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Minnnni Scouts

Posted on Tue Jun 28th, 2011 @ 12:42am by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eldon Solus

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Planetside
Timeline: Current


Eldon's unusual appearance attracted considerably more attention than others in the landing party. It was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, furtive efforts to glean information would be difficult. On the other hand, however, uniqueness sparked curiosity. Notables who would otherwise disregard Starfleet visitors wanted a few moments of contact. He even picked up an escort, a servant dispatched to conduct Eldon through the community.

For the most part, though not always, ranking members of the community treated Eldon more like an art object. They talked about him as much as they did to him.
"What an odd morphology! Amphibian root, you say?"
"A male? Well, I suppose."
"Look at those eyes. I wonder how they register light in comparison to our own?"
"Did you know that the lifespan of his race is only about forty years?"
"Oh dear, we shouldn't keep him lest the young man who came depart as an old one!"

Eldon's staccato speech wasn't much inspiration for heady dialog. People seemed more interested in hearing his voice than the actual content of his words. Whatever was happening, the crowds amidst which he mingled had a thick, oppressive air about them. Eldon commented to himself, "Mostly unfriendly. Low ranking citizens mostly quiet. Hm, wonder. Is negative social factor born of culture or current situation?"

Through the afternoon, he skirted around the more prominent office buildings. It was the logical thing to do. If he expressed an interest in visiting them, he would be denied. If he ignored them and gave attention to lower ranks, the nobles would insist upon first audience. "Similar to humans... reverse psychology often effective." His guide seem kindly enough, a low ranking servant. Eldon gleaned as much ancillary information as he could about their society. "Interesting. Population appears quite healthy. No severe medical maladies in sight."

"Yes, sir. Our medical knowledge and infrastructure is quite mature."

Perhaps the one thing about Eldon's exploration that allayed any suspicions about spying was, he rarely stopped for very long. His conversations amounted to little more than greetings and brief comments. One would think he had little time to engage any probing questions. In spite of this, his assignment to find answers was cut short. He encountered a noble woman who had an animal not terribly unlike a dog. The creature glared at him, studying with full senses. It's owner kept a fixed stare at Eldon with slightly lowered forehead. Her voice was low and smooth, "My pet doesn't like you. He senses that you are not one to be trusted."

"Have seen many times. Indigenous creatures often unnerved by xeno-contact."

"No, strange little man. My pet is trained and knows no fear. You're up to something. I don't know what it is."

"Am here to study, to learn. Hope that is not objectionable?"

"I think you're done. Return to your ship. Now."

Eldon gave a nod and pressed his comm badge, "Will depart now." He grasped the hand of his guide, "My thanks."

After reaching the appointed rendezvous, the security guard frowned pensively at his scanner. "Doctor Solus, call me crazy, but you you've just shed ten pounds of mass from the time you started."

"Correct. Clothing layers a net of adapted surgical microbots. Systematically shed them through the day."

"WHAT? You know the trouble you're in!?"

"No trouble. No contamination, materials dissolve in a few hours. Cursory scans should register them as shed skin cells. Tiny fibrils spread in the wind, stick to citizens' clothing, stick to citizens' annoying dogs. Conversations recorded, encrypted. Compressed burst transmissions will sound like ambient static. Unlikely that locals can identify. Our computers can decrypt, sort, and analyze conversations. Much more efficient than personal conversations with people who do not wish to share."

The guard closed his eyes and sighed, "You'd better be right about it all dissolving!"

"Guaranteed. Unstable substance. Decay is inevitable, harmless." Eldon then sat down, opened up a holo-terminal, then proceeded to work on personal projects.


PO2 Eldon Solus
Medical Officer
USS Arizona


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