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Butting Heads

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2011 @ 7:18pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Lounge
Timeline: After "Barstool ChitChat"

Xylia leaned against the bar in the lounge with a half empty drink in her hand. What number was she on? Hell... she couldn't remember, but the fact that it didn't burn going down any longer was a good indication she had enough to impair her judgment. Her intentions were to go back to her quarters and get some sleep, but she figured a drink or two would help her relax, and that was what put her in her current frame of mind. It was doing a good job, too. The woman lived, breathed and ate work, but right now, that four letter word didn't once cross her mind.

Getting off duty, Kar'G went to his quarters and changed into more relaxing garb than his Starfleet uniform. Donning his civilian garb, he decided to go the Lounge and get a bloodwine under his belt before deciding what to entertain himself with. Heading to the Lounge, he paused as he entered. The young female Lieutenant who he had ordered to get some rest was sitting at the bar. Shaking his head, he went over to her.

"So, you have decided to go against doctor's orders, after all?"

Lifting her head and looking at the Klingon man through squinted eyes, Lieutenant Lischka frowned. "I was here checking up on someone. Not working. Not exerting myself, unless you count hand to mouth as exertion." She stated, bringing her glass to her mouth. "When she headed out, I decided to have a few drinks to help myself relax. I was enjoying my buzz until you came in and killed it."

"Bloodwine," he ordered as the bartender came to take his order. Turning back his attention to her, he frowned. "Very well. I am Kar'G. Do you always do what is bad for you?" He never pretended to understand humans, so he decided to observe this human female who was obviously inebriated.

"Not always. Just most of the time." Came her response. She brought her glass to her lips once more and took another sip of the cool amber colored liquid. "Lieutenant Xylia Lischka. And for the record, I'm slightly buzzed now. Not drunk. I wasn't kidding when you killed it. Are you going to write me up? Report me? Put me over you knee and give me a spanking for being a bad girl and not following your orders?"

"Why do humans insist on being so frustrating?" he asked her after getting his bloodwine. Taking a drink, he gave her his full attention. "I am not in the practicing of killing but in saving. It was your choice to forgo the enjoyment of your beverage. Spanking you? are not unattractive for a human. As for was a recommendation. For your own good."

"I suppose humans are frustrating for the same reason every other species is. Genetics." At his next words, she grabbed her chest and feigned falling off of her stool. "A Klingon who doesn't like to kill? I suppose the next thing I hear is Commodore Cowell wears a g-string underneath his uniform." She finished off her drink and gestured for another.

Kar'G frowned at hearing her words and it deepened at her gesture. "No...I do not like to kill. I became a doctor to save valuable experience of those who have lived life. As for the Commodore, if that is his choice, so be it." He took a deep drink of his bloodwine before setting it down. "Do you dislike me because I was looking out for your own good?"

Xylia settled back down again and took a sip of her drink. "I don't know you, so how can I dislike you? I know my limits, but I've obviously pushed them too far today. What I dislike, is being threatened in an attempt to be made to follow your orders. I am following your orders as we speak. I'm sitting on my ass and relaxing. Sleep will come soon enough."

"Threatened? How have I threatened you?" He asked her.

"Okay, okay, threatened was the wrong word. Recommend was the one you used. You have to understand one thing about my Kar'G. My job is everything to me. I'm married to it, you could say. Even more so as of late. I plan to use my down time wisely while I have it." She replied. "I don't do it often, but it seems I've been doing it more lately. I... apologize." She took a sip of her drink as if the words left a bitter taste in her mouth.

He was silent for a long moment as he considered her words; not just what she said, but how she said it. The hesitation before her apology demonstrated how rarely she did such a thing. "Perhaps I was too harsh. I saw the concern in the Ensign's face when he brought you in, even though you are no longer his departmental superior. That kind of loyalty is inspired by true leadership and I applaud you, Lieutenant Lischka."

"I'm not entirely sure I deserve your applause, Kar'G." Xylia stated, running a finger along the rim of her glass. "Ensign Schenk aided the Commodore in saving my life after the Romulan fight. Apparently, I had one foot in the grave and another in a puddle of water. I'm fairly certain he was under the impression my collapse had something to do with that. He is, however, a good guy and an excellent worker. Security lost a hell of a worker the moment he was transferred."

"That only adds to the loyalty that you have inspired in him as his former Assistant Chief. I have seen many Ensigns loathe their department heads over direct superiors. Ensign...Schink," he hesitated at the name. "not only served under you, but aided in saving your life, then brings you to Medical when you collapsed - and he offered his aid to me after he brought you even though I had dismissed him. Perhaps you should have fought to keep him in your department.

Xylia contemplated Kar'G's words. "Perhaps, but one thing you'll learn while on board the ship.... Once the Commodore makes up his mind about something, there's no changing it. Don't get me wrong... Should Security need the help, I fully intend to raid Intel and bring him back." She brought the glass to her lips once again before finishing off its contents. "But... here I am... talking about work when I shouldn't be."

"What do you do when you are not working yourself to the point of collapsing?" Kar'G decided to change the subject since she didn't want to discuss work anymore. He ordered another bloodwine after finishing off the first one. "I train Cob'lats, but they are against regulation to bring aboard a Starfleet vessel."

"I workout mostly. Walk my dogs. Drink. Lately I've been keeping to myself, though. Working." Xylia responded. "I'm a boring person, I assure you."

"There is nothing wrong with that. It is admirable. What is the name of your dogs?" Kar'G asked after taking a drink of his bloodwine. "My main Cob'lat was Ti'orG. It means "Mighty Fighter" in your tongue."

"There's Apollo, and there's Chance. I kind of adopted Chance." She ordered another drink after those words left her lips. Something much stronger. "What do you do in your free time?"

"I don't really time. A Doctor is on call when he or she is needed. Other than that, I test myself physically and mentally when I have the opportunity. Sadly, there are no Targs or Cob'lats, and I fear that I would have to heal the combatants that I may encounter here on the Arizona."

"You just need an opponent who can hold their own against you, is all. Pick a time and place, and I'll meet you there." She hid her smirk behind her glass. Of course, most men would underestimate her when it came to her fighting skills, but she was always willing to prove to them that women could and would kick ass when it was required.

Kar'G took a serious look at her and considered the tone of her words versus her expression. Deciding that she was kidding, he smiled. "Really? Perhaps I shall take you up on your offer." He glared at her in a menacing manner that he barely sustained as he pictured her quickly retracting her words at his acceptance of her challenge.

Xylia met his gaze head on, never one to back down from anyone. "I mentioned naming a time and a place there, Bubbles. A new name fit for your award winning personality."

"Bubbles?" Storm clouds gathered over his face and his facial ridges became distinctly more pronounced before he burst out laughing. "Very well, Lieutenant. I accept your challenge! Tomorrow at eighteen hundred hours, the main holodeck. I will happily give up my hunting of Cob'lats to teach you better manners."

"Better manners, my ass. There's absolutely nothing wrong damn with my manners." The woman protested. "I'll be there. Be prepared for me to mop the floor with you, Bubbles. Manners! Ha!" She shook her head and turned her attention back to the drink in her hand.

"Impertinent! Perhaps I should have put you over my knee and spanked you." He downed his bloodwine and slammed the glass on the bar. "Mop the floor with me, indeed. You may be used to taking on inexperienced fighters, but I am Kar'G, son of S'paR, and I will teach you manners." He stood and puffed his chest out as he looked down on her. "When you are in Medical looking up at me and wondered what happened, you will owe me an apology."

"Perhaps Bubbles wasn't the best nickname..." Lieutenant Lischka stated, unimpressed by his sudden outburst. She took the last swig of her drink and got to her own feet. "Perhaps, Ruffles would suffice seeing as you allow others to ruffle your feathers."

"Ruffles indeed...We will see who gets their feathers ruffled tomorrow night." He looked her over. "Although...I do admire your feisty nature. You remind me of a young Cob'lat that still smells the wild winds on Qo'noS, right before it realizes that there is a superior in its vision." He decided to taunt her a little to see how far she would go. She excited him and for the first time, he actually looked at a human woman in a different way; one usually reserved for Klingon females.

Faster than even she thought possible, Xylia gripped the Klingon man by the back of his neck, twisting him just until his face was on top of the bar, then leaned down to speak into his ear. "You have absolutely no idea who you're talking to. I will never, and I do mean never, allow myself to be taken down by any man regardless of his species. I can and will hold my own. You would do well to remember that. Are we clear?"

Growling, the Lieutenant (jg) reached back and gripped her arm by her wrist, calling upon his medical knowledge to apply pressure to the center of her wrist which would force her to open her hand. Bracing himself with his other hand on the bar, he pushed back with slowly increasing strength until he stood upright again. "You and I may not see eye to eye on many things, Lieutenant Lischka, but I will respect you as a person. However, ambush me like that again during a battle of wits and you will find yourself on the wrong end of unpleasant. Do you understand me?" His words were soft but filled with an unmistakable air of someone who kept his word, his hand still applying pressure to the center of her wrist.

Xylia opened her hand when he gripped her wrist just the right way, unimpressed by the growling and appearing unmoved by the pain shooting up her right arm. "As for a battle of wits, Lieutenant, that isn't what that was. You baited me. Compared me to an animal native to your homeland. If you expected any other reaction out of me, that isn't my fault. Now, I suggest you release my arm, and save it for the holodeck. Now."

Kar'G released her arm, but not at her order. He smiled and straightened himself, looking into her eyes. "Another mistake. Lieutenant Lischka. I was comparing your feisty nature to a Cob'Lat, but they never acknowledge anyone as a superior. I was testing your knowledge, not insulting you. If you wish to go to the holodeck now, however, I will oblige you."

Lieutenant Lischka brought her wrist to her chest and rubbed it briefly. "Bring it." And with that, Xylia walked out of the lounge.

"Consider it brought." With that, the Klingon got up and followed her out with more than an admiring eye on her backside as he went.


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