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And then there were two...

Posted on Wed Jun 29th, 2011 @ 3:31am by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Darek Halsey

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: En Route to Planet
Timeline: Current

Gathering her group together as the Commodore bellowed out the team assignments, Lieutenant Colonel Stace S. DeVries wasted no time in ushering them one by one as their name was selected into the nearby shuttle, Tucson. Their assignment was a simple one by title but complex in actual work. Schmoozing potential enemies was never an easy thing to do especially if inexperienced but she had faith that each of her members were intelligent enough to handle themselves and their business up to Federation standard.

"Alright gang... before I get started on my usual boring pre-arrival speech, do we have any questions so far?"

"Yea, I have one right here!" Darek replied sarcastically from the co-pilot's seat. "What's the in flight movie, and do we get a complimentary meal or is it just drinks and peanuts?" He inquired, his expression quite serious. Looking around the cabin he quickly shrugged his shoulders and turned back towards the console, "No, but in all seriousness, we got the hard part of this deal. We get the common folk, your blue collars. Those who probably don't like uniforms or outsiders, and don't like questions being asked... We know that right?" He inquired, not to sound redundant or like an idiot. But to vocalize it and make it clear as crystal.

Looking back towards the Colonel, "How we going to run it Ma'am?"

Stace raised an eyebrow at the question of a 'movie' but knew by now it was a custom response from the man. "The Langoliers, perhaps?" she suggested with a small smirk before directing her gaze back towards the other members of their party. "As Mister Halsey has pointed out, for those of you unaware, we are indeed going to be dealing with a group of individuals who might not be particularly receptive to our questioning let alone our presence. This, of course, means we're going to have to be creative in our techniques. Is this going to be a problem for anyone so far?"

Quickly glancing over the ops panel Darek replied from his seat back over his shoulder, "I sure as hell don't Ma'am."

Realizing the remaining members of her team were about a mum as a corpse, the red head nodded and proceeded with her usual rundown of expectations. "Once we arrive to the surface our group has been tasked with as Mr. Halsey pointed out shortly ago handling the hard part of the deal. Our goal is to seek out information at pretty much any cost. Do not doubt for one second that Section 31 has not got their hand involved in all sorts of who knows what. These people are likely to be rude, obnoxious and generally a pain in our ass. You suck it up, endure it and get the job done. If someone even looks at you funny, you check them out. We want to know who's been here, when, why, etc."

"And!" Darek began pipping in once again, "IF they decide to give you trouble, let the Colonel, myself, or the both of us know and we'll take a wack at them and see if we can't break them down a bit," Pausing as he thought, "It might be good to make use of some gold-pressed latinum if they are stubborn, gold-pressed latinum makes for looser lips; and on that note a few slips should be good enough, but if not don't go over a strip if you do you just make yourself a target."

"I'm not entirely sure their economy supports latinum," Stace remarked casually, "But I'm sure there will be something they want that we have. Progressive they might be, technologically, but they aren't exactly at our level just yet. From what I've been told, they don't even have replicators. As it stands, do what you think prudent but keep it low key for now."

Colonel DeVries turned to their shuttle pilot, "At your leisure, Mister Harrington."


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