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Out In The Field Again

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2011 @ 2:35pm by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: USS Arizona Docking Port 2, hallways
Timeline: current

Maliya stood in line to board the ship. The line was moving at a quicker pace than she'd really expected, so she surmised she must have just caught the end of it. She WAS late to be honest, her transport didn't pick her up on time, and as a result, she was running rather late. She hadn't managed to read up much on the ship but from what she could gather some quite large crap had happened to them and they had lost a lot of people, and were still recovering.

So that either meant a lot of work for her or a little, depending on the status of Sickbay and the Medical Staff. But she didn't care much, she was not the boss this time, just a Ship's Surgeon. As she stepped through the port she handed in her transfer orders and was just about to walk off in search of the Quartermaster to find her quarters when the Security Officer called after her.

"El Tee, got for from Sickbay for all Medical crew," he said as he walked over to her, leaving his colleage to finish the work.

Maliya sighed, clearly not wanting to be there, "That's Doctor to you."

The man pretty much ignored her but acknowledged her none the less, "Ma'am. All new Medical personnel are to report to Lieutenant Kar'G for assignment."

Maliya's eyebrow arched, "What did you change Med Chiefs in the few days it took me to get here? Isn't Kar'G the surgeon?"

"Yes, ma'am, but the Chief isn't aboard currently and Doc Kar'G is in charge." said the man.

Maliya waved him off with an "Yeah, alright, I'll hurry up and jogged off, eager to find her quarters and get her belongings stowed before she went to the belly of the beast and got to work."

===20 minutes later, Torrna's Quarters===

Walking out of her bedroom, Maliya looked around her new home once again. They weren't as big as her flat back on Earth but they would do. She'd taken a few minutes to settle down, reach her happy place and have her coffee, because Torrna Maliya didn't function without coffee, no sir.

So if Doctor Serran was not aboard, and Doctor Kar'G was in charge, but he was a JG, that would mean she outranked him. And since she didn't see an Assistant signed up when she checked the medical staff, that would more than likely make her the next highest ranked medic.

~Ooooooh shit,'s bound to be someone else. I'm the surgeon, I don't want to be in charge~ she grumbled to herself mentally.

Naturally, ten minutes later, she was checking herself out in the mirror and sattisfied that she looked professional and presentable, she headed for Sickbay.

And what awaited her there was what she was afraid of.


Doctor Torrna Maliya, Lieutenant
Ship's Surgeon


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