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Coming aboard

Posted on Tue Dec 28th, 2010 @ 4:47am by Petty Officer 2nd Class Wally Ruiz

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: USS Sentinel
Timeline: Present

Crew Quarters
USS Sentinel

The alarm went off at precisely zero-six hundred hours, waking Ru. He sat up and threw his legs over the edge of his bed, his warm cover sliding off of him and into a heap on the bed, forgotten. He leaned forward, elbows on knees and rubbed his face. Today was the day. He was transferring off for a promotion and a new position. As he sat there staring off into oblivion, Ru thought about his career in Starfleet. He had been in for only seven years now, a full year into his second enlistment term of six years. In that time, he served on the USS Swiftsure, an old war-horse Ambassador-class Starship. On that particular ship, he had met and befriended the person that would eventually becoming his Commanding Officer on his third assignment, the USS Sentinel, a prototype to the Sentinel-class Starships. Now, as he stood to get dressed, he knew that moving to the USS Arizona, a Prometheus-class Starship, he would be met with trials and new experiences. All told, he was looking forward to the transfer.

An hour later, Ru sat around those he considered his closest friends on the Sentinel, a sort of going-away party for Ru. Everyone was there, including his Department Head, Lieutenant Ruic. "You know," Ruic was saying to Ruiz, "Just because you are moving on doesn't mean you think you can get away from me." Ruic was, of course, teasing. "I intend to get ahold of your Security Chief and let him know all about the trouble you've caused here." Ruic laughed and slapped Ru on the shoulder. "You are a damned fine soldier, Mr Ruiz. You will be missed. Nothing I can do to convince you otherwise?"

Ru thought about it for a moment. "Well," he said, beginning slowly, "You could give me Chief," referring to Chief Petty Officer, which was two ranks above his newest rank of Petty Officer Second Class.

Ruic smiled in humor. "What, and give you all the power in the department? HA! Fat chance!" Everyone laughed.

=/\=Captain Bane to Lieutenant Ruic.=/\=

Ruic, who was still laughing at Ruiz, answered his call from the Captain. "Go ahead sir."

=/\=The shuttle for Petty Officer Ruiz has arrived. Please ensure he doesn't miss it.=/\=

"Aye sir. Im with him now and will escort him to the Shuttlebay. Ruic out." Ruic then looked at Ruiz. "You ready?"

Ru stood. "As I'll ever be, I suppose." He hugged and shook the hands of those nearest him, and waved wildly to everyone else before following his Department Head to the Shuttlebay.

=Three Days Later=

Ru had his foot resting on his duffle, which contained most of his uniforms and all of his personal clothing, as he watched the Prometheus-class Starship dock from the Observation Deck. He was at Deep Space 6 and had been here for the better part of the day awaiting the ship to arrive. The ship was graceful, her lines smooth and beautiful, just like a young woman, but he knew this girl had teeth, had power and held secrets under her surface. He had to admit that he was feeling a mix of wonderful feelings; trepedation, excitement, nervousness, glee and giddiness. He picked up his duffle, slung it over his right shoulder, and grabbed his orders from the table he had occupied for the day, setting off for the Docking Area. Several minutes later, he was struck at how empty the corridor leading to the USS Arizona was; nobody else was going in, and nobody was coming out. It was damned strange. Even on the Sentinel, one of the newest ships, at least a year ago, of the line, there were still scores of people moving in and out of the ship from the Docking Ring.

As Ru made it around the bend, he saw the Docking Hatch that attached to the umbilical, and the Security guard that occupied it. ~Probably one of my guys,~ Ru thought to himself. He stepped up to the man and handed him his ordered. After a moment, the guard placed his thumbprint on it. "Welcome aboard, Mr. Ruiz. Your quarters are on Deck 9, Section Three-Gamma, Starboard.

"Thank you," Ru said. He was very conscious that the man knew who he was, and he wanted to make a good impression. "Keep up the good work. I will be back a little later to check on you," he was saying, not paying attention to where he was going, and promptly tripped over the umbilical lip, crashing down hard to the deck, his duffle landing atop him. The Security Guard laughed. Ru stood up and gathered himself, more damage done to his pride and ego that to his body. He hurried off out of sight, wishing for all the world that he could turn back time and try that again.

Petty Officer 2nd Class Wally 'Ru' Ruiz
USS Arizona


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