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To Forget For Now

Posted on Tue Jul 12th, 2011 @ 11:37am by Lieutenant Commander Aral Aix & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Aix's Quarters
Timeline: Concurrent/Following 'Musings'

Aral Aix groaned as his wide hands caressed his naked abdomen. He stood in the sonic shower, allowing the warm waves to pound the sweat, dirt and grease from his weary skin. He leaned against the side of the unit and wiped his face, brushing his hair back as he admired the patchwork of bruises that covered his form. He had lost track of time in captivity, almost forty-eight hours had passed. Eventually Aral emerged from the shower unit, his naked body immaculately clean. The main room of his quarters was dark and empty, save for standard furniture and several storage crates of his personal effects. Aral pulled one of the crates open and began to rummage inside for clothes; his prison uniform had been sentenced to oblivion in the replicator half an hour earlier.

Dressed in plain dark civilian clothes Aral fished an unopened bottle of Saurian Brandy and a glass from another crate. He eased himself down into one of the easy chairs and filled the tumbler. He took a sip from the glass and exhaled slowly. He slouched into the chair, his head resting on his shoulder and his arms and legs splayed out. He closed his eyes and sighed once more. So much had happened since his arrival a couple of days earlier. He was tired and his body ached. He remained slouched in his chair counting each breath; he was weary but reluctant to sleep. Ten minutes later he drained the glass, wincing momentarily as the fiery liquid passed down his throat before pouring himself another and draining it. Abandoning the glass to the table he carried the bottle into the dark bedroom. He leaned against the bulkhead and regarded the room. The bed he was yet to sleep in lay undressed and unappealing in the starlight.

"Fuck it." He whispered to himself before regarding the amber fluid in the bottle and walking out of his quarters, his fingers twisted around the bottle's curved neck.

=Lischka's Quarters=

Xylia Lischka had just set foot in her bedroom, stepping through the silence that now filled her quarters in the absence of music when she was disturbed by her door chime. She stopped in mid-step and looked toward the door. Who could that be? There wasn't anyone she was expecting at the moment, but it was likely important if they were coming to her. The Lieutenant turned and moved toward the door, opening it. The surprise on her face at who she saw standing there was clearly written on her face.

As the door slid open Aral pulled himself up to his full height and regarded the blonde woman who he had disturbed. Pushing doubts and notions of professional propriety to the back of his head he began speaking. "I don't know how you're feeling, but I'm not ready for sleep yet and could do with the company." He paused for a moment, "Drink?" He gestured with the bottle in his right hand.

"Hey... if you're buying, I'm always up for a drink." She stepped out of the way and gestured for him to move inside. This was going to be a fairly interesting encounter.

"Ah," Said Aix, taking a second to check the coridoors were clear each way, "The old man said we had to go to quarters, he didn't say they had to be our own." He smirked conspiratorially, "He included himself and the Colonel - to catch us he'd have to break his own orders."

The woman smirked. She'd been on board for a while, and was certain she knew how their Commodore worked. "The Commodore has workaholic tendencies, so I don't see him staying in his quarters long. The Colonel... she'll be fine wherever there happens to be booze. As for me, I feel like I could sleep for a week, but I know that's not an option." She moved over to her own liquor cabinet and opened it, revealing various bottles of shape, size and color. "If we get through yours, I've got more." If Aral were to sit and make an attempt to count what was in there, there had to be at least thirty.

Aral showed himself in, ostensibly with the purpose of inspecting Xylia's impressive cabinet. "I've always admired women with a passion for collecting." He set his bottle down on her coffee table. "I used to collect things when I was a woman... but these days my passions lie elsewhere." He carefully looked at Xylia, she sported several bruises, although the swelling in her face had subsided. He took the liberty of sitting on her window seat.

"When you were a woman, huh?" She eyed the man sitting on her window seat a little skeptically. Of course, he was messing around, and right now she welcomed the distraction of her thoughts wandering to other things. "Booze is, by far, the best collection to have."

Aral nodded, as if agreeing alcohol was a perfectly rational thing to collect; he filled two tumblers with brandy and left the top off the bottle. Aral picked his glass up and made to toast Xylia. "So, here's to the lesbians of Archadia III and a strip search on my first day." She joined him in the toast and they both emptied their glasses in one. "Today was a dark day wasn't it?"

"It definitely was one I'd rather not relive in the near future." Xylia replied, falling back onto her couch again. "I have no doubt they were lesbians, and I'm pretty happy that the Commodore didn't offer me up. If I never have to see that planet again, all will be well in my little world."

"They would have snapped you in two." Aral replied as he refilled their glasses.

Xylia eyed the man. "You certainly are quick to make assumptions, Commander. Despite my appearance, I can and will hold my own. You're fairly new here, so I gather you don't know about my little throw down the Commodore. He's got hundreds of years worth of experience on me, and I held my own against him. Don't judge me based on my appearance. I'm not in my position because I laid on my back and let every Commanding force at the Academy nail me nine ways to Sunday. I'm in my position because I can hold my own against man, woman or machine." She got to her feet again and moved over to her own liquor, retrieving the bottle of whiskey she deposited earlier. "You have the access... go look into my background."

Aral's face had expressed shock as Lischka spoke, after it ended it had moved into intrigue. "I was talking about sex..." He replied as he took a sip from his glass.

The woman blinked as her mouth formed the silent 'o'. He was probably right, but thinking about herself in that kind of situation with those two women made her want to toss her cookies. "Yes, well, you might be right about that. I'm not one to just lay around and do nothing, but I'm pretty sure I would have in that particular circumstance."

"Really? And have been nailed nine ways to Sunday by their commanding presence?" Aral teased. "I must say," he paused regarding Xylia's face which was still a mixture of embarrassment and disgust, "Three hours on the Arizona and I was reduced to a twice spurned gigolo."

"Well, you didn't think the Commodore would offer up himself, did you? And besides, you're a pretty attractive guy. If they weren't lesbians, I'm sure they would have been all over you, so try not to feel too bad about it." She gave him an award winning smile and took a drink from the bottle in her hand before returning to the glass of brandy she left behind.

"Thanks... I was more relieved than insulted to tell the truth." Aral accepted her compliment and returned her smile before once again emptying his glass. "So," he began as he relaxed into the sofa, "is it all explosions, hostage situations and jack booted lesbians on the Arizona?"

Xylia drained the glass of brandy and leaned back once more. She was definitely going to feel this later, but it would be more than worth it. The ache in her head was nothing more than a distant memory. "Not always, though she's definitely seen her share of action. I don't foresee us having much quiet time any time soon, so, we should enjoy it while we can."

"I'll drink to that." Said Aral as he took a long sip from his glass and went on to top both of their glasses up. He was intoxicated but in full command of himself. "Enjoy it while we can..."

Having kept up with Stace many times in the past, Xylia wasn't drunk... yet... but she was well on her way to a state of intoxication that she welcomed. Without a doubt, she would forget what went on earlier in the day, if only for a little while, and that was enough for her. She drained the contents of her glass a third time, then took a long swig from the bottle, before passing it over to him. "It's the best whiskey money can buy." She found herself getting to her feet again. "I'm in desperate need of a shower, though. You're welcome to stick around if you want."

Aral took a swig from the bottle. "How about I join you?"

"There's always that option, too." She smiled at him over her shoulder and headed for the bathroom.

Aral set the bottle carefully down on the table and stood up, moving towards Xylia and removing his shirt in the process. "Have you ever wondered how far down the spots go?"

"As a matter of fact, I was a little curious. I suppose I'm about to find out." She moved into the bathroom backwards, keeping her eyes locked on him. Yes... she would definitely forget. Maybe not forever, but for a little while.


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