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This Is Our Battlefield

Posted on Tue Jun 28th, 2011 @ 9:57am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: following 'Out In The Field Again'

Maliya stepped through the Sickbay doors and looked around. Not quite what she was expecting, in fact rather below the standards for this class of ship. Her previous mood of, 'I'm the surgeon, I ain't getting involved with this' evaporated into thin air as her training and her intuition as a healer kicked in. This place needed a firm hand, now.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Doctor Kar'G." she pulled a nurse aside. "Tell him Doctor Torrna is reporting?"

The nurse pointed at the open door of the Chief Medical Officer where a large Klingon in a clean uniform sat at the desk in front of a pile of PADDs.

Around the sickbay, it was fairly clear of patients, the last of whom were still recovering from the attack on Arizona by the Romulans. Most of the cases looked well enough to be on their feet, but the severity of some injuries keep them in Sickbay.

Maliya nodded and walked off in the direction of the office.

"Doctor Kar'G? Doctor Torrna...assigned as Ship's Surgeon, reporting as requested." she announced her presence to the Klingon and stepped through, into his office.

"Hmmm...yes? Come in. I apologize for the mess. I've been catching up since Lieutenant Serran went on the away mission." He picked up a personnel PADD and looked through it. "Ah, yes. Doctor Torrna. You had an impressed run on the USS Warsaw. Why did you decide to not pursue a vessel where you could be the Chief Medical Officer again?"

Maliya chuckled, "Because I'm told I'm not good with people...actually I lie. I got tired of being the boss. I'm a Doctor not an Administrator." she shrugged, as she glanced around.

Truth be told, her messes would probably be worse.

"So you lie, and you don't like giving orders. What is your specialty with patients?" The big Klingon frowned at her, emphasizing the strange eye shaped fold on his forehead.

"My good colleague, everybody lies. The body doesn't. That's what I specialize in, fixing it. The virology I specialized in out of fun." another shrug. "Combat medicine and herbology I picked up along the way."

The eye shaped ridge would prove to be a point of amusement to Maliya in the future, but she wasn't going to touch on it now, she wasn't too keen on going head to head with a Klingon right now, he'd tear her apart, and she wasn't feeling like putting up too much of a fight.

Kar'G laughed, and it was a deep, pleasant sound. "At least you have thick skin. I apologize for calling you a liar. I became a surgeon to save lives and valuable experience that too many prefer to let die while they trained new bloods. It is a waste." He said the last a bit vehemently with a frown. "You save the life and the experience will repay you a hundred times."

That statement touched something deep inside Maliya. Something similar her parents had said to her when they first began training her as a healer.

"I agree with you there, Doc." she offered a smile to the funny looking Klingon. "So, do you want me to take over, seeing as how I'm a ranking physician and have admin experience and you can go back to stitching people up, or do you want me to do that and you admin up and hate it later?" she asked, chuckling as she imagined the big guy throwing a fit at how much the paperwork annoyed him.

Prophets knew she threw a similar fit so many times.

The big Klingon smiled at her, revealing his teeth, but not in a bad way. "I think you and I will get along fine, Lieutenant Maliya. For the most part, all the patients are progressing the way they should be. In the meantime, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with Sickbay and I'll handle the paperwork unless something comes up."

"First of all, it's Doctor, and second it's Doctor Torrna. We're not nearly friendly enough to be on an individual name basis, Doctor Kar'G." she said with a neutral face, "And don't say I didn't offer. I don't offer things lightly. Just sign me in, so I can get the proper clearances to make the followups later."

Now Kar'G frowned. "The name on the report is Lieutenant Torrna Maliya, MD. I did not address you by your first name, Doctor." He emphasized the word doctor as he glared at her. "Unless Starfleet has it wrong. However, since you wish to be like this," He punched the authorization in to add her to the roster. "Be about your business of getting acquainted with how things are run around here. When you are done, you may begin the paperwork of your analysis to be submitted to Lieutenant Serran upon his return. Good day."

With that, Doctor Kar'G turned to the stack of PADDs in front of him and grabbed the nearest one and began to go over a diagnostic of one of the patients lying in Sickbay.

Maliya simply turned on her heel and left the office, unphased by the Klingon's attitude. She just...didn't care. He couldn't say she hadn't offered. A part of her was glad he didn't give her the reins, a part however wanted it to happen. But small steps. She went over to one of the wall consoles and accessed the patient list, and transferred the records to a PaDD. Armed with that, she grabbed one of the crewmen to show her around the Sickbay.


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