition out of warp," The helms officer said

"About time, when we break warp immediately open a channel with the Arizona," Bastion said.

"Aye aye sir," The helms officer said.

The Xelisa dropped out of warp to see the Arizona. The ship looked like ship could be a runabout of the Xelisa's.

"So they're putting me on that puny thing until my ship's ready? Talk about downgrading," Bastion said with a sigh.

"Arizona this is the Xelisa please come in," Bastion said tapping the hail button.

The main view screen replaced the view of the Prometheus-class starship with that of the face and torso of a Commodore. His sour disposition and posture suggested that he might very well have been disturbed by the sudden transmission. When he opened his mouth, the supposition that he was being bothered was concerned.

"Xelisa, this is Commodore Cowell, USS Arizona," the tone of the Flag Officer was anything but happy, though judging by the damage riddling the surface of the ship, it was entirely easy to understand where his attitude was coming from.

"Good to hear and see you Commodore Cowell, I'm Captain Bastion. Requesting permission to come aboard," Bastion said.

"Business or pleasure?" Nathan asked with a twinge of sarcasm.

"Business Commodore," Bastion said, "Unfortunately very serious business."

"Wonderful..." Nathan grumbled, "Come on over, meet me in my Ready Room when you get here. Arizona out."

"Lieutenant Commander you have the ship." Bastion said to Blake, "God speed."

"Thank you sir." Xan replied

=Later, Commodore's Ready Room, USS Arizona=

Bastion nodded to the Ensign who had shown him the way and tapped for entrance. The Ensign returned the nod and departed for the turbolift on the opposite wall as the man waited for the Commodore to acknowledge him. Several seconds went by before the voice of a woman behind him called out.

"Hit it again, he's probably dozing off," the woman said, the back of her head and the gold trim of her uniform the only things visible to Capt. Bastion at the moment.

Before the man could act on her advice, the voice of the Commodore called out, "Come!" and that prompted the doors to part for the man. Nathan watched him enter and soon pointed to the chair in front of his desk.

"Have a seat," the old man said, shifting slightly in his own chair, "What brings you to our somewhat battered ship?"

Bastion took the offered seat, "Thank you. Transferring. The Xelisa is being returned to Earth for major refitting, could take several years if we're lucky. Command doesn't want me sitting around for that long so they've sent me here to aide you." Bastion presented the PADD with the orders.

Nathan grabbed the PADD and settled in for a read. The contents were as follows;

Notification of Transfer: Castillo, Bastion; Captain (O-6)

Upon receipt of these orders, you are hereby directed and required to report to the USS Arizona, registry number NCC-77021. You will be assigned to the position of Strategic Operations Officer under the direct command and authority of Commodore Nathan Cowell, MD.

Nathan skipped over the official authorization codes, authorities responsible for the transfer and all the other jargon he really could care less about. The important bit was, he had to find something for this man to do while they made it to their area of operation, all the while trying in earnest to get the ship back in order. The Commodore drummed his fingers against his desk for a moment before letting out a breath.

"Well, I suppose this means you'll be spending a great deal of time in either the Security Department or in the Intelligence department. Maybe you can lend a hand in both of them for the time being until we get to Starbase 900 and I have a chance to map out our next adventure. I'm sure Colonel DeVries and Ensign Schenk will be grateful for any assistance you can render. I'll have my Yeoman find you suitable lodgings, though you're probably going to have to do a little cleaning up. I don't suppose I have to really tell you we just caught the ass end of a good kick in the mouth. I'll get with you sometime soon about specific duties and what have you, so until then, just do what everyone's been doing and keep busy," Nathan explained.

"Understood, Commodore, I'll go ahead and introduce myself to Colonel DeVries immediately after seeing to the transfer of my effects to my quarters," Captain Bastion said.

"Sounds good. Welcome aboard," Nathan said dismissively and returned to the mountain that was his paperwork.


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