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Returning to Duty

Posted on Wed Jun 29th, 2011 @ 12:07pm by Ensign Jennifer Russo & Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: LT Idrani's Office
Timeline: Prior to Flight of the Crumudgeons


Jenn had made it down from the Commodore's office and despite having already starting to work, she figured that she would report into the new Chief of Operations. Her old boss, Joker as Nathan called him, was promoted to XO and then killed in the line of duty. She was trying to put this off, she didn't want to deal with the pain of having a new boss and him missing. They got along good, she had made a lot interesting relationships aboard the ship. Her department head was previously probably the horniest guy she'd ever met. She was hoping to make the Flag Officer commanding the ship her boyfriend, and she was friends with his daughter who was encouraging, what was it... Heavy Petting in the Ready Room after watch.

She leaned against the bulkhead for a few minutes, relaxing from her trip down. Walking was a lot harder than she thought it would be... It was also a lot harder than it should be. She only wish she could remember what happened to her, and what killed people aboard her ship. She also needed to figure out how to catch up on all her work, it wasn't easy being the Bos'n. Especially when the Bos'n wasn't supposed to be some brand new 21 year old girl. She finally got up the nerve to stand up straight and push the chime, waiting for the new Chief of Operations to answer her.

Xishaal walked down the corridor, her eyes focused on two of three PADD's indicating a number of repairs and subsystems that needed to be tended to, especially since the Operations Department had seemed to all but disappear after the Arizona arrived at SB900. Commodore Cowell,- She refused to refer to him as Old Man, as many of the other officers seemed so fond of doing. Commodore Cowell had put her in charge of the department and expected things to get back on track rather quickly.

Her antennae picked up a disturbance in the airflow and a slight increase in the ambient temperature that was high enough to indicate that...someone was standing outside of her office. As she approached, more detailed information became apparent, height, more accurate body temperature and bio-electrical output that identified the being as Human, and female.

"....Mrs Russo, what a pleasant surprise to see you..." she said as she approached the young woman standing outside of her door. "....I take it you've recovered from your injuries?"

"Miss.." she answered. "And I prefer Bos'n actually, Ma'am. And I'm not really sure recovered is the word I'd use as much as I would bored out of my mind..." she laughed a little. "I figured we should probably meet, and you should have an idea of what I've got going on since I'm in your department." She said, nodding a little, as she looked around the office. Somehow she hadn't expected an Andorian Officer, even if she didn't think that the name was human. She had never served with one before, and this would be interesting.

" Miss Bos'n..? Strange customs you humans have.. No, perhaps interesting would be a better word. " she replied "..Well then you may simply refer to me as Lieutenant Idrani if you'd prefer to remain formal at all times then."

Gesturing to a seet opposite from hers, Xishaal instead sat on the same side of the desk as Jennifer, with her head tilted slightly forward, her antennae protruding slightly. "...I can empathize with you Bosn'n Russo, being inactive is not something I am accustomed to. I have gone over a lot of what's been done before my ascension and the current state of the department. I am a bit...disappointed that the Assistant Chief has failed to make himself available but I expect that will change rather soon, or we will simply adapt won't we?" Xishaal smiled as she sat back a little to look at the woman directly.

"..Now then, why don't you tell me what your expectations are, where you hope to make an impact here and how you think I can assist you in your endeavors? Then we will discuss what I expect, and together we will see where our individual skills can server the needs of this ship?"

Jenn laughed a little, "I didn't mean it that way Lieutenant," she said. "I just meant that I don't really like being called Miss, I prefer Bos'n but Jenn is always good too." She said, feeling a little awkward now. "It doesn't matter honestly," she said. "As for what I expect from you I'm not really sure what you mean. I take care of scheduling for the department, and the NCOs of the ship. I work closely with the XO, Chief of the Boat, and the other department heads to make training schedules, and I'm responsible for training the NCOs aboard ship... Damage control I do with the Chief Engineer, and I can also perform any function on the bridge as needed, including Officer of the Deck which I just finished before I was crushed by a bulkhead." Jenn said, rambling off a list of things she did on a regular basis that she could think of. "Not to mention the stacks of paperwork," she added.

"...that is a very...academic dedscription of your duties, right from the Academy manual Bos'n Russo.." Xishaal exclaims "....I however want to hear what you expect, not so much as what the manual says you are supposed to do.." Sitting back she continues to keep her head slightly tilted forward, her antennae undulating rhythmically as she spoke "...I have been tasked with getting this department focused on the task at hand, despite the recent loses...I suspect that Mr. April naturally expected to be promoted and has...stayed away as a sign of his displeasure over the decision.." She smiled and leaned back in her chair. You cannot be expected to do everything but I will require you to do just that! The Commodore is leading an away mission and since there are really only...four bridge certified flight control officers, and the mission requires two able pilots...I naturally volunteered. With that being said, I will be relying on you to keep the ship running while I am gone. Essentially, you will be running the department for all intense purposes..."

"It might be academic Ma'am, but it's what I did before the accident. All of it... and more than that. I don't expect anything other than to do what I'm supposed to do, or what I'm asked to do. As for the Officer's Ma'am I expect them to set an example for the NCOs in my department, and on this ship. Because I haven't gone to the academy but I'm pretty sure that's what they're supposed to do." She said, hotly. "As for Mr. April," she said. "Maybe he'd be a little more disappointed if he lost his job," she said.

Xishaal smiled, she could feel the increase in heartrate and sudden change in tone from the young woman. " seem to get upset suddenly, my question was more to what is it that you want out of life, but no matter.." She said nonchalantly "...Mr. April didn't lose his job as wasn't offered the one I know occupy. Not attending the Academy shouldn't be a reason for not getting what you deserve...." she began to say. "....It is good that you perform your duties as expected or what is asked of you..but that won't get you promoted or even recognized Bosn'n Russo.."

Rising to her feet she walked over to the replicator and switching to her native language, ordered some kind of refreshment that seconds later appeared in a medium sized carafe with two glasses. "...Would you care for something to drink? Not too worry, it is non alcoholic of course.."

"Perhaps Ma'am I'm not here to be recognized... As long as I know what I do is good what should it matter what anyone else thinks? Starfleet already gave me what I wanted from it.... an escape from Earth." Jenn shrugged, "if I didn't score so high on the tests I'd probably be a PO3 with a rating I couldn't even begin to decide on... I only choose to be a Bos'n when I completed Warrant Officer Candidate School because it gave me the most variety." She accepted the drink, "thanks." She took a sip of the liquid, "it's good... whatever it is." She said, looking at the Lieutenant for a moment before speaking again. "Ma'am until I was almost killed I wasn't like this I probably wouldn't have said half of what I did to you. However maybe the problem isn't that I really know what I want out of life yet... but I'm 21 years old I'm in no rush to figure it out."

The Andorian nodded her head as she listened to her "....Not knowing what you want to do is perfectly fine, Know that should you decide that you want more out of life, you can study for the Starfleet entrance exam while on board." Xishaal took a sip of her drink, a slightly bluish colored liquid with a sweetened refreshing taste. "...There are a number of satellite schools that you could qualify for that offer courses for NCO's who have a desire to advance. Of course, you'd have to do your studies in your free time and say farewell to most of your shore leave! Bos'n Russo, I am confident that whenever you decide that there is more for you to achieve, that there is more for you to offer, you will no doubt blaze a trail like never before!"

Xishaal hoists her glass in a toast and finishes her drink, looking at the glass.

Jenn raised her glass, and smiled. She was a little insulted, but appreciated the thought... Really to become an Officer she just had to transfer from warrant to commissioned which was relatively easy, based on her time in service whit it happened she could even start out as a Lieutenant. "Thanks,"
she said.

Xishaal smiled at the woman, though she suddenly detected a slight change in her bio electrical field and a small quickening of her heart rate, she decided to not inquire as to what the nature of her emotional change. "...Well now Bos'n Russo, If you'll excuse me, I have a shuttle to prep and a mission to depart for. I look forward to working with you soon!" She said rising to her feet "...Oh and, welcome back Bos'n Russo!" she added.

"Thanks Ma'am," she said. "Glad to be back on my feet..." With that the young Warrant Officer made her departure, limping out the door.


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