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Posted on Mon Jul 11th, 2011 @ 9:22pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Lischka's Quarters
Timeline: Following 'Aftermath; Damage Control'

Xylia walked through the door leading into her quarters and almost fell to the floor. She was so happy to be back on board the ship, but at the same time she was extremely pissed off. Whoever it was that blew the Ministry up purposely framed them for the act, and that didn't sit well with her. Another thing that didn't sit well... the fact that one of more people in her own crew knew what the hell was going on and didn't feel that she or anyone else was privy to the information. What good did that do in the long run?

She would get answers, but right now she didn't want to worry about that. What she needed was some aspirin, a shower and to cuddle her dogs while she slept for a few hours. That would happen all in due time, though. Making her way over to the cabinet containing her booze, she pulled the door open and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. It was time to settle down and have a drink or two and reflect on everything that just took place.

Tipping the bottle to her lips, the Lieutenant took a swig of the amber colored liquid, relishing in the burn it left as it moved down the back of her throat. Her head hurt, but soon the dull ache would be nothing more than a memory. As would the disappearance of Harrington. She seriously doubted they would find him. Alive at any rate. It would be a miracle if they did. That bothered her more than it should. Xylia didn't know him personally, so she shouldn't really care, but she did. He was one of her fellow crew mates, and while she didn't have the chance to get to know him, it still bothered her.

Then, there was Idrani. The Andorian woman was beaten within an inch of her life, or so it seemed when she was finally deposited into the cell with the rest of them. Even during her psychotic episode, she was with it enough to know there were some broken ribs and various other injuries. After she rested for a little while, she would head down to sickbay and pay the Lieutenant a visit.

Xylia took another long sip from the bottle and laid her head back, allowing her eyes to close for the first time since leaving on the away mission. She saw herself sitting in the cell again... pacing back and forth across the floor, wanting to feel the bone of the two women cracking underneath her hands. Now she knew visioning things like that weren't normal. Perhaps it was time to pay a visit to the resident counselor and get some happy pills.


The only way she'd go see a shrink is if she were ordered to do so by the Commodore himself. She wasn't the only one suffering from hostile thoughts. At least... she hoped she wasn't. Besides, her happy pills came in the shape of a bottle of booze.

The Lieutenant brought the bottle to her lap and stared at it. Was this really what she needed to be doing at the moment? She could be doing so many other things, but she was ordered to her quarters along with the rest of the away team. If she left now, the Commodore would have the proverbial cow, and undoubtedly reprimand her. She certainly wasn't in the mood for that right now. Her blood needed a chance to cool down, and she didn't want to run the risk of doing something she would regret later.

For now, it would have to do.

A third pull from the bottle, then a forth. The pain in her head was starting to ease, but she was far from being drunk. She pushed herself to her feet and moved back over to the bar. Taking one last look at the bottle, she screwed the cap back on and placed it back into the cabinet. What she really needed was a workout.

"Computer... Activate playlist four... Volume seventeen."

The music thumped through the walls of her quarters, fast and furious. Just the right kind of music she needed to help get out some pent up aggression. It would do her wonders to have an opponent standing on the other side of her, but she would have to make due at the moment. Stretching her arms and loosening up her muscles, she began to throw a flurry of punches at the air, but it wasn't enough to keep her mind from wandering.

They met back at the rendezvous point like instructed, and that's when all hell broke loose. There was no time for any of them to react, nor was there any shot at the fighting back even if they wanted to. The people on that planet were huge. Well, the guards were at any rate. And lesbians, no doubt. No matter how many of the men the Commodore through at them, their lack of interest was enough for her to pass judgment. Maybe they were into the elderly. If that were the case, then Cowell would have been right up their alley. Who knew? She didn't plan on going back to find out.

And they'd escaped...

What would be the repercussions of that?

What would Starfleet think of that?

Xylia prayed to whatever God would listen that the Federation wouldn't side with the Archadians and toss them all back into the brig. It didn't sit well with her being on that side of the fence. She was the one who threw people in there, not the other way around, and there was absolutely no way in hell she had any intentions of ever going back.

"Computer.. End playlist."

This was getting her nowhere aside from making her paranoid, and no matter how hard she tried, her mind just wouldn't cease the constant musings of recent events. Maybe she should take a trip to sickbay and see if there was something they could give her to help her sleep. Then again, she could run head first into a wall. That would get the desired effect, but it would make her head start hurting again.

Shaking her head, Xylia gave a sigh and headed for her bedroom, willing her mind to cease and desist.


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