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Barstool Chitchat

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2011 @ 7:12pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Lounge - Deck 9 - Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Giving In'

Once her impromptu trip to sickbay was over, Lieutenant Lischka made her way toward through the corridors of the ship once again, though this time, she felt better. Whatever the new Doctor did, did the trick, even if the effects wouldn't last all that long. She knew that Klingon man was going to be a major pain in her ass, and there was very little she would be able to do about it short of clubbing him over the head with a blunt instrument. That was always an option, and one she would take into consideration when the time came.

Xylia made her way toward the lounge and stepped inside, knowing this is where she would find that one person she wanted to check up on. She moved over to the bar and settled down on one of the stools, glancing at the only other patron inside. "So... I just met the new Doctor in sickbay. I can already tell he's going to be a pain, but that's not why I tracked you down. How are you holding up?"

Lifting her head slowly as she favored the amber colored beverage within her hand, Stace S. DeVries considered the question for some time before exhaling a small sigh and shrugging her shoulders. "About as well as can be expected I suppose. I've felt worse so that's a plus I would imagine. Luckily Lieutenant Serran is a most gifted physician. And just, pray tell, had you in sickbay, again?"

"I guess I fell out from exhaustion, but on the plus side, Security is back in working order." Xylia responded, grabbing a drink of her own. "What's the verdict? Are you going to be good as new again?"

Stace raised a brow at the question. Though her accident had left her visually handicapped she never once thought of herself as anything less than good. Of course, she often times never really related to the general consensus of others. "So the doc tells me. I won't ever have normal vision again but the implant gives me some much appreciated benefits. I guess it's a fair trade considering the alternatives. As for security... while I'm glad to hear things are operational again, you should have delegated most of that work... that's what the others are here for."

"I did delegate some of the responsibility, but I wanted to be there personally to make sure everything was done right the first time around. It was a necessary evil at the time." Xylia said, taking a sip of her drink. "Perhaps we should both take some time off and get away from the ship while we have the time to."

The woman nodded as she took a long draw off the glass. "I have been thinking about it... but it will depend on how quickly the new personnel transfers go over and when Amanda will be departing with the Casey. I know Lukas has been itching to go destroy something... hopefully not innocent women... but I suspect I will have to get out just to secretly spy on him. Do you have plans?"

"Sleeping, mostly. When I'm not on duty, that is. Doctor's order." She scoffed and took another sip of her drink. "I met your son. He made an attempt to explain all of that to me. A bit confusing, but I think I got it. You shouldn't spy on him, though. As long as he isn't out making you a grandmother, I suspect all is well."

Stace laughed loudly as she shook her head. The mere thought of any of her children not need spying on was nearly unheard of. "You may have met my boy... but you sure do not know him. If I had it my way he'd have a tracking device implanting on his ass. Especially after this recent fiasco. He is always up to something. He gets that from his father of course. I'm far more... um... practical."

Xylia arched a brow. Practical wasn't exactly a word she would use when describing her boss, but then, she hadn't met the woman's husband before. "Perhaps you should just ground him and send him to his room. You are his mother, and they're never too old for an ass
whooping. But, if you're serious about the tracking device, I'm sure I could get around to slapping one on him."

"I tried grounding him once," Stace admitted. "It didn't end well... we had to remodel the entire corridor. But enough about my son's bad behavior... surely you have some gossip that I may have missed."

"Sadly, I'm not the person you should be looking at for gossip. I haven't been anywhere other than Security and my quarters. Though, if you give me a couple days, I can be back in the loop." Xylia said.

The red head smirked and finished off her beverage. "That's the spirit! Though in the meantime I suppose I can help... create some. With all the new people soon joining us it will be guaranteed!"

Xylia laughed. "I suppose I should get around to meeting some of the new ones myself. If we're getting anyone else in Security, be sure to send them my way. Hopefully, I'll remember their names."

"I'll keep that in mind," Stace assured. "But something tells me we're stuck with Chet for now. I could send him your way if you'd like."

The brunette woman shot the red head a look. "What the hell did I ever do to you?"

"Well I figured you could use a good laugh after all the drama... trust me when I say no one can amuse you more than him," Stace admitted.

"That was just cruel and unusual, but you're right. He is quite amusing." Xylia said. "Perhaps I will seek him out for a little comic relief in the future."

Stace nodded and stood from her seat. "You should do that! It'll cheer you up... and then maybe later we can have a go on the station."

Only this time the Lieutenant Colonel thought she might forgo the pranks.


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