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Helping Hands pt. 02

Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2011 @ 3:25pm by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD & Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current: After Helping Hands pt. 01 and To Friendship



Maliya pulled up a chair and sat next to Idrani's bed. "Your physiology. With the extent of damage on you, were you a normal Andorian, you'd be dead. You're quite lucky. Barely knew what to make of you to be honest...but you're a fighter, you made it."

"hmpf, I don't remember much of how I got here, I am fortunate to have been in you care. I have much to tell you and at present, not enough energy to tell it. but first a little back story..."

Xishaal relates to the doctor about her life before Starfleet, before being inducted into the Imperial Guard and of the special circumstances surrounding her birth.

Pausing, she feels exasperated and asks to continue the conversation at a later point. The earlier dose of sedatives begin to take effect and as her antennae droop and retract she drifts off to sleep once more.


Xishaal suddenly picked her head up, she must have fallen asleep again, a cursor glaince at a monitor told her that she'd been out for a number of hours. reaching over to the edge of the Biobed she hit a call button for Dr. Torrna

Torrna entered the Ward within seconds, "Can't get enough of me, eh Sleeping Beauty?" she asked as she approached the Andorian's bed.

"..seeing as i'm your only real patient and...." Xishaal's face contorted in frustration as she tried to extend both of her antennae at the same time which ended in failure ".....This isn't how I arrived here doctor! Do you know how bad this is?"

Maliya placed a hand on Xishaal's good shoulder, "Idrani, take a deep breath then slowly exhale. Your motor function will return but you have to give it time. Like I told you before, you've beaten up so badly I'm surprised, pleasantly so, that you're still with us. You've had serious head trauma...well you've had serious trauma all over, you can't expect to recover over night. That's not how it works." she said in a calm tone, holding the other woman's eyes with her own.

"..You could tell me to relax until you are blue in the face and it still wouldn't help Doctor!" Xishaal snapped suddenly, starring at the woman until the irony of what she had just said becoming apparent. Bursting out into laughter she covered her face with her hands "....sorry doctor, I've read so much on Human humor, trying to understand it that sometimes what i've read comes out in my interactions..."

Maliya was chuckling along, "You and me both, but don't worry about it. Look I know it's tough. You're the 'action woman', and now your wings have been clipped and you're itching to get back out there. I've been there, it sucks, it's annoying and it frustrates the kosst out of you because there's just no getting it to work." she said, her eyes and expression full of sympathy and understanding.

" that's not it at all actually...Our antennae helps us to..define our environment, much in the way your own eyes help give you depth perception. We...require both antennae extended and working in conjunction in order to even walk properly! I've never heard of any Andorian being able to move their antennae independently of one another, much less not be perceived as some kind of...abomination!"

Maliya watched her for a moment. This wasn't just about her antennae, was it? Her whole posture the way she spoke, there was something else there.

"I know the use of your antennae, Idrani..." she said, "Who do you think will perceive you as an abomination?" she asked softly.

Xishaal's eyes narrowed "..There aren't many Bolians on board and as far as I know, I'm the only Andorian on board! You've done your homework, genetically I have more in common with a human than other Andorians! Not being able to use both antennae....." she threw up her hands in frustration "...Nevermind,..." Xishaal shook her head. "Have you ever tried walking with one leg? Or reading with only one eye?"

"When you arrived, one of your antennae was fully retracted and the other was writhing around as if in terrible distress. This can happen when one suffers heavy trauma especially to the vital organs. Muscles contracted so violently you had almost torn them. You should be back to normal in a couple of days. But you have to give it time. It WILL get better." Maliya said, "If you want I'll allow only specified visitors so you don't get seen by anyone you don't want to see. You need to let your body do its course. As for being perceived as an abomination, not on this ship. And I'll personally rip anyone and everyone who dares to try a bloody new one."

Xishaal smiled as she looked closer at Dr. Torrna "...That's a very Andorian thing to say,.....Are you sure you're Bajoran?" she replied. Sitting back resting her hands behind her head "...I don't have too many friends...actually just the two really, and one is no longer on It's highly doubtful that anyone would take the time to see how I'm doing.."

Maliya chuckled, "I'm a veteran of the Resistance, and the Dominion War. I know how to kick ass aswell as how to patch it back together. And I'm not afraid to use it, which...depending on which Counselor you ask is a good or a bad thing." she hoped that would clarify her view on the matter, "As for friends...yeah...I'm not stocked up on those I relish the few that I have. But a new friend is always good. Whenever they are set to walk the same path with you."

"..Hmmm...very well Doctor, Tell me about the surgeries? I was positive I had micro-fractures in a number of places and some internal bleeding..."

Maliya nodded, "You had a broken rib, you'd bitten your tongue, multiple blunt force and electrical trauma, your liver was lacerated, your spleen had been severely contused. Broken left shoulder-blade, cracked jaw and nose, microfractures along your right leg and foot. Took Doctor Callai and me five hours to patch you up. Just as we patched up one bit we realised the other was nearly as bad as the first one." she kept her answers simple so that the Andorian could understand, most people weren't brished up on medical terminology.

She wasn't exactly sure why the Andorian wanted to know all this, most people just say thank you and move on. But then again, in the day she'd been aboard, a lot of things she wasn't used to happened.

"Well, nonetheless, I am forturnate to have been in both of your capable hands.." Xishaal yawned "...I think I need to get a little more rest if you don't mind?"

Maliya nodded, "Of course not. I'm a beep away." she said standing up and whirling the chair away.

As Xishaal drifted off, Maliya withdrew from the Ward quietly.


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